"If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon," said our president.


Active Member
But CNN is part of whitey's cover up. Forget it was them who originally isolated the word on the tape so it previously sounded like as slur. That's it, CNN wants to make themselves look bad. LOL!


Active Member
You guys are going to love this. It's a reverse of the Martin shooting. White/Hispanic guy shot and killed by a black guy who claimed he was being attacked by the unarmed white/Hispanic guy. No arrest days after the shooting. Will Jesse and Al be coming to Arizona to protest no arrest yet? Again, however, I don't think the shooter(shock! he's black) should be arrested until the police get all the facts and if it is determined the other guy was the aggressor, neither should this black gentleman be arrested. But you notice us white and Hispanics aren't putting out bounties and marching on downtown Phoenix?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth http:///t/391112/if-i-had-a-son-he-would-look-like-trayvon-said-our-president/100#post_3468374
New media anyalysis of the 911 tape. Boy, this will kill the Justice Dept involvment if it pans out. Doubt it will give pause to the race hater activists though.
It might just be me but it doesn't sound like much of anything to me in either case. He could have been saying the Lord's Prayer for all I know based on that clip. I find it unusual that they are even trying to figure out what he may or may not have said and what he may or may not have meant by it. (Maybe he was playing make-believe after watching the South Park episode were Cartman is a superhero)


Active Member
Originally Posted by mantisman51 http:///t/391112/if-i-had-a-son-he-would-look-like-trayvon-said-our-president/100#post_3468380
You guys are going to love this. It's a reverse of the Martin shooting. White/Hispanic guy shot and killed by a black guy who claimed he was being attacked by the unarmed white/Hispanic guy. No arrest days after the shooting. Will Jesse and Al be coming to Arizona to protest no arrest yet? Again, however, I don't think the shooter(shock! he's black) should be arrested until the police get all the facts and if it is determined the other guy was the aggressor, neither should this black gentleman be arrested. But you notice us white and Hispanics aren't putting out bounties and marching on downtown Phoenix?
You'd think this one would be easier to solve since most drive throughs have security cameras.
Of course if any audio of the incident shows up I wouldn't be suprised to hear that the word 'taco' showed up, which could be considered a 'racial slur'


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by rickross23 http:///t/391112/if-i-had-a-son-he-would-look-like-trayvon-said-our-president/80#post_3468314
Plus, people say racism is almost nonexistent now, when its still very prominent in the white mans philosophy it seems.
Uhhh, yeah...try growing up as a white kid around the city of Detroit and then get back to me on that one. I can assure you that racism is alive and well all over this country no matter which side of the fence you're on. Maybe not to the extent that it used to be but it's there.


Active Member
My hearing has been going bad the last couple years, so I couldn't understand any of the recordings. The guy said Zim was saying coon. I didn't even know that was a racial pejorative. I thought that was what my wife's family in West Virginia scraped off the road for dinner.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mantisman51 http:///t/391112/if-i-had-a-son-he-would-look-like-trayvon-said-our-president/100#post_3468521
My hearing has been going bad the last couple years, so I couldn't understand any of the recordings. The guy said Zim was saying coon. I didn't even know that was a racial pejorative. I thought that was what my wife's family in West Virginia scraped off the road for dinner.

That would be a possum, not a coon. I prefer armadillo myself.


Staff member
Coon is a rather old time racial slur that I'd guess most Hispanics in their 20's probably wouldn't even know about, but, of course, the media put it out there not giving one hoot for Zimmerman and what would result for him from making such a rancid insinuation.


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Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth http:///t/391112/if-i-had-a-son-he-would-look-like-trayvon-said-our-president/100#post_3468634
And I removed it just for that reason.
Please. That was a classic SNL skit. And you people rail about the Liberals suppressing 1st Amendment rights. That's what's wrong with this country today. Too many people worrying about offending someone. Guess you don't watch many premium cable services. Flip on HBO, Showtime, or Starz and see what kind of comedy skits they do regarding race and gender. And don't give me the "this is a family forum" bit. The "kids" that peruse this forum know more about these topics than you do. With the advent of Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, there's NOTHING they aren't aware of, and probably use those terms themseleves.


Staff member
Sorry, bionicarm, I personally don't see anything wrong with the skit, but in today's world where everyone is offended even when no offense was intended, it was my decision to remove it to avoid problems for this site. I did send you a PM explaining.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter http:///t/391112/if-i-had-a-son-he-would-look-like-trayvon-said-our-president/20#post_3467302
By finally met someone who 'stood up to him' you must mean finally had someone follow him with a gun and shoot him because he was unable to resolve a situation with an unarmed adolescent without shooting him.
I have no idea how good a kid he was but generally speaking, when someone dies you try to picture them in the best light. If his parents want to remember him as an angel then good for them.

Originally Posted by TheClemsonKid http:///t/391112/if-i-had-a-son-he-would-look-like-trayvon-said-our-president/20#post_3467274
Originally Posted by Beth
Clem, so many believe that, which is obviously wrong. I wonder where they get that info from the 911 tapes that have been played over and over. The police dispatcher, asked Zim if he was following the "suspicious person" [my word]. Zim says yes. Then the dispatcher says, "Ok, we don't need you to do that." Zim's response is "Ok.". There is no indication that he continued to follow Trayvon. His statement is that he was returning to his vehicle when Trayvon confronted him, and landed a punch to his nose.
Anyway, police dispatchers are not sworn police officers and have no authority to order anyone not to do anything. And, in this case, the dispatcher didn't give any orders anyway. All of these points are vital when considering any kind of charges against Zimmerman. At this point, based on what is publicly known as of today, I see no reason to charge Zimmerman. If Trayvon were still alive, he may well have been the one arrested for assault and be in jail now. It is not illegal to follow someone or even ask someone walking around the neighborhood, "What are you doing here." It is illegal to assault someone.
Well that's your view... (Not saying I agree with this) but if someone was following me on a dark street at 11pm at night, I could very easily take that as a threat to my personal safety and would feel comfortable defending myself with force. I'm not defending the kid, as by all accounts it sounds like HE is the reason it escalated to what it did. However, the guy who shot him started the whole thing by nosing around and profiling a kid for no reason other than the fact he looked the part. And then instead of simply calling the police and letting them do their job, he decided it was a good idea to do something about it himself by following and confronting the kid, no matter how briefly. It was a myriad of poor choices that led to this outcome, that's for sure.
I don't think a murder conviction is in order, but an involuntary manslaughter at worst, or a criminal complaint for harassment at best should be levied on this guy. You can't kill someone, regardless of the circumstances, if you were the initial aggressor that led to the shooting. If nothing else, this should be a lesson to anyone else who thinks they need to make the same choices that Zim did. Just my two cents.
Involuntary manslaughter.......That's murder!!!!!!!
Originally Posted by mantisman51 http:///t/391112/if-i-had-a-son-he-would-look-like-trayvon-said-our-president/20#post_3467275
I agree, Clem. Someone with a firearm, IMO, has a much heavier burden of responsibility to not engage with another person. I am a vocal supporter of the right to carry, however, I view firearms as a purely defensive tool. That means no following or confronting a person for any reason. When I carry my firearm, I am far more cautious and go out of my way to avoid any sort of conflict. Zimmerman did precipitate what happened, whether his intent was criminal or not, he has some responsibility for causing the situation in the first place. I think some sort of criminal charges should be brought, but I just think that things have got out of control on the side that wants to see him get lynched.
I agree with the statement....When we do carry our weapons we do go out of our way to avoid confrontation, and the weapon should only be used as a last resort.....I carry all the time, and honestly it makes me rather humble; passive, and I realize and know the consequences involved if I must use my weapon.....And I'm not buying it that the adult couldn't protect himself to a degree to avoid pulling his weapon.
Over 10 years ago, I was going to dinner with my wife and oldest daughter on my birthday.....As we approach the Chinese restaurant, we notice a crowd of people and a bunch of yelling......Of course being nosy we wander down to the commotion and witness a guy; basically brutally beating a child under the age of 6 in public.....I'm not talking spanking his bottom which he might have deserved, but physically man handling and beating this young child.....As everyone stood there no one lifted a finger or dared to call 911.....My wife turned to me and said "aren't you going to do anything".....I replied; "not my business, and besides it's my birthday and I'm here to eat......She was a bit upset, but I did say that I'd go into the restaurant and have them call the police.....
I did walk down the restaurant and told the people what was going on and to call the police.......I then walked back down where the commotion was going on and stepped through the crowd and told the guy that I had called the police and they were on their way and he should just stop and leave.....He politely blurted out that he can discipline his kid as he see fit......Again the whole time this little kid is being punched, kicked and bleeding and no one is lifting a finger.....I turned and left and went back to the restaurant to tell my wife that I had told him the police are on their way, but I couldn't in good conscience sit there and eat while knowing a kid is being beaten to death.....I walked back down to the crowd and to my surprise the guy is choking the little boy with his belt around his neck......Again knowing I'm carrying I don't want any confrontation with this guy.....I politely again tell him he has to stop and the police are coming, and it's obvious by now since I could hear the sirens.....For that split second he froze and I let my guard down, and he turned and "bitch slapped" me knocking me off my feet......Mind you I'm 5'8" 160lbs and this guy was probably 6', but had me by at least 40-50lbs.....By the time I realized it he was on top of me beating my like a little kid.....Again with enough patience and awareness of my surroundings, I was able to draw my weapon and was able to free myself long enough to crack him in the face with the weapon, and proceed to tell him that he will now kneel down with his hands behind his head and if he didn't comply that I would fire, and I would shoot to mane....I would kill him on the spot.....By know the crowd has increased and again still being mindful of what my responsibilities are carrying a deadly weapon, I lost focus and never heard the police order me to drop my weapon....Needless to say they took me down rather quickly and abruptly, and before I knew it, I was the one in the cop car......It took quite a bit of interviews with the witnesses to explain the the cops that I wasn't the bad guy, but as it sorted out, and they ran this guy, they come back to tell me that he has 17 warrants.......
Would I have honestly been justified to shoot this individual.......Nah......Just as in the tragic death that has occurred......
Originally Posted by ironeagle2006 http:///t/391112/if-i-had-a-son-he-would-look-like-trayvon-said-our-president/20#post_3467288
However see what is the problem is that Treyvon now that he is dead his Parents are looking to cash in on all this. Have you seen that they want to Trademark all this stuff coming out in his name and such. Shows me one thing they could not keep their son out of trouble now that he is gone all they are seeing is Dollar Signs since htey know that if they filed a Wrongful death case they will be laughed out of court.
Today one of the CBC members aka the COngressional Black Caucaus members got Thrown out of the House Chamber why he Broke the Unbroken rule in the House of the Representatives aka NO HEADGEAR in the house. What did he do wore a Hoodie with then said Treyvon this is for YOU. IL Rep Bobby Rush did that today. Yet 10 Kids where murdered in Chicago last weekend and no outrage from Al Jessie and all the others. GIVE ME A BREAK from what it sounds like this kid was a Thug from his Twitter acct and his Facebook acct and he finally met someone that stood up to him. 150 of his Classmates Ransacked a Walgreens during a Protest for HIM nice huh that happened today and no Media Coverage why it would show what kind of enviroment he was from not the Angel they are trying to make him out to be.
I take it you have kids Ironeagle2006......And I guess they were always model kids.......and always did as you told them......
Kids write all kinds of crap to appear tough or impress their piers.......And the statement made about "someone finally standing up to him"......