"If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon," said our president.


Active Member
That being the Case mantis your looking at a Hung Jury a Mistrial and also then the Defense atty can scream that all the Pretrtial Publicaty tainted the Jury pool and ruined his chances of EVER getting a fair trial and then ask for a Dismissal with prejudice meaning the State had its chance and LOST. The State is in a NO WIN here if they lose Jessie and all the OTHER race Baiters are going to Scream Racism til the Cows come home. If they win Zimmerman can and Will get it thrown out on appeal for the Pre trial Posioning of the Jury Pool. She can not win this case and If I was Zimmermans Lawyers I WOULD TAKE IT TO TRIAL AND LET THE STATE LOSE.


Staff member
Reckless endangerment requires that the accussed did something that was wrong or reckless that resulted in someone's death. Such as a child left in a closed car, and the child dying from heat. A guy following someone from a distance, even if he did have a concealed weapon, I don't see how that is wreckless endangerment. Especially, if in fact Zim was returning to his car and got jumped by the victim. Of course, we don't know the truth of that yet.


Active Member
Speaking only of myself and not regarding the law; it would be reckless and endanger someones life if they followed me at night.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth http:///t/391112/if-i-had-a-son-he-would-look-like-trayvon-said-our-president/140#post_3470413
Reckless endangerment requires that the accussed did something that was wrong or reckless that resulted in someone's death. Such as a child left in a closed car, and the child dying from heat. A guy following someone from a distance, even if he did have a concealed weapon, I don't see how that is wreckless endangerment. Especially, if in fact Zim was returning to his car and got jumped by the victim. Of course, we don't know the truth of that yet.
See, that's the thing. Following someone you think is acting suspicious is not illegal or reckless. According to Zimmermann's father Zmann claims the kid took off and he lost sight of him. He further claims to have walked to the end of the block to get a street name so he could tell 911 the last known location of the kid and was returning to his truck when the kid confronted him. If that's all factual that will be on the 911 tape. They can sync that tape to the ones with people calling in during the altercation and gun shot and pretty much confirm whether or not the guy was headed back to his car. They will have his exact location and time he was there as well as how long after that the confrontation took place. Should be pretty easy to figure out. The only reason I can think of for the Murder 2 charge is the physical evidence at the shooting scene don't back up Zmann's claims.


Staff member
Actually, I read a few neighborhood watch guides I found online, and patrolling is not unusual, however, packing a gun is, and, in fact, is prohibited. The thing to do is call the police. Which Zim did do. Whether he continued to tail Trayvon is the million dollar question.


Active Member

Speaking only of myself and not regarding the law; it would be reckless and endanger someones life if they followed me at night.

I am licensed to carry in las Vegas. I don't carry all the time, but if I'm going out late or having to go into rough neighborhoods I carry.
With that being said I can tell you 100% of the time if a situation gets physical and you have a weapon on you. You WILL be charged with minimum reckless endangerment and your permit suspended.
That is one of the things they stressed in the class I took was that physical altercations when you have the ability to leave the situation will always be taken more seriously when you are carrying.
With this case as far as the racial debate. Zimmerman called him racial slurs on the 911 call. That is how it became racial profiling.
I can tell you this when I look at it on the surface I say this. You had an unarmed boy walking down a street and effectively you have an armed man exit the safety of his vehicle to pursue him.
If you look at it this way. If Zimmerman keeps doing what he's doing and that's on the phone with 911 in his car and Martin does what he's doing walking down the street this doesn't happen.
Martin did not leave his realm and approach the truck. Zimmerman left the truck and approached him.
I'm not the bravest sole in the world by any means. But if I noticed someone following me then I run. Which Zimmerman said he did in the 911 call, then he exits his vehicle looking for me. You can bet every penny in your pocket that there will be a problem.
Your basically being stalked by an armed man in a car at night in the rain. Assess the situation as being Martin he must have been terrified.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Xcali1985 http:///t/391112/if-i-had-a-son-he-would-look-like-trayvon-said-our-president/160#post_3470506
I am licensed to carry in las Vegas. I don't carry all the time, but if I'm going out late or having to go into rough neighborhoods I carry.
With that being said I can tell you 100% of the time if a situation gets physical and you have a weapon on you. You WILL be charged with minimum reckless endangerment and your permit suspended.
That is one of the things they stressed in the class I took was that physical altercations when you have the ability to leave the situation will always be taken more seriously when you are carrying.
With this case as far as the racial debate. Zimmerman called him racial slurs on the 911 call. That is how it became racial profiling.
I can tell you this when I look at it on the surface I say this. You had an unarmed boy walking down a street and effectively you have an armed man exit the safety of his vehicle to pursue him.
If you look at it this way. If Zimmerman keeps doing what he's doing and that's on the phone with 911 in his car and Martin does what he's doing walking down the street this doesn't happen.
Martin did not leave his realm and approach the truck. Zimmerman left the truck and approached him.
I'm not the bravest sole in the world by any means. But if I noticed someone following me then I run. Which Zimmerman said he did in the 911 call, then he exits his vehicle looking for me. You can bet every penny in your pocket that there will be a problem.
Your basically being stalked by an armed man in a car at night in the rain. Assess the situation as being Martin he must have been terrified.
You made two assumptions that aren't true, at least not backed up by any released evidence.
1. After cleaning up the 911 tape CNN, who originally released an edit that suggested the slur now says it appears Zimmermann said "cold" not Coon.
2. Zimmerman left his car but there is nothing to suggest he approached Martin. In fact from the sound of the tape Zman was already on foot when the kid ran off.


Active Member
I don't want to give the impression I am supporting Zimmerman here. In fact I hope they have evidence enough to convict the guy because I believe in the stand your ground laws and if Zimmerman gets off on a technicality based on that law the left will begin a full assault on those laws.
I just get fed up with people convicting people based on what they think they know.


Staff member
Actually, the final on what was said on the tape is "punks", not coon or cold.
If Zim actually did something legally wrong, then, yes, convict, but if he was heading back to his car and got jumped, then I'm not convinced that he is guilty of murder 2.


Active Member
Just read the deal on the punks blurb looking for this. Full transcript of 911 call

Dispatcher: Sanford Police Department. ...Zimmerman: Hey we've had some break-ins in my neighborhood, and there's a real suspicious guy, uh, [near] Retreat View Circle, um, the best address I can give you is 111 Retreat View Circle. This guy looks like he's up to no good, or he's on drugs or something. It's raining and he's just walking around, looking about.Dispatcher: OK, and this guy is he white, black, or Hispanic?Zimmerman: He looks black.Dispatcher: Did you see what he was wearing?Zimmerman: Yeah. A dark hoodie, like a grey hoodie, and either jeans or sweatpants and white tennis shoes. He's [unintelligible], he was just staring...Dispatcher: OK, he's just walking around the area...Zimmerman: ...looking at all the houses.
Now he's just staring at me.
OK—you said it's 1111 Retreat View? Or 111?
That's the clubhouse... [sup][Note 2, 3rd picture]
That's the clubhouse, do you know what the—he's near the clubhouse right now?
Yeah, now he's coming towards me.
He's got his hand in his waistband. And he's a black male.
How old would you say he looks?
He's got button on his shirt, late teens.
Late teens ok.
Somethings wrong with him. Yup, he's coming to check me out, he's got something in his hands, I don't know what his deal is.
Just let me know if he does anything ok
How long until you get an officer over here?
Yeah we've got someone on the way, just let me know if this guy does anything else.
Okay. These assholes they always get away. When you come to the clubhouse you come straight in and make a left. Actually you would go past the clubhouse.[Note 2, 3rd picture][/sup]
So it's on the lefthand side from the clubhouse?
No you go in straight through the entrance and then you make a left...uh you go straight in, don't turn, and make a left. Shit he's running.
He's running? Which way is he running?
Ambient sounds are heard which may be Zimmerman unbuckling his seat belt and his vehicle's "open door" chime sounding. The change in his voice and the sound of wind against his cell phone mic indicate that he has left his vehicle and is now walking. The dispatcher seems to pick up on these changes and sounds concerned when he later asks Zimmerman if he is following Martin.
Down towards the other entrance to the neighborhood.
Which entrance is that that he's heading towards?
The back entrance...fucking [disputed/unintelligible]
This section of the recording has been the subject of much speculation. Some suggest that Zimmerman has just made a racial slur, but the audio is not clear.

Are you following him?
Ok, we don't need you to do that.
/>Dispatcher: Alright sir what is your name?Zimmerman: George...He ran.Dispatcher: Alright George what's your last name?A clicking or knocking sound can be heard hereZimmerman: ZimmermanDispatcher: And George what's the phone number you're calling from?Clicking or knocking sound is heard againZimmerman: [redacted]
Alright George we do have them on the way, do you want to meet with the officer when they get out there?
Alright, where you going to meet with them at?
For the remainder of the recording, Zimmerman sounds distracted. The knocking sound occurs several times during the final exchange with the dispatcher

If they come in through the gate, tell them to go straight past the club house, and uh, straight past the club house and make a left, and then they go past the mailboxes,[sup][Note 2, 4th picture] that's my truck...[unintelligible]
What address are you parked in front of?
I don't know, it's a cut through so I don't know the address.[sup][Note 2, 6th & 7th pictures][/sup]
Okay do you live in the area?
Yeah, I...[unintelligible]
What's your apartment number?
It's a home it's 1950,[Note 2, 3rd picture][/sup] oh crap I don't want to give it all out, I don't know where this kid is.
Okay do you want to just meet with them right near the mailboxes then?
Yeah that's fine.
Alright George, I'll let them know to meet you around there okay?
Actually could you have them call me and I'll tell them where I'm at?
Okay, yeah that's no problem.
Should I give you my number or you got it?
Yeah I got it [redacted]
Yeah you got it.
Okay no problem, I'll let them know to call you when you're in the area.
You're welcome


Staff member

No you go in straight through the entrance and then you make a left...uh you go straight in, don't turn, and make a left. Shit he's running.
He's running? Which way is he running?
Ambient sounds are heard which may be Zimmerman unbuckling his seat belt and his vehicle's "open door" chime sounding. The change in his voice and the sound of wind against his cell phone mic indicate that he has left his vehicle and is now walking. The dispatcher seems to pick up on these changes and sounds concerned when he later asks Zimmerman if he is following Martin.
Down towards the other entrance to the neighborhood.
This segment is very interesting. Zim tells the dispatcher he is running (apparently he is sitting in his parked car). The dispatcher asks, which way is he running. At that point Zim seemingly leaves his car......likely in order to comply with the request of the dispatcher and check to see which way Trayvon is running. That would be what I would say if I was the defense attorney. And that ceals his defense unless other compelling evidence proves otherwise.


Active Member
I think the only two issues that are going to matter in court is did someone see who actually instigated the physical altercation and does the physical evidence back up what Zimmerman said happened during the struggle. You aint gonna find 12 jurors who will find it was unreasonable to follow the guy.


Active Member
Simple bond hearing today might upend this case. Important safety tip. When you put your investigator on the stand make sure he isn't going to have to admit he has no evidence to support accusations made in the charging document he filed LOL!


Staff member
That investigator came away looking like a bumbling idiot.
I just saw a picture of the head gashes that zimmerman has claimed he sustained during the altercation. Definitely had head injuries.
And, the special prosecutor has gotten her nose clipped as well in a crazy case she is pursuiting murder 1 against a 12 year old!


Active Member
LOL! Not a good day for the Florida justice system. She's got some splainin to do about charging him for M2 when they have no evidence to support their charging affidavit.


Staff member
I think that defense will have grounds to request a dismissal based on the investigator saying that the affadavit he signed had no evidence to back it.
I can't believe that happened in court! LOL


Active Member
Prosecutor is in H U G E trouble. I don't see how the case isn't kicked. The cause affidavit really didn't make a strong case for 2nd degree murder and now the investigator who issued it says he has no evidence to support 2 key elements of it. Bring in the clowns