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So, you think birth control has no side effects? The side effects vary from type to type, but how does a doctor choosing whether to prescribe a contraceptive affect their medical skills? Its not a necessary medicine and there are healthier alternatives, so in a sense, they are taking better care of their patients.
I could understand your logic if religious beliefs denied someone necessary, life saving procedures or medicine, but that is not the case here.
You need to do a little more research on birth control
. They are used for other medical reasons besides keeping someone from getting pregnant. Doctors have prescribed birth control
for hormonal and menopausal issues for women.
Healthier alternatives? What, rhythm method, abstinence, or c0ndoms?
That's why Catholic women pop out 3 times as many babies as any other woman who practices other religions. Let's have 5 kids because 'god told us it was the right thing to do'. What a crock. That's why I have a sister who is 63, and a brother who is 42. Gotta love that Catholic logic.