Originally Posted by
Yet again, Crimzy, you are not accurately portraying what's been said. Beth nor I either one criticized the original poster.
Pointing out facts about Ich's life cycle, pointing out falsehoods posted on Chem Marin's webpage, and trying to explain the dangers of medicating a display tank shouldn't be interpreted as being critical.
Again, you yourself said you don't agree 100% with the original post. Would you consider that being critical? I don't.
Journey, I think you're missing a point here. It really doesn't matter whether or not I agree with every statement made by someone who has had a good experience with Stop Parasite. Nor does it matter whether you believe that there are falsehoods on their web page. All of that is simply a red herring to the original issue... that being that this poster believes he had success with this product and wants to let others know about his experiences. Just for the record, I have attempted the same thing many times.
However, please don't suggest at this point that you, Beth and the others have not been critical. The entire opposition to the original poster has been critical, including the head banging
, the "Beth I feel so sorry for you having to shoot down this idea again" posts, the "this is the lazy way to care for your fish", and the "this med cannot work because ich is an invert" posts. You don't call these critical?
You have actually gone to the trouble of going to the Chem Marin web page to scrutinize and find questionable language in the content. The reality is that your amateur scientific theory does not invalidate the experience that me and several of the other posters have had with Stop Parasite. Neither does your criticism of the language on the web page.
So, while you may want to challenge the original poster to debate the science of an "ich life cycle" with you, he probably cannot do so effectively because he is not an expert in the field. It really doesn't matter, though in the context of his experience.