Trig my words were not hostile as crimzy would probably back up. I know idols are not rare, but their survival track record is the problem. Yes I have a dragon Moray. No they are not rare as you say but rare in the trade. They are very reclusive and where they reside is the reason they are "rare". They are "rare" because they are found in areas that divers don't collect, deep water in some cases, and very very reclusive. The difference being is that keeping a dragon Moray is is rather easy and a hobbiest with some experience can keep one for many years. Whereas the Idol has be kept by aquarists with degrees and still have failed. People have this conception that when retailers list a fish as "rare", they think that there are limited numbers of the fish. This could be the furthest from the truth. Case in point the super rare Clarion Angel. This angel is super abundant and is in no threat of over collection. They just happen to live in a very difficult place, to get permits, or restricted collecting area, and a very cost prohibitive place to ship them. Just as the case with clown file fish. Yes they are extremely beautiful, have a heavy population, and very reasonable priced, but 99 out of a 100 will die within a month or two. This is the same with the Idols. So ktrig if the fish in question have a strong population on the reefs, which in reality none do then it is justified to keep then knowing fully well they will die very prematurely. I know most captive fish die in captivity pre-maturely, but not because we don't have the knowledge to keep them, but lack of husbandry skills and other outside cause, i.e power loss, etc. In fact we know how to keep a a clown filefish alive very easily. Provide an abundance of live SPS for them to feed one. Problem is no one will allow this to happen except for extreme cases. As for the Idols, the most experienced ichthyologists do not know how to keep them alive for long periods of time. Those Idols that have lived for over a year seem to lucky fish and no reason why they have lived why all others have died. The majority of Idols that have had success have lived in displays of 1000 gallons with extremely aged rock, which in the case of crimzy seems to have as a great start. Just want to make people here aware that these fish are beautiful but have a one of the poorest track records of all the fish commonly available. We should praise the fish for its beauty but should be a bit alarmed that is kept with such a high frequency knowing that it will likely die in a couple of months. Also know your facts before attacking someone for keeping a "rare" fish. Personally I think keeping a "rare" fish that I know I have the skills to keep for many years is a far better choice than a "common" one that I know will most like;y die regardless of my skills and research. Again crimzy I hope you have great success with your Idols. Regards, Tim