Just some Questions about starting my 55 gal Reef tank!!!!



yeah, when doing shopping for livestock you only use the volume of the DT itself.
The added water volume just helps with things that work behind the scenes, not really related to how much room your fish has to swim around and all that


Originally Posted by twood
I have only had those in for 2 days, but so far I am pleased. I based my bulb selection on pictures of tanks with T-5 bulbs over them on another forum.


Originally Posted by Scott T
So you are saying that i will have instead of a 55 gal tank i will have almost a 70 gal tank?? I mean with water volume?? but that does not mean if i am looking at a fish that requires a 70 gal tank i can put that fish in it???
Correct. You need to buy fish that can do well in a 55 gal tank or smaller.

scott t

Active Member
Ok thats what i thought, one other question for ya'll what about a heater should you have one in the DT and one in the Sump also??


persoanally I have a 500w in the sump and a 250w in the sump as backup in case the 500w ever fails. the 250 is set 2 degrees lower so it never comes on. No need to have a heater or skimmer or any of that stuff in the DT when you can hide it in the sump.

scott t

Active Member
OK thats what i thought i had read before but was just making sure i was right... Thanks again for all your help with the sump.. I think thats what i am going to go with now.. You guys have talked me right into it and now that i understand it i really like the idea of doing it...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Scott T
So you are saying that i will have instead of a 55 gal tank i will have almost a 70 gal tank?? I mean with water volume?? but that does not mean if i am looking at a fish that requires a 70 gal tank i can put that fish in it???
You will have a 70 gallon system. However, your display tank is still only 55 gallons, so you can therefore only keep fish that can thrive in a 55 gallon.
I'm glad you chose a sump. You'll be happier in the long run. Three years into my tank I am building one now, but wish I had gone with one in the first place. I've wasted lots of money on equipment I wasn't happy with.
One more thing about sumps. Be sure the water level in your sump is low enough for extra water from the tank in the case of a power outage. When the pump stops, water keeps flowing through the overflow until it gets below the overflow. This is normally about 4-5 gallons in a 55 gallon.
Go to melvsreef.com, it will answer any sump questions, and give you more information on how they work, what they do, and how to build/maintain one.


Well-Known Member

Didn't Yannifish answer you enough to help, are you stumped about what was said? Do you need more info? LOL.. you gotta say more than just bump.

scott t

Active Member
well Flower I got the sump things down.. I was wondering about Power head how many should I have in the tank for water movement and such. You had suggested that I get Koralia's but how many and what size?? I think the other stuff I have down now and Guess what Flower I am going to do a sump woo hoo lol...


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Scott T
well Flower I got the sump things down.. I was wondering about Power head how many should I have in the tank for water movement and such. You had suggested that I get Koralia's but how many and what size?? I think the other stuff I have down now and Guess what Flower I am going to do a sump woo hoo lol...

Great! I wish I had done a sump in the beginning too.
I like Korlia power heads, they stay put on a magnet and they have a nice flow to them. For a 55g I would go with 2 each of the #3s or #4s


Active Member
Originally Posted by Flower

Great! I wish I had done a sump in the beginning too.
I like Korlia power heads, they stay put on a magnet and they have a nice flow to them. For a 55g I would go with 2 each of the #3s or #4s
I have a Koralia 3 in my 55, and really like it. I just want one more.
Remember your sump return will provide some water movement as well.

scott t

Active Member
I have been working on what I would like to have in it if you want I can post some of the things I am thinking about.
2 X Ocellaris (1 Regular and 1 Black and White if this would be ok to put them together)
1 X Sixline Wrasse
2 X FireFish
2 X Purple Firefish
1 X Royal Gramma Basslet
1 X Bi-Colored Blenny
1 X Goby (not sure what kind yet any suggestions are welcome)
1 X Scott’s Fairy Wrasse
These are the fish I am thinking about.. I would love to have a Tang but I know that my tank would be to small for one so I guess it is out of the question...
If anyone has any suggestions on fish let me know. Also, if you have suggestions on a CC and how many of each that would be great!!!


That's 11 fish for a 55g, may be a bit much
In my 54G I have a 6line wrasse, 1 clown, 2 yellow clown gobies, 1 flame hawk, a longfin sleeper goby.....and I am VERY hesitant about adding another....
see what opinions others give...I am no expert, just careful


Why the Sixline Wrasse? Just curious? A lot of people have issues with them being aggressive (I certainly did) so if you do decide on this fish, put it towards the end of the stock list.
Since your tank is really too small for a Tang, you might want to consider a dwarf angle such as a Coral Beauty or Flame Angel. Just a thought.
As for Gobies, are you looking for one that is a sand sifter?
4 firefish and 2 wrasses - you know these fish are KNOWN jumpers, yes?
Have you considered a quarantine tank? You really should have one, even a ten gallon would be okay, but I prefer 20G. I may actually have one that I can mail to you (I have no idea what the shipping is), my zip code is 11763 if you want to look it up.
As for a CUC, I've since learned that hermits and snails, no matter what you do, usually don't mix. I've decided that when I move my 155 to a bigger tank, I'm getting rid of whatever hermits I have left. They just kill the snails, even if I add shells for them. I think they enjoy killing the snails for the shell. I HIGHLY suggest you get about 10 nassarius snails, 10 trochus, 10 ceriths and 10 astreas. 2 cleaner shrimp, 2 peppermint shrimp (not necessary, but I like that they MAY eat aiptasia), 2 Emerald crabs (don't over do the crabs or they'll starve and/or fight with each other)
I'd write more, but it's getting late.
Glad to see that you decided to go with a sump!
Good luck.


Originally Posted by meowzer
That's 11 fish for a 55g, may be a bit much
In my 54G I have a 6line wrasse, 1 clown, 2 yellow clown gobies, 1 flame hawk, a longfin sleeper goby.....and I am VERY hesitant about adding another....
see what opinions others give...I am no expert, just careful
It's definitely a heavy stock list, but doable.
Personally, I would X either the two firefish or the two purple firefish.

scott t

Active Member
The sixline was just because of the color and no i didnt know they could get aggressive, oh and i didnt know that they were jumpers either9 Wrasses or the Firefish. I have been looking at the Dwarf Angels too lol.. Oh I bought a 29 Gal for MY QT already. =O I dunno on the Gobies I think that maybe a sand sifting one would be good to go with since i am doing a sandbed in the tank..