"If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon," said our president.


Staff member
The evidence would have to say that Zim actually gunned Trayvon down or, at best, pulled a gun on him before any tussling on the ground got started. And, frankly, from what we already know, I just don't see it. How would Zim end up on the ground rolling around, getting a lacerated head and broken nose if he had pulled a gun on Trayvon?


Active Member
According to his dad Zmann says martin went for the gun as they fought. If there weren't prints on the gun and no GSR on the kid indicating he was several feet away when he was shot that could make the case.


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Active Member
The mom is trying to dial that back fast. I wonder what she knows??? The more I see on this the more I think there is some sort of end game already arranged. Charge murder 2 and plead down to reckless endangerment or something after Zmann sits in jail for a month or two to let things calm down,


Active Member
I still find the reckless endangerment charge a long shot....If the weapon wasn't brandished to begin with what would have made the kid struggle for it.....Makes me believe there was "intent" to cause serious bodily injury......


Active Member
Originally Posted by acrylic51 http:///t/391112/if-i-had-a-son-he-would-look-like-trayvon-said-our-president/140#post_3470015
I still find the reckless endangerment charge a long shot....If the weapon wasn't brandished to begin with what would have made the kid struggle for it.....Makes me believe there was "intent" to cause serious bodily injury......
This whole thing is weird. If Barney Fife, being armed was found to have placed himself in a confrontational situation I think endangerment could stick. Even under stand your ground laws you aren't covered if unreasonable actions lead to a confrontation. If he continued following the kid after 911 told him they didn't need him doing that I think they have a shot at that.
As far as the gun it's possible the kid never saw it until after he hit the guy. Unless he was a total moron the kid would have to be crazy to go at a guy he knows is armed.


Staff member
I think that Zim went for the gun once Trayvon was getting the best of him in a wrestling fight, or, once they were in close contact, Trayvon discovered the gun on Zim and that is when they fought for the gun.
It makes no sense at all that Zim was brandishing the gun and then got jumped by Trayvon.
The mom back peddled on her "accident" statement. My feeling is that she was pressured to back peddle, because her statements were pretty clear in that video and didn't seem to leave that much wiggle room for interpretation.


Active Member
Yeah, the race pimps got to her and said that she was messing the lawsuit up. That statement she made was the first honest thing I've heard anyone on their side say. If we go all the way back to the beginning of this thread, you'll see I mentioned reckless endangerment resulting in a death when all this started. I still think even if Martin was the aggressor after Zimmerman was heading back to his vehicle, the whole situation was precipitated by an armed Zimmerman leaving his vehicle and following someone who was breaking no laws. Regardless of any other break ins, Zimmerman had no reason to do what he did. Hell, I think they should have thrown improper use of the 911 system in the charges, too. You can't assume someone walking down a sidewalk at night is up to no good. If Martin was sneaking around on private property that would justify further action. Zimmerman has to take responsibility for causing this in the first place-reckless endangerment resulting in a death.


Staff member
My feeling is that the special prosecutor knows that murder 2 is way off the mark, but, like most prosecutors these days, she is shooting to the bigger charge hoping to make a name for herself in this media-frenzied case, and pressure Zim into taking a lessor plea--reckless endangerment or manslaughter.
Here is a picture of Trayvon which is much different than the one I originally posted. He is wearing a hoodie, which certainly does not exactly make him out to be a thief on the prowl. He's tall, but not exactly a heavy-weight. Just your every day high school-er. Sad, sad, sad.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mantisman51 http:///t/391112/if-i-had-a-son-he-would-look-like-trayvon-said-our-president/140#post_3470105
Yeah, the race pimps got to her and said that she was messing the lawsuit up. That statement she made was the first honest thing I've heard anyone on their side say. If we go all the way back to the beginning of this thread, you'll see I mentioned reckless endangerment resulting in a death when all this started. I still think even if Martin was the aggressor after Zimmerman was heading back to his vehicle, the whole situation was precipitated by an armed Zimmerman leaving his vehicle and following someone who was breaking no laws. Regardless of any other break ins, Zimmerman had no reason to do what he did. Hell, I think they should have thrown improper use of the 911 system in the charges, too. You can't assume someone walking down a sidewalk at night is up to no good. If Martin was sneaking around on private property that would justify further action. Zimmerman has to take responsibility for causing this in the first place-reckless endangerment resulting in a death.
Following a person, with or without a gun is not illegal and as a member of a neighborhood watch is to some extent an expected action. Now if the 911 operator, who has NO legal authority by the way, told you they didn't need you following the person but you continued to anyway???? Like I said you COULD make the case' Where Barney would have cross the line would have been confronting the guy.
Now maybe YOU don't find someone wearing a hoodie in the rain that seems to be looking around rather than heading from point A to point B suspicious but it seems fairly odd behavior to me. No way improper use of 911.


Active Member
Before my back finally gave completely out 7 years ago, I used to walk/jog up and down the highway at night because it was too hot during the day. I had Border Patrol stop and check my ID and ask what "my business was" being out that late a lot. Well, I can understand because I live in the largest narcotics and people smuggling corridor in the U.S., but if some civilian had done that, yeah, it'd have gone to blows.Here is where I think you are missing the mark: could Zimmerman have foreseen that following and confronting Martin could lead to a violent encounter-especially with Zimmerman being armed? I say, absolutely. And stand your ground does not cover you when you have precipitated the encounter. That is reckless endangerment. He knew his actions could lead to an encounter and him being armed increased the likelihood of violence: reckless endangerment, by the book. And calling 911 because someone is walking in the rain? There is nothing inherently sinister or suspicious in that.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth http:///t/391112/if-i-had-a-son-he-would-look-like-trayvon-said-our-president/140#post_3470130
My feeling is that the special prosecutor knows that murder 2 is way off the mark, but, like most prosecutors these days, she is shooting to the bigger charge hoping to make a name for herself in this media-frenzied case, and pressure Zim into taking a lessor plea--reckless endangerment or manslaughter.
Here is a picture of Trayvon which is much different than the one I originally posted. He is wearing a hoodie, which certainly does not exactly make him out to be a thief on the prowl. He's tall, but not exactly a heavy-weight. Just your every day high school-er. Sad, sad, sad.

We know from his high school record the kid wasn't an angel no matter what he looked like. That doesn't mean he was doing anything wrong the night he got killed. It still comes down to we have no evidence to show who started the physical altercation. Another piece of evidence we don't have is the relationship of the shooting scene to Zmann's vehicle. If evidence suggests he was headed back to his car I think they are going to play hell ever getting a conviction.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mantisman51 http:///t/391112/if-i-had-a-son-he-would-look-like-trayvon-said-our-president/140#post_3470143
Before my back finally gave completely out 7 years ago, I used to walk/jog up and down the highway at night because it was too hot during the day. I had Border Patrol stop and check my ID and ask what "my business was" being out that late a lot. Well, I can understand because I live in the largest narcotics and people smuggling corridor in the U.S., but if some civilian had done that, yeah, it'd have gone to blows.Here is where I think you are missing the mark: could Zimmerman have foreseen that following and confronting Martin could lead to a violent encounter-especially with Zimmerman being armed? I say, absolutely. And stand your ground does not cover you when you have precipitated the encounter. That is reckless endangerment. He knew his actions could lead to an encounter and him being armed increased the likelihood of violence: reckless endangerment, by the book. And calling 911 because someone is walking in the rain? There is nothing inherently sinister or suspicious in that.
A lot of this comes down do what a "reasonable person" would expect. 911 call Zmann says there's a guy looking around the neighborhood. It was raining and night time. The kid was wearing a hoodie which tend to be knit. Even in Florida it's going to be cold that time of year. I'd say that was pretty suspicious behavior and considering they have been having break ins calling 911 seems pretty reasonable to me.
Following the kid? I don't find it unreasonable, the guy was a member of the neighborhood watch. I am not a member of neighborhood watch and if I saw someone I thought was suspicious enough to report to 911 I'd probably try to keep tabs on them too until the cops arrived. Remember Zmann was still on the phone with 911 this whole time. The line would be crossed if Zmann approached the kid.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mantisman51 http:///t/391112/if-i-had-a-son-he-would-look-like-trayvon-said-our-president/140#post_3470143
Before my back finally gave completely out 7 years ago, I used to walk/jog up and down the highway at night because it was too hot during the day. I had Border Patrol stop and check my ID and ask what "my business was" being out that late a lot. Well, I can understand because I live in the largest narcotics and people smuggling corridor in the U.S., but if some civilian had done that, yeah, it'd have gone to blows.Here is where I think you are missing the mark: could Zimmerman have foreseen that following and confronting Martin could lead to a violent encounter-especially with Zimmerman being armed? I say, absolutely. And stand your ground does not cover you when you have precipitated the encounter. That is reckless endangerment. He knew his actions could lead to an encounter and him being armed increased the likelihood of violence: reckless endangerment, by the book. And calling 911 because someone is walking in the rain? There is nothing inherently sinister or suspicious in that.
My point exactly...What gave him cause or justification to take matters into his own hands.....And as stated he knew confronting anyone could lead to a violent altercation, and being armed again he knew he was wrong......Anyone that carries knows they would be in the wrong.....Reckless endangerment......YES......But a lot more than that......


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff http:///t/391112/if-i-had-a-son-he-would-look-like-trayvon-said-our-president/140#post_3470147
Originally Posted by mantisman51
Before my back finally gave completely out 7 years ago, I used to walk/jog up and down the highway at night because it was too hot during the day. I had Border Patrol stop and check my ID and ask what "my business was" being out that late a lot. Well, I can understand because I live in the largest narcotics and people smuggling corridor in the U.S., but if some civilian had done that, yeah, it'd have gone to blows.Here is where I think you are missing the mark: could Zimmerman have foreseen that following and confronting Martin could lead to a violent encounter-especially with Zimmerman being armed? I say, absolutely. And stand your ground does not cover you when you have precipitated the encounter. That is reckless endangerment. He knew his actions could lead to an encounter and him being armed increased the likelihood of violence: reckless endangerment, by the book. And calling 911 because someone is walking in the rain? There is nothing inherently sinister or suspicious in that.
A lot of this comes down do what a "reasonable person" would expect. 911 call Zmann says there's a guy looking around the neighborhood. It was raining and night time. The kid was wearing a hoodie which tend to be knit. Even in Florida it's going to be cold that time of year. I'd say that was pretty suspicious behavior and considering they have been having break ins calling 911 seems pretty reasonable to me.
Following the kid? I don't find it unreasonable, the guy was a member of the neighborhood watch. I am not a member of neighborhood watch and if I saw someone I thought was suspicious enough to report to 911 I'd probably try to keep tabs on them too until the cops arrived. Remember Zmann was still on the phone with 911 this whole time. The line would be crossed if Zmann approached the kid.
So what if he was wearing a hoodie.....Again where does that make it a crime....Bottom line no matter how you look at it he was "profiling" and stereotyping the kid.......
Following the kid.....I do find it a bit unreasonable.....If your going to follow an individual; and I'm assuming he was rather close following him, that an altercation "did" take place......And again if "Zimm" was on the phone the whole time with the police or 911 why wouldn't they have instructed when the alledged confrontation started to abandon the area..........
Again let some retard follow me like that.....Grant it I wouldn't pull my weapon, but I'm pretty sure he'd get an ear full......


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff http:///t/391112/if-i-had-a-son-he-would-look-like-trayvon-said-our-president/140#post_3470145
Originally Posted by Beth
My feeling is that the special prosecutor knows that murder 2 is way off the mark, but, like most prosecutors these days, she is shooting to the bigger charge hoping to make a name for herself in this media-frenzied case, and pressure Zim into taking a lessor plea--reckless endangerment or manslaughter.
Here is a picture of Trayvon which is much different than the one I originally posted. He is wearing a hoodie, which certainly does not exactly make him out to be a thief on the prowl. He's tall, but not exactly a heavy-weight. Just your every day high school-er. Sad, sad, sad.

We know from his high school record the kid wasn't an angel no matter what he looked like. That doesn't mean he was doing anything wrong the night he got killed. It still comes down to we have no evidence to show who started the physical altercation. Another piece of evidence we don't have is the relationship of the shooting scene to Zmann's vehicle. If evidence suggests he was headed back to his car I think they are going to play hell ever getting a conviction.
Again Reef what does his high school records have to do with this....Nothing.......I take it Zman is a model citizen or has been all his life.......I guess none of us have been bad a$$ at some point in our lives.......


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff http:///t/391112/if-i-had-a-son-he-would-look-like-trayvon-said-our-president/140#post_3470045
Originally Posted by acrylic51
I still find the reckless endangerment charge a long shot....If the weapon wasn't brandished to begin with what would have made the kid struggle for it.....Makes me believe there was "intent" to cause serious bodily injury......
This whole thing is weird. If Barney Fife, being armed was found to have placed himself in a confrontational situation I think endangerment could stick. Even under stand your ground laws you aren't covered if unreasonable actions lead to a confrontation. If he continued following the kid after 911 told him they didn't need him doing that I think they have a shot at that.
As far as the gun it's possible the kid never saw it until after he hit the guy. Unless he was a total moron the kid would have to be crazy to go at a guy he knows is armed.
My point exactly.....Again Zim was carrying the firearm and it is his duty to protect and keep that firearm at all costs......Again maybe my training is a bit more extensive than most, but that firearm will be taken by no one.........I guess it comes down to proper training if your going to carry or not.


Active Member
Originally Posted by acrylic51 http:///t/391112/if-i-had-a-son-he-would-look-like-trayvon-said-our-president/140#post_3470324
So what if he was wearing a hoodie.....Again where does that make it a crime....Bottom line no matter how you look at it he was "profiling" and stereotyping the kid.......
Following the kid.....I do find it a bit unreasonable.....If your going to follow an individual; and I'm assuming he was rather close following him, that an altercation "did" take place......And again if "Zimm" was on the phone the whole time with the police or 911 why wouldn't they have instructed when the alledged confrontation started to abandon the area..........
Again let some retard follow me like that.....Grant it I wouldn't pull my weapon, but I'm pretty sure he'd get an ear full......
Wow! you strike me as someone who has made their mind up to exactly what happened even to the point of reading things into my posts I never stated.
Hoodie. Knit jacket. Cold rainy night. Keep those words in mind. Where did I say wearing a hoodie is a crime? What I said was someone wearing a hoodie on a cold rainy night and mulling about looking around as Zimmerman stated in the 911 call is SUSPICIOUS. A person wearing a soaked through jacket isn't likely to be taking a random stroll. You don't have to be doing a damn thing wrong to look suspicious. It's possible the kid was lost and trying to figure out where he was, who knows?
His looks. I stated he had trouble in high school no matter how he looked in response to Beth's post about him looking like a typical HS kid and stated in the same post "That doesn't mean he was doing anything wrong the night he was killed".
You also stated he was profiled. Based on exactly what? Seeing somebody in a wet hoodie wandering around on a cold night?
Following the kid. Do you know how close he was following? He could have been a block away for all we know. The 911 operator asked him where the kid was and at one point Zmann said he lost him, the kid took off. That was the last part of the call I've heard. I don't know how long after he hung up with the 911 people until the shooting but they will be able to sync up the recordings and figure it out.
I am not saying Zimmermann was right to kill the kid. I am saying based on what they've released so far I wouldn't find the guy guilty of anything. Even if they can prove he continued to follow the kid they aren't going to get murder 2 or even manslaughter (IMHO).


Active Member
I don't think he should be charged with murder or even manslaughter based solely on what information has come out in the media. I think he's guilty of being recklessly stupid which caused the death. Having said that, there is no evidence he knew Martin was black before he started following him. There is no proof he targeted him to shoot or assault, thus throwing any murder charge out the window. The problem is there is probably not a single black person on any jury that would vote to acquit for any charge. No that's not racist, just being realistic. Even if a black person on his jury thought that he never committed the offense charged, they know that the Black Panthers and NAACP would out them and make their lives a living hell. There is almost no way, unless there's a plea-bargain that Zimmerman isn't convicted of murder. The media and black activists have seen to that. There is too much intimidation out in the public for anything else.