"If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon," said our president.


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Originally Posted by Jerthunter http:///t/391112/if-i-had-a-son-he-would-look-like-treyvon-said-our-president/40#post_3467495
I read about the 13 year old's account in a few places but here is one new story written about him.
actually if you were going to be fair, this was brought up first, a few days later, someone figured out that this deceased had a less than spotless record. This was after they'd reported that the deceased had no record...


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Originally Posted by reefraff http:///t/391112/if-i-had-a-son-he-would-look-like-treyvon-said-our-president/40#post_3467524
Huh, I heard the kid was taking his dog for a walk and it got off the leash. The kid said he heard the screams and was going to help but his dog got off the leash and he went to get it. That is according to the 911 tape at the time of the shooting.
One outfit blew up a frame of the video from the police station and it shows what could be a head wound but it is far from conclusive. The Paramedics report will be the best source on that.
Beats me. Nancy Grace had a picture of this woman with the caption that she was the mother of this witness, and I heard her state this is what happened. Flipped over to Hannity, and he's claiming there's now some other "eyewitness" that saw the entire thing, and said Treyvon was on top of him beating him in the head. Then again, Hannity is so biased towards Zimmerman, I don't buy anything he says. He's even blaming Obama (what else is new).
I guess one question I'd have about Martin getting on top of Zimmerman and pounding his head in the ground - reports stated that Treyvon wighed around 140, and Zimmerman weighs in at around 240. How could a kid 100 pounds lighter keep a guy down, and beating his head?


Staff member
The witness that Hannity was likely talking about was so-called "John", who I heard him interviewed via phone by a local TV station. He said that Zim was on the ground while Martin was on top of him beating him up. Zim was yelling to him for help. "John" said he went in to his house to call the police, heard the gunshot and when he looked again, Martin was face down and the commotion had ended.
These witnesses are so contaminated by now that I seriously doubt anyone will ever get to the bottom of what happened.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///t/391112/if-i-had-a-son-he-would-look-like-treyvon-said-our-president/60#post_3467531
Beats me. Nancy Grace had a picture of this woman with the caption that she was the mother of this witness, and I heard her state this is what happened. Flipped over to Hannity, and he's claiming there's now some other "eyewitness" that saw the entire thing, and said Treyvon was on top of him beating him in the head. Then again, Hannity is so biased towards Zimmerman, I don't buy anything he says. He's even blaming Obama (what else is new).
I guess one question I'd have about Martin getting on top of Zimmerman and pounding his head in the ground - reports stated that Treyvon wighed around 140, and Zimmerman weighs in at around 240. How could a kid 100 pounds lighter keep a guy down, and beating his head?
The kid is supposedly 6'3. Judging by the size of his dad I could believe it. Zimmerman supposedly has lost weight from the 240 that was reported but he is supposedly 5'9 and 170 pounds according to a family friend. Again, once the police release their reports we'll get a clearer picture but looking at the police tape he doesn't look like he's that big.
What amazes me is the way the media, including Fox, has presented this whole mess. Using old pictures of the kid and using Zimmerman's mug shot from how many years ago.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth http:///t/391112/if-i-had-a-son-he-would-look-like-trayvon-said-our-president/60#post_3467536
The witness that Hannity was likely talking about was so-called "John", who I heard him interviewed via phone by a local TV station. He said that Zim was on the ground while Martin was on top of him beating him up. Zim was yelling to him for help. "John" said he went in to his house to call the police, heard the gunshot and when he looked again, Martin was face down and the commotion had ended.
These witnesses are so contaminated by now that I seriously doubt anyone will ever get to the bottom of what happened.
Oh yeah. Can you imagine the pressure on witnesses to remember things the "right" way with all the threats going on.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///t/391112/if-i-had-a-son-he-would-look-like-trayvon-said-our-president/60#post_3467531
Beats me. Nancy Grace had a picture of this woman with the caption that she was the mother of this witness, and I heard her state this is what happened. Flipped over to Hannity, and he's claiming there's now some other "eyewitness" that saw the entire thing, and said Treyvon was on top of him beating him in the head. Then again, Hannity is so biased towards Zimmerman, I don't buy anything he says. He's even blaming Obama (what else is new).
I guess one question I'd have about Martin getting on top of Zimmerman and pounding his head in the ground - reports stated that Treyvon wighed around 140, and Zimmerman weighs in at around 240. How could a kid 100 pounds lighter keep a guy down, and beating his head?
A 6'3" 17 year old that is in good shape would have no problem keeping down a 5'9" 240 lb guy that is most likely seriously out of shape at that height and weight. Hell, I'm 6'3" and 240 lbs and I am considered out of shape....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth http:///t/391112/if-i-had-a-son-he-would-look-like-trayvon-said-our-president/60#post_3467536
The witness that Hannity was likely talking about was so-called "John", who I heard him interviewed via phone by a local TV station. He said that Zim was on the ground while Martin was on top of him beating him up. Zim was yelling to him for help. "John" said he went in to his house to call the police, heard the gunshot and when he looked again, Martin was face down and the commotion had ended.
These witnesses are so contaminated by now that I seriously doubt anyone will ever get to the bottom of what happened.
Here's a phone interview with this new "witness" with Anderson Cooper. Some pretty interesting and compelling information on his interpretation of what happened.


Staff member
Basically, no additional info. He couldn't see anything, who shot who, who was the aggressor, who started the confrontation. He can't say anything about injuries or lack thereof on Zim, since it was too dark, which he repeatedly told A. Copper. We already know that Zim got up and walked away and Trayvon was dead.


Active Member
What the hell was "compelling" about that?
Says "shots" when as far as I know everyone else only heard one
It was too dark to tell who was on top but didn't see a muzzle flash? Even if the gun was jabbed in the kids belly you would see a flash if it was that dark.
It was too dark to tell who was on top but they could tell it was a Hispanic man who got up???
I dunno, seems odd.


Staff member
I think there is still a lot of unknowns, but some are just not willing to let the authorities investigate before jumping to judgement.

darthtang aw

Active Member

I think there is still a lot of unknowns, but some are just not willing to let the authorities investigate before jumping to judgement.
Of course not. Why would they when the media circus has been discussing only this for two weeks now.
Darth ( relevant topics are only news worth under a republican President) Tang


Staff member
The so called experts don't have a clue. There is more to analysis of recorded evidence then just listening to a 911 call and using some software. If you are interested, check out what is involved here http://expertpages.com/news/american_board_voice_comparison.htm. When a legitimate law enforcement analysis that is involved in investigating this case reveals who was screaming then I give that source credence. In the meantime, an actual eye witness, "John" said that the one screaming was Zimmerman.


Active Member
LOL! The "experts" say it isn't Zimmerman's voice and Martin's father says it wasn't his (Martin) so I guess it was.........


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth http:///t/391112/if-i-had-a-son-he-would-look-like-trayvon-said-our-president/60#post_3467883
The so called experts don't have a clue. There is more to analysis of recorded evidence then just listening to a 911 call and using some software. If you are interested, check out what is involved here http://expertpages.com/news/american_board_voice_comparison.htm. When a legitimate law enforcement analysis that is involved in investigating this case reveals who was screaming then I give that source credence. In the meantime, an actual eye witness, "John" said that the one screaming was Zimmerman.
So when did "John" materialize? Does he have video or some other proof to back his claims? As you've stated, this entire incident boils down to "The Zimmerman witness said vs. The Martin witness said". Which "witness" do you believe? Probably in the next couple of days, some other "witness" will appear saying the opposite of what this John person stated. It comes down to who wants to protect "their side" the most. I'm just getting tired of the biased media on the Martin side. We've had a couple of rally's here in San Antonio supporting Martin from groups that live in the predominately Black neighborhoods in town. I was channel surfing last night, and came across the BET Network where they're already running some controversial documentary on the case. Needless to say, they may as well tar and feather Zimmerman now if you go by what they reported. Cut the media circus out of the picture, and this will die off as it should.


Staff member
My understanding is that the "John" character was an original witness and may be one of the witnesses the police spoke to on the night, or immediately after.
Anyway, I can't argue with you about what is going on. There is not a cry for justice, only vengeance. Black activist have taken over and turned this horrible event into a hate circus. I have no idea if Zim is guilty of something. It would be nice if the authorities could finish their investigation before a bounty was issued on Zim and he was made a sacrificial lamb at the alter of race hate. The media is the #1 culprit in the instigation of this big mess.


Active Member
I would be leery of any witness that came forward more than a week or so after the incident because of the hype.
What I want to know is how the Black Panthers can issue a bounty on the guy and not face federal prosecution. It's one thing for racists like Sharpton and Jackson to be calling for the police to arrest the guy but when a group releases a bounty on him anyone can claim? I hope the hell the guy and his family are well armed now.