Heres how to REMOVE ICH from FISH safely!


Guys and Girls .. can we get along?
Look everyone has their own opinions and experiences about how to cure ich and let's just keep it that way.
The original post was probably done by a very happy guy/girl who has a good experience with ich medication .. and some of you disagree because of the same path taken turns to be a bad one or believe that's not it .. the bottom line is he/she just want to share his experiences.
This is just a forum where people exchange their ideas .. not a doctor office for a license pratice advice .. respect other people ideas .. if it does not work for you, then try your own way .. if you try and failed then move on .. do whatever best to fit your (fishes) needs .. afterall your tank and everyone else tank is different.
I am not taking anyone else side .. I had my bad experiences too (w/ medication, hypo, copper) and I just like to share some of my experiences if anyone ask .. but please don't bite me if it doesn't work for you .. OK


I agree I stated several times, I really believe the original poster was genuinely trying to be helpful. If it seems like it helped, then I say great! If it added more slime coat to a fish, that in itself is a good thing. I have more of a problem with the company stating that it "removes all parasites" than anything else.
I've enjoyed this thread.....maybe I'm a sick individual
but I like a lively exchange of ideas. Better to be passionate about something than to not give a damn about anything.


"That can't happen in my tank. I run a QT. I understand the life cycle of Ich. There is NO ICH in my tank. So that's not an issue. From your post, it seems you believe this medication replaces proper QT. There are a lot of reasons other than Ich to QT...."
To me this statement sounds rather arrogant. I understand that it is possible to have an ich free tank, however, to boast about "knowing" and "understanding" something, and then claiming it can't happen to like saying you will never get in an accident. We live in a realistic world, and things happen no matter what you may do to prevent them.
I understand how the product works, I've read their website, I've been reading this post from the very begining, and I am only trying to get people to back off of the original poster for stating that something worked for him. I just want people to think for themselves and be willing to try things on their own. The only way we learn is by actually applying it, and to read something and never try it only to say it won't or can't or doesn't have a chance of working cause I tried this and this works. That is close minded, and you really haven't learned anything. Like I said, do what works for you.


Originally Posted by robn
I agree I stated several times, I really believe the original poster was genuinely trying to be helpful. If it seems like it helped, then I say great! If it added more slime coat to a fish, that in itself is a good thing. I have more of a problem with the company stating that it "removes all parasites" than anything else.
I've enjoyed this thread.....maybe I'm a sick individual
but I like a lively exchange of ideas. Better to be passionate about something than to not give a damn about anything.
You are misinterpreting the part where it says "removes all parasites". That is just implying it removes all parasites from the SICK fish, NOT from the tank itself. It clearly says that the medicine does NOT kill ICH or PARASITES, but just provides a false host, which in turn gets skimmed out.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fish4ever
The original poster was simply stating what worked for him...understood..., ....
That's incorrect. The title of the thread doesn't say "here's how I got rid of Ich".
The original poster's tone was one of "This works, quit doing all that other stuff". (For instance "Yes I know, QUARANTINE, REMOVE FISH FROM TANK blah blah blah for a month blah blah")
The original poster also says:
*"Alright, so here are the steps I followed to SAFELY REMOVE ICH FROM FISH all in a matter of 5 days WITHOUT harming corals or inverts..."
*"This medicine does not KILL ICH or anything else in your tank, which is why it is SAFE. First it will enhance the slime coat on your fish, which will remove all parasites and give your fish a fighting chance. Then with another additive, the parasites attach themselves to a false host which is then naturally removed through your protein skimmer...."
*"Continue this for 5 - 6 days. You will slowly start to see ICH fall off. My one fish was totally WHITE! Im glad to see him alive..."
Those of us who have done some reading/studying of Ich are trying to explain to the original poster and others that this treatment is doomed to fail. The life cycle of Marine Ich is such that it lies dormant for too long for 5 days of medication to work. We're not attacking the original poster; We are however trying valiantly to let people know they need to research Ich for themselves and see why this is faulty information. The Tomont stage of Ich (where it in in a cyst state) can last for weeks. This medicine claims to attract the free swimming Ich to allow it to be removed by the skimmer. Great... What about the thousands of Ich waiting to hatch out?
*The OP also states: "So there you have it.. this process did work for me and all my corals, fish and inverts are 110% fine..." When in fact he had a clam die shortly after the treatment. Folks need to see that there is possibly a real risk to their inverts.


Thanks, but that is exactly what I thought they were saying, so I didn't misinterpret, I just question that statement from them......I would like to know exactly how it removes ich from the sick fish. Do you know?


unfortunately i don't know the full details.. i just know after applying it, none of my corals or inverts were harmed.. even today its fine, as u saw my tank video.. i am giving this med the benefit of the doubt.. the company says the parasites fall off and attach to the false hosts and get skimmed.. how it happens, im unsure.. just as long as it DID happen for me.


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
That's incorrect. The title of the thread doesn't say "here's how I got rid of Ich".
The original poster's tone was one of "This works, quit doing all that other stuff". (For instance "Yes I know, QUARANTINE, REMOVE FISH FROM TANK blah blah blah for a month blah blah")
The original poster also says:
*"Alright, so here are the steps I followed to SAFELY REMOVE ICH FROM FISH all in a matter of 5 days WITHOUT harming corals or inverts..."
*"This medicine does not KILL ICH or anything else in your tank, which is why it is SAFE. First it will enhance the slime coat on your fish, which will remove all parasites and give your fish a fighting chance. Then with another additive, the parasites attach themselves to a false host which is then naturally removed through your protein skimmer...."
*"Continue this for 5 - 6 days. You will slowly start to see ICH fall off. My one fish was totally WHITE! Im glad to see him alive..."
Those of us who have done some reading/studying of Ich are trying to explain to the original poster and others that this treatment is doomed to fail. The life cycle of Marine Ich is such that it lies dormant for too long for 5 days of medication to work. We're not attacking the original poster; We are however trying valiantly to let people know they need to research Ich for themselves and see why this is faulty information. The Tomont stage of Ich (where it in in a cyst state) can last for weeks. This medicine claims to attract the free swimming Ich to allow it to be removed by the skimmer. Great... What about the thousands of Ich waiting to hatch out?
*The OP also states: "So there you have it.. this process did work for me and all my corals, fish and inverts are 110% fine..." When in fact he had a clam die shortly after the treatment. Folks need to see that there is possibly a real risk to their inverts.
what I am trying to ask u is DID you take this medicine to the LAB for testing to prove that it IS DOOMED to fail? That is a bold statement for someone who has NO IDEA what are the ingredients of this medicine and how it works..


I thought maybe you had called the company and asked them......but then, they might not tell you anyway because it would be giving away their "trade secret"

I know that when you have a fish in hypo the ich literally burst due to the low salinity and osmotic concentration.....but if Stop Parasite simulated that then your inverts would I don't think Stop Parasite simulates low salinity.....
If you feel that the ich parasites are truly "falling off" but not being killed (I believe that's what you stated???) then for this to be true Stop Parasite must create an environment that "agitates" the ich into moving off the fish.....when ich is on a fish it is protected by a mucous layer....the part I'm having trouble with is understanding how Stop Parasite is penetrating this mucous to get to the cyst. This is why no medicine that I have ever heard of can work IN THIS STAGE OF THE ICH LIFECYCLE. If you can find that out, please post it here.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mujtba
unfortunately i don't know the full details.. i just know after applying it, none of my corals or inverts were harmed.. even today its fine, as u saw my tank video...

I hate to bring it up, but August 13th, you started this post, saying you dosed something that is invert safe.
on august 14th, you posted that a clam of yours died... ( here's the link if you forgot).
i don't believe in coincidences very much.


Originally Posted by robn
I thought maybe you had called the company and asked them......but then, they might not tell you anyway because it would be giving away their "trade secret"

I know that when you have a fish in hypo the ich literally burst due to the low salinity and osmotic concentration.....but if Stop Parasite simulated that then your inverts would I don't think Stop Parasite simulates low salinity.....
If you feel that the ich parasites are truly "falling off" but not being killed (I believe that's what you stated???) then for this to be true Stop Parasite must create an environment that "agitates" the ich into moving off the fish.....when ich is on a fish it is protected by a mucous layer....the part I'm having trouble with is understanding how Stop Parasite is penetrating this mucous to get to the cyst. This is why no medicine that I have ever heard of can work IN THIS STAGE OF THE ICH LIFECYCLE. If you can find that out, please post it here.
I did call the company.. but not for their secrets or ingredients.. they walked me into what to do..


Active Member
There are a few products that have been developed which take a completely different approach to treating Ich than those outlined above. One is Stop Parasites® by Chem-Marin. It utilizes a proprietary blend of food-based ingredients including hot peppers, which may be safer for you and your fish than traditional meds. According to its creator, the product took eight years to develop. It apparently stimulates the fish’s slime coat production to excess, which causes the parasites to slough off, or be shed. Then it provides a “false host” for the parasites to feed upon which is more desirable than the fish.
Like I have been saying..Chem Marin says the One of the Active ingr. is hot peppers...


Active Member
Originally Posted by mujtba
unfortunately i don't know the full details.. i just know after applying it, none of my corals or inverts were harmed.. even today its fine, as u saw my tank video.. i am giving this med the benefit of the doubt.. the company says the parasites fall off and attach to the false hosts and get skimmed.. how it happens, im unsure.. just as long as it DID happen for me.
You had a clam die! Why do you keep saying none of your inverts were harmed?
Mujtba, I've read how this medication works. From Chem Marin's webpage: "Put 10 drops per gallon of water twice daily (once in the morning, once in the evening) into the tank for 5 days. Stop Parasites is acidic, so check the pH of the tank both before and after each dose and buffer if necessary...."
Now, compare that to the KNOWN AND STUDIED life cycle of Ich.... The two are in total contradiction.


only i know how my clam was when i bought it... it is MY clam that died, yet im not blaming this med.. u all need a scapegoat.

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
That's incorrect. The title of the thread doesn't say "here's how I got rid of Ich".
Can't you change it?


Active Member
Originally Posted by mujtba
only i know how my clam was when i bought it... it is MY clam that died, yet im not blaming this med.. u all need a scapegoat.
I don't need a scapegoat. I just want all the facts presented. You can't say all of your inverts were fine when one died... From your Clam post it is clear you didn't think it was sick as you suspected your snail killed it.
I've emailed Chem Marin with my questions regarding their product. I'll post the info, provided they give me permission to do so.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
Can't you change it?

Yes, but I won't.
As Mods we do not re-word posts that we don't agree with. We only edit when a post violates forum rules.

clown boy

Active Member
Ok... but like you said, it may mislead people to think this is a proven fact without reading the whole thread...