Originally Posted by bioneck47
It's really not what you do for a living or how much money you make that matters, it's all about what the wife/significant other allows you to do with your money. Lucky for me I've got an understanding fiancee' that allows me to pour thousands of dollars into this crazy hobby of mine.
LoL, no doubt! and in that respect I would have to say that you are the luckiest man on the planet! my girl flips out when I buy too many red bulls cuz she thinks that those are too expensive.
It's really not what you do for a living or how much money you make that matters, it's all about what the wife/significant other allows you to do with your money. Lucky for me I've got an understanding fiancee' that allows me to pour thousands of dollars into this crazy hobby of mine.

LoL, no doubt! and in that respect I would have to say that you are the luckiest man on the planet! my girl flips out when I buy too many red bulls cuz she thinks that those are too expensive.