"If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon," said our president.


Active Member
Yes I do have kids 3 of them all under the age of 10. I do keep a very close eye on them to the point I have seperate accts for them on the 2 that do have access to the computer and I have Tracking software installed for me. Sorry but my town has landlords that Do not give a crap who lives in the area and lets just say I do not want my kids meeting some of them. So I keep a very close tab on them online. Also my kids have been brought up to RESPECT others and say Yes and No with Sir and Maam to Elders they are meeting for the First time. Ever seen a 70 year old womans jar drop because the 4 year old held the door open for her and went here you go maam. That was my daughter 3 days ago.
Sorry but 95% of how a child grow up is how the parents treat said child. Why my Middle Bros last 2 kids are the Perfect example. Before they were removed from his care they were a trainwreck waiting to happen and they where. Now that my Oldest Brother adopted them and got them out of that enviroment well lets just say they are NOT the same kids. The girl of the bunch before was out of control and never was happy now all she does is smile and wants to help her mother. Her brother well lets just say he has turned 180 degrees around from what he was.
My kids know this my wife and I will disapline them if they are misbehaving and they will be punished right now my Oldest that is 8 is grounded from the Computer and his Xbox. His Sister has been restriced on her TV to less than 1 hour a day and she is hating that. Considering we normally have theirs on Nick JR or PBS kids I love Satalite get those all the time. For her to miss Dora or the Backyardagins really hurts her and makes her realize that dad is mad.


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Originally Posted by acrylic51 http:///t/391112/if-i-had-a-son-he-would-look-like-trayvon-said-our-president/100#post_3468736

Involuntary manslaughter.......That's murder!!!!!!!
I agree with the statement....When we do carry our weapons we do go out of our way to avoid confrontation, and the weapon should only be used as a last resort.....I carry all the time, and honestly it makes me rather humble; passive, and I realize and know the consequences involved if I must use my weapon.....And I'm not buying it that the adult couldn't protect himself to a degree to avoid pulling his weapon.
Over 10 years ago, I was going to dinner with my wife and oldest daughter on my birthday.....As we approach the Chinese restaurant, we notice a crowd of people and a bunch of yelling......Of course being nosy we wander down to the commotion and witness a guy; basically brutally beating a child under the age of 6 in public.....I'm not talking spanking his bottom which he might have deserved, but physically man handling and beating this young child.....As everyone stood there no one lifted a finger or dared to call 911.....My wife turned to me and said "aren't you going to do anything".....I replied; "not my business, and besides it's my birthday and I'm here to eat......She was a bit upset, but I did say that I'd go into the restaurant and have them call the police.....
I did walk down the restaurant and told the people what was going on and to call the police.......I then walked back down where the commotion was going on and stepped through the crowd and told the guy that I had called the police and they were on their way and he should just stop and leave.....He politely blurted out that he can discipline his kid as he see fit......Again the whole time this little kid is being punched, kicked and bleeding and no one is lifting a finger.....I turned and left and went back to the restaurant to tell my wife that I had told him the police are on their way, but I couldn't in good conscience sit there and eat while knowing a kid is being beaten to death.....I walked back down to the crowd and to my surprise the guy is choking the little boy with his belt around his neck......Again knowing I'm carrying I don't want any confrontation with this guy.....I politely again tell him he has to stop and the police are coming, and it's obvious by now since I could hear the sirens.....For that split second he froze and I let my guard down, and he turned and "bitch slapped" me knocking me off my feet......Mind you I'm 5'8" 160lbs and this guy was probably 6', but had me by at least 40-50lbs.....By the time I realized it he was on top of me beating my like a little kid.....Again with enough patience and awareness of my surroundings, I was able to draw my weapon and was able to free myself long enough to crack him in the face with the weapon, and proceed to tell him that he will now kneel down with his hands behind his head and if he didn't comply that I would fire, and I would shoot to mane....I would kill him on the spot.....By know the crowd has increased and again still being mindful of what my responsibilities are carrying a deadly weapon, I lost focus and never heard the police order me to drop my weapon....Needless to say they took me down rather quickly and abruptly, and before I knew it, I was the one in the cop car......It took quite a bit of interviews with the witnesses to explain the the cops that I wasn't the bad guy, but as it sorted out, and they ran this guy, they come back to tell me that he has 17 warrants.......
Would I have honestly been justified to shoot this individual.......Nah......Just as in the tragic death that has occurred......
I take it you have kids Ironeagle2006......And I guess they were always model kids.......and always did as you told them......
Kids write all kinds of crap to appear tough or impress their piers.......And the statement made about "someone finally standing up to him"......

Would you have been justified shooting the guy who was choking his little kid with a belt??? Ask yourself this. Given the number of witnesses who saw what was going on had you seen the punch coming and instead shot the guy do you think a jury would have found you guilty of anything? In a "make my day state" you likely wouldn't be charged because by the description of events a reasonable person could easily conclude that child's life was in danger.


Active Member
I honestly believe I would have been justified, but still doesn't mean there aren't other "appropriate means" to diffuse a situation, plus all the legal hassle and hardship......Bottom line, I think the guy is guilty and was targeting.....Regardless he could have shot to disable; but again I've been trained "center mass", but I honestly believe the kid was "no threat". The guys has a history......
To ironeagle......That's great and I do believe in RESPECT, and being from a military family I understand respect, but bottom line it might be easy to keep track of your kids now, but as they get older they get wiser and there will be things you will have no clue about what's going on.......


Active Member
Originally Posted by acrylic51 http:///t/391112/if-i-had-a-son-he-would-look-like-trayvon-said-our-president/120#post_3468769
I honestly believe I would have been justified, but still doesn't mean there aren't other "appropriate means" to diffuse a situation, plus all the legal hassle and hardship......Bottom line, I think the guy is guilty and was targeting.....Regardless he could have shot to disable; but again I've been trained "center mass", but I honestly believe the kid was "no threat". The guys has a history......
To ironeagle......That's great and I do believe in RESPECT, and being from a military family I understand respect, but bottom line it might be easy to keep track of your kids now, but as they get older they get wiser and there will be things you will have no clue about what's going on.......
It's always situational. Choking out a 5 year old with a belt isn't rational behavior. If I was carrying (I don't except in the car on road trips) I would have probably at least threatened to shoot the clown. Dunno. I aint a fighter but I am on the sunny side of 6'5". I am sure I could pull him off the kid but how would you know he doesn't have a gun or knife himself? Too many crazies out there these days.


Active Member
The prosecutor has announced no grand jury. Leads me to believe they have enough to charge Zman with something.


Active Member
They also fired the person at NBC who edited the 911 tape.
I am not sure where the truth really is at this point the press have dropped the ball big time on this one.
True justice is not being served for either Mr Zimmerman or Mr Martin.


Active Member
It's gonna be nearly impossible to find a jury that isn't tainted by all the BS news reports. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if the prosecutor doesn't do some sort of plea deal where Zimmerman pleads to a very low level beef just to put this nightmare to bed (assuming they don't have evidence to show Zimmerman started the fight)


Active Member
You have to wonder this how much Pressure was Applied to Florida to charge him by the White House and also from Al Jessie and the Others. Why do you think they need a Race War in Florida before the RNC Convention in Tampa this year. He is in a NO WIN Situation here. Think about it he has everyone Screaming for his head and yet he has said nothing. the NBPP has offer a Bounty on his hide he has had to go into Hiding and his life is Ruined. Hasn't he been thru ENOUGH already.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ironeagle2006 http:///t/391112/if-i-had-a-son-he-would-look-like-trayvon-said-our-president/120#post_3469383
You have to wonder this how much Pressure was Applied to Florida to charge him by the White House and also from Al Jessie and the Others. Why do you think they need a Race War in Florida before the RNC Convention in Tampa this year. He is in a NO WIN Situation here. Think about it he has everyone Screaming for his head and yet he has said nothing. the NBPP has offer a Bounty on his hide he has had to go into Hiding and his life is Ruined. Hasn't he been thru ENOUGH already.
I wouldn't be surprised if he has a deal with the prosecutor already. Could be why he quit talking to his lawyers. They file manslaughter and as evidence is released showing they don't have enough evidence to make a good case they plead it down to a low lever beef where he gets a real short stint in jail. It's better to do a little jail time than to spend the next how many ever years with a bulls eye on your back from every black radical in the country.


Active Member
He will be convicted because every member of any jury knows there will be a bounty on their head if they vote to acquit. All the evidence has already been released. There's no justification for a murder charge, but the special political prosecutor is there to satiate black blood lust. Romney doesn't have the balls, but right here is the opportunity to win 75% of the Hispanic vote: The black president and black radicals have dragged a Hispanic to jail for defending himself when attacked. I'm not saying I agree with that characterization, but the Divider-In-Chief has used this method from day one and it would be poetic justice to throw some race-baiting politics back Barrie's way.