Hitchhiker Identifications


Active Member
i also have a small growth coming off of a lr which is brownish and fans out round and if something comesnear it it closes up....it does not looklike anything more than a growth though...it baffles me....


Active Member
Originally Posted by chadman
it looks kind of like the pic above of hte peanut worm....what is joes juice?
ITs not a peanut worm...... its Astepia... and Joes Juice is concentrated form of Kalkwasser Calcium Mix, and it kills them really well!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by chadman
i also have a small growth coming off of a lr which is brownish and fans out round and if something comesnear it it closes up....it does not looklike anything more than a growth though...it baffles me....
no clue from your discription! Sorry unless its just smaller Astepias....????? no clue!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by chadman
and where did this aip come from? is it something which came along with some of the lr?
yeah it does come as a Hitchiker....... and get rid of it before it becomes a problem!!!!! IT SPREADS QUICKLY!!!!!!!!!! Joes Juice you use a Syringe to put in right in the astepias mouth, it doesnt dose the WHOLE tank.... just where you shoot it!!!


Active Member
o i c....alright...i will grab some on wednesday when i head to the lfs....there is only one of them and it is in my cc bed.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by chadman
o i c....alright...i will grab some on wednesday when i head to the lfs....there is only one of them and it is in my cc bed.....
good get it now before it spreads...... if they dont have Joes juice.... you could always use Boiling water and inject it in the base of the astepia, or even Lemon Juice....that works too!


Active Member
Originally Posted by chadman
one dose is all it takes? lemon juice sounds easier...that won't harm the tank in any way?
just use enough to kill it only.... and you should be fine!


Any idea what these are. There are little anenome things all over this red grape algea. And there in the center of the 2 branches is the growth looking thing. There are more growths and I squished one the other day and it squirted 2 things out of it then it died. I didn't even know it was alive!


are hydroids good or bad? mine are brown. i have a bunch of colonies in my ten and they look cool i think :notsure:


New Member
can anyone identify these fan like things? they came in on my LR. I thought there was just one, but now i've found 3. they are very small, so it was hard to get a good pic, but here's trying.



This specimen is about an inch wide. I found him hanging out at the inlet of my HOT skimmer.
Sally Lightfoot?



bump. little guy is sitting in a cup on my desk. i would like to know if it's safe to put back in my tank.