Just Started My SW Tank!!! HELP ME OUT!


Active Member
Originally Posted by braydonosu
Shy - I give you props man. At least you are thrying to find a way to make the best out of this situation. I'll tell you now that the best information that you can get is your own experience - that said a little advice and direction from people on here will go a long way. I too jumped into the hobby with no experience, but I lucked out and had a very small spike and a quick cycle. I got that pre packaged 'just add water and your good' sand and curred liverock from a good LFS that was in water the whole time. Testing everyother day when I started I did not see my ammonia spike. I didn't realize that my tank was cycled until I started to see cyano and saw that my nitrates were rising. Don't take everything said to heart - people are just looking out for the fishes. Clowns are pretty hardy and will most likely survive. You may run into problems if you have a big spike and you may not have a noticable spike at all. Best of luck - add new things with care - and next year at this time you will probably be giving advice to the next set of newbies
having a mandarin in a new tank is a death sentence for the mandarin, i hope you realize that


Active Member
Originally Posted by mboswell1982
having a mandarin in a new tank is a death sentence for the mandarin, i hope you realize that
man these guys don't know the half of it.. till you've lost at least several hundred dollars in livestock from stupidity or being misled, you won't hurt enough to start doing things right.


Active Member
man I am sure glad we have a lot of people here that never made any mistakes when they were new. Shy I am sorry that this thread has gone to gutter here.


Originally Posted by Rotarymagic
Is this guy a slightly more evolved delaharsha?

Delashara refused to accept the fact that everything he was doing was stupid and wrong and he swore he had all the experience in the world.
Shy knows he's inexperienced and i beleive he's actually looking for help. I don't see the connection between the 2. Aside from the fact that I BELIEVE shy was defending his book in the begining.
now i think his tank will be fine and that he will start doing things the way we suggest
I'm not taking sides, just telling it like I see it


Active Member
Originally Posted by woody189
Delashara refused to accept the fact that everything he was doing was stupid and wrong and he swore he had all the experience in the world.
Shy knows he's inexperienced and i beleive he's actually looking for help. I don't see the connection between the 2. Aside from the fact that I BELIEVE shy was defending his book in the begining.
now i think his tank will be fine and that he will start doing things the way we suggest
I'm not taking sides, just telling it like I see it
I'm going to.... wait and see... delaharsha was definitely stupid and deserved to take a turn living in that eclipse 6.


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
man I am sure glad we have a lot of people here that never made any mistakes when they were new. Shy I am sorry that this thread has gone to gutter here.

spanko- i addmited earlier that i have made mistakes and that is why i know alot about this subject.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rotarymagic
I'm going to.... wait and see... delaharsha was definitely stupid and deserved to take a turn living in that eclipse 6.
i think you're being wayyyyyy to generous rotary, i say he should take a turn living in a 1/2 gallon betta bowl personally


Just an update, Fish are still doing great and all levels are right where they should be. I'm starting to have alge and copods growing on my glass. How long should I wait and see if I get an ammonia spike. Its almost been a month so far.


It took a while but I just read this whole thread and it's the most terrible one I've ever read.
Pat, I just ask you to remember that we were all "newb's" at some point and we all make mistakes (yes, even you). Don't blame Shy for that, that's why we come here. There is so much negativity on this board all the time and it's such a shame because there is a mix of people on here who have invaluable advice. Please don't ruin these experiences for others. Totally ridiculous. If this is how it goes, do you really think anyone will be comfortable posting questions? Think about it...grow up please.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Shyshko08
Hey I forgot to mention that I ordered a ligth mixture. Not the best brand but it seems like it will do alright. Wasnt a bad price. 109$ from ----. Heres the link http://cgi.----.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll...m=270314917138
Has anyone ever bought this brand? Anything I should know about it?

Return them. They are known to be a terrible lighting system. Don't waste your money.
Don't skimp on lighting, you definitely get what you pay for.


look into used lighting. thats the route i took. I spent almost three hundred bucks on my first PC lighting fixture and have spent that much total on my halides after buying used. and I currently own three differend pendants.
also take advice with a grain of salt here. Poke around the forums until you see who the respected members are who really know whats going on and are intelligent. There are some members with tons of posts who dont even have tanks.
One bit of advice for you. If you see something you want at the lfs ask them to hold it for a day. come home and research it. find out if its compatible and a good buy. if it is not call them up and tell them you have changed your mind. never rush into an impulse buy of anything.


Originally Posted by n8ball2013
One bit of advice for you. If you see something you want at the lfs ask them to hold it for a day. come home and research it. find out if its compatible and a good buy. if it is not call them up and tell them you have changed your mind. never rush into an impulse buy of anything.
Word up.


WHen i went in to buy my 1st fish, the LFS told me to buy new lighs because my LR would die with the flourecent tube i have. I came on here and they said that is totally false. I may not get the best growth, but i definitely won't kill the rock.


Active Member
Just remember when we talk about live rock in general the life we are talking about is the bacteria Nitrosomonas for ammonia and Nitrobacters for nitrites in a closed system like our tanks.
So the live rock can live in a closed Tupperware container with no light, having a powerhead for circulation and a heater to maintain temperature.
That said the light would be necessary for the hitch hiking life on the rock, coral, algae etc. So the LFS IMO did not go far enough with their explanation.


Active Member
Shy, just an fyi copepods do not "grow on glass" you are proplably seeing hydro jellyfish. Have fun. Oh yeah the only thing that happens fast in saltwater is faliure.


Originally Posted by mie
Shy, just an fyi copepods do not "grow on glass" you are proplably seeing hydro jellyfish. Have fun. Oh yeah the only thing that happens fast in saltwater is faliure.

so wrong...... you left out addiction.


Hi all,
Just a comment on the defence of us the "newbes"
I have read quite of bit. My undesrtanding so far is that in this hobby it is very complicated to maintain a true ecosystem for aquatic life to really be completely stable and happy. I am not an expert to impose my opinion on this matter. I do realize that people have more experience on this than others. I also know that even the PHD's are not experts at this yet, as it is a very complicated matter. I wonder how many peolpe here that post feel like they are experts in this matter. I know of some that have a great deal of experience, and they do not claim to be experts. I like this hobby as much as the next guy. I feel that we all make mistakes down the path to experience. I believe most post questions after the fact, meaning action comes first than consequence. We post our questions once the consequences of our action take place. It would be great to see threads where people adress the consequences not the actions, as the actions are not fixable. I find it hard to critique people on their mistakes, as I made mistakes along the way aswell. It would be nice if the moderator of this sight would impose a way to determine the credentials of the poeple posting here. It would be nice to quatify the experience that people have to determine who has knowledable experience, and not just posting what they read some where. Than again that is all we can do, since this is a very complicated and expensive hobby.


i dont think its difficult at all. initially its a bit challenging but this is a very fun and enjoyable hobby. common sense and lots of research and reading. its kind of a closet geek thing you could say .