Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
bionicarm i dont attack you personally,i respect your right to support a Socialist/Communist/Marxist if you like
But come on man you really think anyone would consider them credible?
I don't really know. Newsweek and MSN reported the article. Isn't that the same organization that the major networks used to verify the facts of these two guys during the debates? Which of the pieces of the article I posted do you disagree with? If you want to refute the information, provide counter articles stating that.
bionicarm i dont attack you personally,i respect your right to support a Socialist/Communist/Marxist if you like

But come on man you really think anyone would consider them credible?
I don't really know. Newsweek and MSN reported the article. Isn't that the same organization that the major networks used to verify the facts of these two guys during the debates? Which of the pieces of the article I posted do you disagree with? If you want to refute the information, provide counter articles stating that.