Just Started My SW Tank!!! HELP ME OUT!


Active Member
thanks man i dont like feeling like i am an a** and if i have made one of my self i try and fix it i hope i have done that.


Active Member
hey, i have no problem admitting that i am wrong when im wrong lol i may not like it, i am a guy LOL, but i have no problem admitting it lol and when the one poster, forget who, proved me wrong, i was quite thankful, cause not only do you get the right info, but, i get corrected, and get good info as well LOL
i really hope your fish make it though man, good luck with that and keep us updated


Originally Posted by LKGRenegade22
Dude don't sweat it. People are here are notorious for bashing new guys, they did the same thing to me because I added fish "too soon". They swore an ammonia spike would come and everything would die and it has still yet to happen. I did take extra precaution to make sure I had gotten fully cured rock, and I have even added some more rock while fish were in the tank. I just paid premium price for it because it was fully cured. I'm not even dare trying to say I know it all because there are lots of other people on here that have probably forgotten more than I know, but don't take everything you read on here as the gospel. Make sure you listen to the people who have ACTUAL experience and aren't just throwing info at you that they read somewhere. I have read so much conflicting info I almost don't even give any value to some of the stuff I read now. Clowns are hardy and as long as you keep on top of testing and such they should be fine. I've heard plenty of stories of them surviving situations I couldn't believe. Also, taking things back to the LFS is not always the answer...I've already pretty much learned which ones are the best around here but in some of them the fish are better off at my house. I will admit I did take advice from people on here and decreased my stocklist, but if everything I was told at the beginning was true I would have a empty tank right now and that is far from the truth.

dude, you said it....probably couldnt agree more with you


Active Member
yea see thats the problem of this forum ppl bash too much, im not trying to be a hypocrite anymore!
hows the tank doing?
since ur using that fluval or what ever type canister filter, i hope you know that u have to change media every 2 weeks MAX. i would change every week. u will probably save more money by ditching the canister filter and investing into a sump or a refugium.
was the sand from a tank that has already been established?
same with the rock? if so you may not have such a horrible cycle. add a clean up crew when you can.
+1 - when u buy rock make sure its in a bucket under water. wet towels wont really prevent die off and can create a mini cycle down the line..
sounds like you are using an API test kit? JMO i dont like them sometimes you have to test twice. Salifert Salifurt what ever they work great. u test everyday so i am assuming u wait the full 5 minutes and shake the bottle full 30 seconds according to directions. try testing twice in a row to make sure everything is ok. what are you keeping your salinity level at?


Originally Posted by premilove
yea see thats the problem of this forum ppl bash too much, im not trying to be a hypocrite anymore!
hows the tank doing?
since ur using that fluval or what ever type canister filter, i hope you know that u have to change media every 2 weeks MAX. i would change every week. u will probably save more money by ditching the canister filter and investing into a sump or a refugium.
was the sand from a tank that has already been established?
same with the rock? if so you may not have such a horrible cycle. add a clean up crew when you can.
+1 - when u buy rock make sure its in a bucket under water. wet towels wont really prevent die off and can create a mini cycle down the line..
sounds like you are using an API test kit? JMO i dont like them sometimes you have to test twice. Salifert Salifurt what ever they work great. u test everyday so i am assuming u wait the full 5 minutes and shake the bottle full 30 seconds according to directions. try testing twice in a row to make sure everything is ok. what are you keeping your salinity level at?
The tanks going great. Fish still look happy and healthy! In the manual it says you change 1/2 the media ever couple months? Or after ever water change. Th salinity is at about 1.023. I bought the live sand already pre-rinsed with bactiria in it.


Just my two cents, I never had an ammonia spike either with my cycling
I love SW!!!

It just seems no matter if everyone has the same thing or not, it is truely a never ending process with personalities and changes so different


Just to add my two cents in, my ammonia did not spike either when cycling
I love SW!!!!

It just seems no matter if everyone had the same creatures or not, personalities and changes happen all the time in a never-ending process.


Originally Posted by patrick8929
okay so i guess i came off as an a**, let me just say sorry first of all. your right. i should not have bashed you like that and i should be helping you make the best of the situation. the best thing to do now is check water perams. keep up with top offs and such and just make sure the fish have a good tank to try and live through the cycle. i really am truly sorry. im sorry for bashing you!!! im just here to keep people from making the same mistakes i did when i started out. i gave up and after 2 years im back. dont get discouraged!!

I'm not sure why you're being so apologetic.
You were trying to help but from what I read, he was just trying to defend that book.
Originally Posted by Shyshko08
Go look it up.
- pat wasn't saying you were lying about the book, he was saying the book is wrong, which EVERYONE on this site will agree with. Him looking up the book isn't gonna accomplish anything
Besides that, everyone's telling you the book is old and you have to defend yourself, and the book, by saying
Originally Posted by Shyshko08

Published in 2007
Okay, it was published recently and everyone was wrong it assuming the book was old. You were right, congrats, but that doesn't mean the info isn't outdated.
If anything i'd say SHy is being the a**
Originally Posted by Shyshko08

If you're so concerned, why dont you write me a check for 45$ and ill take the fish back to the store.

Pat's trying to save the fishies' lives and you start getting sacrcastic.
Sorry for the rant, i just got annoyed because i don't think Pat was wrong. you may have been blunt Pat, but not rude.
As for the situation. I get that you were going buy a book and why wouldn't you trust it? I was lucky enough to have this site before I started in the hobby. Unfourtunatley you weren't
You made some mistakes, that I admit, weren't your fault. Now you have to find ways to fix the mistakes. Follow everyone's advice as best you can. I understand that you don't want to return the fish, $45 is a lot of $$, but the cycle may burn their gills. If it does, they won't be living the best lives. At the same time, you may also get lucky and they may be happy.
In the mean time, just keep us posted and don't add any more LR or anything else for that matter. I wouldn't worry about the other test kits either for now. The 4 you have are all you need IMO. You can get the other test kits (alk, phoshpaates, etc.) when you get your good lights. When you do get it, i wouldnt get red sea, i have 1 and it's real crappy IMO.
From what i've read, you don't need to change the media in a canister filter, Just rinse them real good. Somebody, let me know if i'm wrong. The coarse filters can also be washed, but the fine one's should be replaced.
and SHY, your girl is beautiful


Originally Posted by woody189
I'm not sure why you're being so apologetic.
You were trying to help but from what I read, he was just trying to defend that book.
- pat wasn't saying you were lying about the book, he was saying the book is wrong, which EVERYONE on this site will agree with. Him looking up the book isn't gonna accomplish anything
Besides that, everyone's telling you the book is old and you have to defend yourself, and the book, by saying
Okay, it was published recently and everyone was wrong it assuming the book was old. You were right, congrats, but that doesn't mean the info isn't outdated.
If anything i'd say SHy is being the a**
Pat's trying to save the fishies' lives and you start getting sacrcastic.
Sorry for the rant, i just got annoyed because i don't think Pat was wrong. you may have been blunt Pat, but not rude.
As for the situation. I get that you were going buy a book and why wouldn't you trust it? I was lucky enough to have this site before I started in the hobby. Unfourtunatley you weren't
You made some mistakes, that I admit, weren't your fault. Now you have to find ways to fix the mistakes. Follow everyone's advice as best you can. I understand that you don't want to return the fish, $45 is a lot of $$, but the cycle may burn their gills. If it does, they won't be living the best lives. At the same time, you may also get lucky and they may be happy.
In the mean time, just keep us posted and don't add any more LR or anything else for that matter. I wouldn't worry about the other test kits either for now. The 4 you have are all you need IMO. You can get the other test kits (alk, phoshpaates, etc.) when you get your good lights. When you do get it, i wouldnt get red sea, i have 1 and it's real crappy IMO.
From what i've read, you don't need to change the media in a canister filter, Just rinse them real good. Somebody, let me know if i'm wrong. The coarse filters can also be washed, but the fine one's should be replaced.
and SHY, your girl is beautiful
Wow, I don't even know where to start with this one...I wasnt be saracastic with the publish date, someone asked me when it was published. I wasnt trying to defend the book by any means, I was trying to explain that I FOLLOWED the book and this is the situation I'm in. I don't need 23423234 people saying OMG what you doing, your doing it all wrong!
this kid pat is a hypocrite, hes not worried about the fish as much as he wants you to think. His thread talks about leaving his fish in the dorm w/o food for a month striaght for winter break. And then a couple posts later talks about buying new fish. He never once thinks about letter is LFS take him while hes gone! So that's, that. And as for my g/f....yeah she sure is beautiful. Been with her for about 8 years now.
love her to death


Active Member
Originally Posted by woody189
I'm not sure why you're being so apologetic.
You were trying to help but from what I read, he was just trying to defend that book.
- pat wasn't saying you were lying about the book, he was saying the book is wrong, which EVERYONE on this site will agree with. Him looking up the book isn't gonna accomplish anything
Besides that, everyone's telling you the book is old and you have to defend yourself, and the book, by saying
Okay, it was published recently and everyone was wrong it assuming the book was old. You were right, congrats, but that doesn't mean the info isn't outdated.
If anything i'd say SHy is being the a**
Pat's trying to save the fishies' lives and you start getting sacrcastic.
Sorry for the rant, i just got annoyed because i don't think Pat was wrong. you may have been blunt Pat, but not rude.
As for the situation. I get that you were going buy a book and why wouldn't you trust it? I was lucky enough to have this site before I started in the hobby. Unfourtunatley you weren't
You made some mistakes, that I admit, weren't your fault. Now you have to find ways to fix the mistakes. Follow everyone's advice as best you can. I understand that you don't want to return the fish, $45 is a lot of $$, but the cycle may burn their gills. If it does, they won't be living the best lives. At the same time, you may also get lucky and they may be happy.
In the mean time, just keep us posted and don't add any more LR or anything else for that matter. I wouldn't worry about the other test kits either for now. The 4 you have are all you need IMO. You can get the other test kits (alk, phoshpaates, etc.) when you get your good lights. When you do get it, i wouldnt get red sea, i have 1 and it's real crappy IMO.
From what i've read, you don't need to change the media in a canister filter, Just rinse them real good. Somebody, let me know if i'm wrong. The coarse filters can also be washed, but the fine one's should be replaced.
and SHY, your girl is beautiful
thank you! i felt bad about being so blunt with a new comer to the forum and didnt want another person to quit the hobby. yes i was being blunt and i wasnt trying to be rude. shy i am just trying to help.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Shyshko08
Wow, I don't even know where to start with this one...I wasnt be saracastic with the publish date, someone asked me when it was published. I wasnt trying to defend the book by any means, I was trying to explain that I FOLLOWED the book and this is the situation I'm in. I don't need 23423234 people saying OMG what you doing, your doing it all wrong!
this kid pat is a hypocrite, hes not worried about the fish as much as he wants you to think. His thread talks about leaving his fish in the dorm w/o food for a month striaght for winter break. And then a couple posts later talks about buying new fish. He never once thinks about letter is LFS take him while hes gone! So that's, that. And as for my g/f....yeah she sure is beautiful. Been with her for about 8 years now.
love her to death
okay first of all shy. i am getting another tankset up at my house. maybe if you could read you would see that im not a hypocrite. i know what im doing your the newbie here. i have not saidanything about a new fish so i dont know what your talking about with that one. atleast not one anytime soon. so get your s*** straight and maybe you wont put your foot in your mouth so much.


Originally Posted by patrick8929
okay first of all... even if you can why would you risk putting those fish in that tank? most people have the patience to let the tank cycle with the live rock alone. that is what you are supposed to do. second of all if you really want to add fish to help the cycle add a damsel the hardiest fish there is. third if your going to add a fish to help the cycle you want to wait for about 4 weeks before you add the fish. i added my clown on the forth week of my tank being set up. as said before i hope you washed that tank out very very well!!! alot of things in salt water are very sensitive to chemicals and change in water conditions.
i definitely agree with you pat the tank needs to be cycled for awhile or the fish might die it just depends. in my experience i setup a 29 gal and three days later added fish and every single one of them died. and shy everyones just trying to help a cycle does really increase the survival rate of fish but on some tanks i have waited a week for it to cycle and all my fish lived it just depends i guess. but seriously the info we are telling you about the nitrogen cycle isn't just a bunch of bs it's true and it really helps and if anybody says differently they are either lying or dont know what they are talking about. so when you and if you ever do setup another tank just consider cycling. and dont even sweat about the clowns everybody makes mistakes like i said i dumped a bunch of fish in the third day my tank was up and everything died and now im taking it slow and have only lost one fish so far. all i can say now is good luck and i keep me updated on your tank.

marine bio 101

Shy -
Just keep doing what you are doing. Don't respond to all the bashers. I can tell from reading this whole thread that you truly do have good intentions. You have went out and bought a book and found this website. So to me that shows that you do care about what you are doing and want to do the right things. For the most part anyone starting in this hobby doesn't do it by thinking...man let's see how many fish I can kill and waste my money on. I can guarantee you that everyone on this site has lost a fish for one reason or another. When I started my tank almost 2 years ago I did alot of research first. I bought a book that is well referred to on this site by Robert Fenner called "Consciencious Aquarist". I followed all the rules and by waiting 6 weeks with LR and LS and still lost some fish at the beginning.
Just keep checking your water parameters and doing a 25% water change once a month and things will work out.
Patrick...get a grip and stop acting so immature. Unless your a marine biologist as a profession you do not know it all either and am sure you have made plenty of mistakes along the way. Nobody is perfect and are intentionally trying to kill fish and waste their money. Instead of being so critical why don't you be a little more constructive.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Marine Bio 101
Shy -
Just keep doing what you are doing. Don't respond to all the bashers. I can tell from reading this whole thread that you truly do have good intentions. You have went out and bought a book and found this website. So to me that shows that you do care about what you are doing and want to do the right things. For the most part anyone starting in this hobby doesn't do it by thinking...man let's see how many fish I can kill and waste my money on. I can guarantee you that everyone on this site has lost a fish for one reason or another. When I started my tank almost 2 years ago I did alot of research first. I bought a book that is well referred to on this site by Robert Fenner called "Consciencious Aquarist". I followed all the rules and by waiting 6 weeks with LR and LS and still lost some fish at the beginning.
Just keep checking your water parameters and doing a 25% water change once a month and things will work out.
Patrick...get a grip and stop acting so immature. Unless your a marine biologist as a profession you do not know it all either and am sure you have made plenty of mistakes along the way. Nobody is perfect and are intentionally trying to kill fish and waste their money. Instead of being so critical why don't you be a little more constructive.
okay. you obviously didnt read the whole thread. i said sorry multiple times and he still decided to talk ****. so im done being nice. i dont know every thing but i know more than this kid. all i was trying to do is help out. he seemed to want to defend this book that told him it was a good idea to put in the fish so early and wouldnt listen to any one else even tho we were all saying it was to early. you dont have to be perfect to do good in this hobby i have made mistakes and thats why i feel like i know alot about this subject.


u r correct pat the tank does need to be cycled the fish will have much better chance of surviving also how is the clown that i told you how to acclimate doing did he make it also did you read my thread above this kingemperor guy's


Active Member
my clown is doing great!! i am gunna have to get him a new home tho... i will be moing out of the dorms for 3 weeks...