"If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon," said our president.


Active Member
The leader of the new black panthers(the guy who offered the bounty) was arrested in Georgia for a felon possessing a weapon. Funny how the national news media isn't mentioning that. It doesn't fit the narrative they are spinning. And because they and bionic think only us white, right-wing types are dangerous:


I feel like everone is goes crazy about this shooting, stuff like this happens every day. This is just hitting the news because he was shot by a white man- he wasn't even white he was spanish or something, I cannot remember. If this boy was shot by a black man, or perhaps a black man shot a white boy, I do not think this story would get this much press. I do give my condolences for the family. Also, why would his girlfriend tell him to run if he had nothing to hide- the boy could have simply turned around and talked to the officer and explain things not run.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by lilclowns http:///t/391112/if-i-had-a-son-he-would-look-like-trayvon-said-our-president/80#post_3468063
I feel like everone is goes crazy about this shooting, stuff like this happens every day. This is just hitting the news because he was shot by a white man- he wasn't even white he was spanish or something, I cannot remember. If this boy was shot by a black man, or perhaps a black man shot a white boy, I do not think this story would get this much press. I do give my condolences for the family. Also, why would his girlfriend tell him to run if he had nothing to hide- the boy could have simply turned around and talked to the officer and explain things not run.
Thank you! Yes, tragedies happen all over this country every day. What makes this one so special? Let anyone shoot a person of color other than another person of color and watch the sky fall, self defense or not.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///t/391112/if-i-had-a-son-he-would-look-like-trayvon-said-our-president/80#post_3468069
AMEN!!!!! And see how fast Al Sharpton and Rev.Jesse show up........sickens me
Poor kid here at our local high school decided to take his life last night because of persistent bullying by a group of kids at the school. Was a bright young man of Asian descent. Just as senseless as this tragedy here. But I doubt the rest of the nation will hear about it.


Active Member
Wait until you see how the today show edited the 9-11 tapes for the show today. Someone's head is going to roll over that.

darthtang aw

Active Member

AMEN!!!!!      And see how fast Al Sharpton and Rev.Jesse show up........sickens me
Actually, they didn't show up until AFTER the media circus had started and was rolling downhill. The thing with these two...they are never first on the bandwagon of grandstanding. They show up when the wagon is already moving on its own, so they can get some air time and act like "they care".
Darth (equal opportunity racist) Tang


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///t/391112/if-i-had-a-son-he-would-look-like-trayvon-said-our-president/80#post_3468281
I don't watch National morning news shows. Exactly what was the screw up to begin with?
They edited down the tape so it appears Zimmerman says "The guy looks like he's up to no good, He looks black" when in fact he says "The guy looks like he's up to no good or on drugs or something, Its raining and he's just walking around looking about" Then the dispatcher asks if he's white Black or hispanic and Zimmerman answers "he looks black"
NBC should be fined. But then again this is the network that showed a close up clip of a guy at a tea party rally with an AR 15 slung on his back. As the video starts to widen out the Anchor says "white people with guns protesting a black president". and they end the clip. Had the bothered to run the clip another 3 seconds you would have seen that the Tea Party member with the gun was Black!!!


Active Member
I think he meant if he had a son, what happened to Trayvon Martin could just as easily happen to anyone's kids-including him. I think the US gov needs to start over and get ALOT of things straightened out before moving on.


Active Member
Plus, people say racism is almost nonexistent now, when its still very prominent in the white mans philosophy it seems.


Active Member
Rickross every been called an offensive name I sure as hell was when I drove OTR trucks in the major cities years ago. Lets see here Cracker Honkey Whitey and a few others I care Not to share with the forum crowd and if I said anything back to the IDIOTS that were saying them to me I could have cost my company that customer. Try having your wife in the truck with you being in the LA area and some black guy drops his pants at her and goes you want some of this BITCH. I will make you scream for mercy as I ram this home so tell your Cracker hubby to keep his mouth shut or your going to get the punishment. He was arrested at least. I dealt with crap like that for YEARS and now if anyone opposes the President and we are WHITE we are Racist sorry President Obama LOOK IN THE MIRROR. Your the Biggest Racist out there not EVERYTHING IS ABOUT RACE. He has made Every Issue he can about Race and he is in trouble this Justified shoot was a Godsend to him and he was looking for a way to deflect the Economy well he is going to milk this for as long as he can.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rickross23 http:///t/391112/if-i-had-a-son-he-would-look-like-trayvon-said-our-president/80#post_3468313
I think he meant if he had a son, what happened to Trayvon Martin could just as easily happen to anyone's kids-including him. I think the US gov needs to start over and get ALOT of things straightened out before moving on.
I find this statement odd. White people have bent over backwards to avoid even the appearance of racism. Further, I don't personally know one white person who thinks like you are saying. As far as starting over, we have a Constitution that guarantees every citizen, regardless of race or creed equal protection under the law. It actually saddens me that so many people of color choose to live in a victim mentality. The large company I worked for had all Hispanic, black and Asian management. I am lower middle-class and believe me, no one has ever said, "You're a fine white person, I think I'll give you more money and a big promotion". If there's a "white card" or "white old boys club", someone needs to tell me how to access them, because I have had to struggle and scratch and claw for everything I have ever had.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Politics on a Saltwater fish site? Who would have known? Haha
Yeah, strange isn't it? I mean they even discuss their personal families, new cars they bought, and their land based pets in this off topic forum of the saltwater forum.
Darth (Off-Topic:Definition: differing from the main topic; not relevant ) Tang