Just Started My SW Tank!!! HELP ME OUT!


I was wondering about how long I should be waiting befor I even start thinking about adding stuff to the tank. Its been about a month now and every still looks healthy and great.


Originally Posted by Shyshko08
I was wondering about how long I should be waiting befor I even start thinking about adding stuff to the tank. Its been about a month now and every still looks healthy and great.
What are your parameters now? Did you ever get an ammo spike? Sorry, I didnt want to read 4 pages of arguing!

salt nate

I cycled my 75 gal with 2 clowns and they were happy through the whole process! I saw some black spots on yours, is he ok?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Shyshko08
I was wondering about how long I should be waiting befor I even start thinking about adding stuff to the tank. Its been about a month now and every still looks healthy and great.
Give us an update on what you tank is like now. Water parameters, actual test results, how does the sand bed and rockwork look, any algae etc. Then tell us what is in the tank now for coral, fish, snails, crabs etc.


Originally Posted by salt nate
I cycled my 75 gal with 2 clowns and they were happy through the whole process! I saw some black spots on yours, is he ok?
oh yeah hes doing great, the black spots are from coral stings from the LFS, only one has it tho the other has no stings. I havnt seen ammonia even creep up once yet. Or even nitrate, nitrite


Originally Posted by spanko
Give us an update on what you tank is like now. Water parameters, actual test results, how does the sand bed and rockwork look, any algae etc. Then tell us what is in the tank now for coral, fish, snails, crabs etc.
I will update u tomarrow/after tomarrow with all the parameters. I'm thinking about getting a small crab and a couple of nassarius snails as clean up crew.


Originally Posted by Shyshko08

What does un-cycled LR mean? It came out of a tank that was cycled.

by uncycled i thnk he means uncured, not sure if you know what that means. Look it up, tons of threads.
If it came straight out of a cycled tank and went straight into your tank, there shouldn't be a problem. Assuming you didnt' take long to get it from old tank to new.
If you take too long to add it to your tank, the LiVE rock will begin to die. The die off will then decay and turn into ammonia and possibly cause another spike.
what do you plan on adding next??


Originally Posted by woody189
by uncycled i thnk he means uncured, not sure if you know what that means. Look it up, tons of threads.
If it came straight out of a cycled tank and went straight into your tank, there shouldn't be a problem. Assuming you didnt' take long to get it from old tank to new.
If you take too long to add it to your tank, the LiVE rock will begin to die. The die off will then decay and turn into ammonia and possibly cause another spike.
what do you plan on adding next??

Yeah the rocks were in a fully cured tank. Payed top dollar for them. Thanks for the info. I'm planning on getting a few snails, crabs and a couple of shrimp. I'm starting to get alge growth all over my glass.


Originally Posted by spanko
That said the light would be necessary for the hitch hiking life on the rock, coral, algae etc. So the LFS IMO did not go far enough with their explanation.
I hear you, but i honestly don't think that was on his agenda. I wasn't planning on keeping the tank in the dark, i had some lighting. Enough to keep algae alive at least
and IF
i had hitchiking corals, I wouldn't pay for T5's to keep a hitchiker that i, may or may not have, alive. Before anything, he asked if i planned on going reef. I said no, then he said I still need new lights.
He was hoping for me to say i wanted reef so i could buy lights, I said no, but he figured he'd try anyway.
I understand what you're saying though, and i doubt he had good intentions.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by patrick8929
need another one. im sorry but i dont take it when people call me an idiot. your the newb that made the mistakes here no me. and whn did i say anything about you saying the cycle is a lie? your the idiot. i wish i could add a few more choice words to this post.
spanko... i tried to let it go by saying sorry but this jack A** brought it back up and called me an idiot now?? really! wow im sorry to every one else but this dude is wack and hs put his foot in his mouth multiple times now.

"This dude is wack" are you serious? Okay gangster nerd. Good one! You sit here and point fingers and place blame. Then you bring up something that has beat to death to give him more crap. I love keyboard warriors who have the grammer of a 4 year old while giving somebody a hard time. Just shut up. You look so dumb.
Thread starter. Good luck. You're doing the right things. You took the info you got and thought was correct and did your thing with it. You asked questions. Bought a book. I praise you for that. Yes you made some mistakes. Oh my god you're human. Let's all cry now. It will all pan out and you, the fish, and your tank will be good to go in due time.


Shy sounds like everything is going good. What's your next addition and what are you planning on keeping? Maybe I can give you some advice on the fish. I have kept just about every fish you can keep at one time or another. Don't know much about corals as I don't have alot of success with them. Probably because I underlight and overfeed.
One thing I can see down the road is some possible hair algae issues with that filtration setup. Once you get this scurge it will drive you to madness. If you can try to add a refugium to your set up to eat up nitrates. Will help this problem.


Active Member
LOL. good luck with that!

ditch the canister filter trust me you'll be alot happier.
once the bio load increases, with your cleansing pattern your trates are going to be up. canister filters should be changed MAX 2 weeks. if you decide to keep the canister filters, take out the sponges and throw some LR rubble.
have you ever thought about a fuge or a sump? you will save more money with changing media..i had 2 canister filters on my 75 gal and trates were up to a good 100. i changed media once a month, trates never went down. i had a 405 and an ehiem. over some time i had the worse outbreak of hair algae. i recently cleaned the entire tank, ditched the canister filters and put in a custom refugium. tank looks amazing compared to what it used to be!


Originally Posted by premilove
LOL. good luck with that!

ditch the canister filter trust me you'll be alot happier.
once the bio load increases, with your cleansing pattern your trates are going to be up. canister filters should be changed MAX 2 weeks. if you decide to keep the canister filters, take out the sponges and throw some LR rubble.
have you ever thought about a fuge or a sump? you will save more money with changing media..i had 2 canister filters on my 75 gal and trates were up to a good 100. i changed media once a month, trates never went down. i had a 405 and an ehiem. over some time i had the worse outbreak of hair algae. i recently cleaned the entire tank, ditched the canister filters and put in a custom refugium. tank looks amazing compared to what it used to be!

hmmm thanks for the advice. Sounds like something I'm gunna have to do in the future. I'm not sure how to build a refugium. Would you be able to give me DIY link or maybe in your own words on how to build one?


Folks, as a reminder don't flame other hobbyists. If someone is not taking your advice, and it upsets you, then just move on. Remember that we were all new at one point.