Just Started My SW Tank!!! HELP ME OUT!


Active Member
Originally Posted by kydizzle41
u r correct pat the tank does need to be cycled the fish will have much better chance of surviving also how is the clown that i told you how to acclimate doing did he make it
and i think i got the point across about the tank being cycled but thats not the point. i migh have been blunt but what i said was right. he was defending something that was wrong and didnt want to believe every one else.


Originally Posted by patrick8929
and i think i got the point across about the tank being cycled but thats not the point. i migh have been blunt but what i said was right. he was defending something that was wrong and didnt want to believe every one else.
haha alright why don't you show me when I said that I dont believe anyone, or even show me when I was supposedly defending the book? Also why dont you show me when I said that cycling the tank is a lie? Ur an idiot


Originally Posted by Marine Bio 101
Shy -
Just keep doing what you are doing. Don't respond to all the bashers. I can tell from reading this whole thread that you truly do have good intentions. You have went out and bought a book and found this website. So to me that shows that you do care about what you are doing and want to do the right things. For the most part anyone starting in this hobby doesn't do it by thinking...man let's see how many fish I can kill and waste my money on. I can guarantee you that everyone on this site has lost a fish for one reason or another. When I started my tank almost 2 years ago I did alot of research first. I bought a book that is well referred to on this site by Robert Fenner called "Consciencious Aquarist". I followed all the rules and by waiting 6 weeks with LR and LS and still lost some fish at the beginning.
Just keep checking your water parameters and doing a 25% water change once a month and things will work out.
Patrick...get a grip and stop acting so immature. Unless your a marine biologist as a profession you do not know it all either and am sure you have made plenty of mistakes along the way. Nobody is perfect and are intentionally trying to kill fish and waste their money. Instead of being so critical why don't you be a little more constructive.
haha dont even worry about it man, im not stressin, Its been about 3 weeks since the clowns got put in the tank and there doing better than ever. All levels check out. I'm testing the water everyday and recording it. Everything looks great so far. I'll keep you posted. Thanks for the support man. I appreciate it


Active Member
Originally Posted by Shyshko08
No, your completely wrong on that. I do listen to people, your just not understand the fact that I bought the fish BEFORE I found this site. So at this point theres nothing I can do but pray for the fish to survive! I appreciate all the information, and I'm not saying that you're wrong,.
I think this should explain to everyone here what happened. Back in the day it was acceptable and even encouraged to do things that are questionable currently. Cycling with fish, running undergravel filters, etc. Let it go folks. Let's concentrate on helping Shy get through it and move on.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Shyshko08
Again clowns are part of the damsel family, also hardy fish! Second, from the book I was reading said it was ok to add them, had nothing to do with patients.
need another one. im sorry but i dont take it when people call me an idiot. your the newb that made the mistakes here no me. and whn did i say anything about you saying the cycle is a lie? your the idiot. i wish i could add a few more choice words to this post.
spanko... i tried to let it go by saying sorry but this jack A** brought it back up and called me an idiot now?? really! wow im sorry to every one else but this dude is wack and hs put his foot in his mouth multiple times now.


Shy - I give you props man. At least you are thrying to find a way to make the best out of this situation. I'll tell you now that the best information that you can get is your own experience - that said a little advice and direction from people on here will go a long way. I too jumped into the hobby with no experience, but I lucked out and had a very small spike and a quick cycle. I got that pre packaged 'just add water and your good' sand and curred liverock from a good LFS that was in water the whole time. Testing everyother day when I started I did not see my ammonia spike. I didn't realize that my tank was cycled until I started to see cyano and saw that my nitrates were rising. Don't take everything said to heart - people are just looking out for the fishes. Clowns are pretty hardy and will most likely survive. You may run into problems if you have a big spike and you may not have a noticable spike at all. Best of luck - add new things with care - and next year at this time you will probably be giving advice to the next set of newbies


Oh, and JMO - but I would do a 15 - 20% water change once every 10 days to 2 weeks. It will help dilute the ammonia and nitrate that will be produced. Just my 2 cents.
P.S. - watch out for distilled water when you go to a reef. A lot of places use copper piping in the distilization process and if any copper traces are in your water it could harm some corals and other inverts


New Member
I think you are all over reacting a little. If you start out with enough live rock you have the potential to cycle a tank with no ammonia spike. Every time I cycle a tank, I put the max amount of live rock and check my levels every day. I don't recommend using damsels because they are aggresive and hard to catch if you want to remove them. I have never seen an ammonia spike. Against everyones recommendations I even use purple up with much success. It does cause small amounts of nuisance algae, but you can also put cleaner inverts in your tank sooner. With the right light and filter I have had a completely stocked tank with soft corals and even some stony in less then a months time. I also have a green mandarin and a scooter blenny in 29 gallon tank after only being setup for a month. I have never seen the raw shrimp method used and it sounds rediculous, but whatever works for you. This is just my opinion.


Originally Posted by patrick8929
need another one. im sorry but i dont take it when people call me an idiot. your the newb that made the mistakes here no me. and whn did i say anything about you saying the cycle is a lie? your the idiot. i wish i could add a few more choice words to this post.
spanko... i tried to let it go by saying sorry but this jack A** brought it back up and called me an idiot now?? really! wow im sorry to every one else but this dude is wack and hs put his foot in his mouth multiple times now.
when you say that I dont believe anyone about tthe cycle, implies that I think everyone is lieing. Dude dont even post here anymore, your giving me a headache


Active Member
The typical store bought name brand gallon jugs of steam distilled water will normally test out at 0 TDS. Also copper should not be an issue as most manufacturers now use stainless steel not copper.


My info on the copper might be a little out dated. I have used RO/DI for the past 2 years or so. Before that it was distilled and a very good LFS in my area told me about the copper (Could have been a ploy to get me to buy their RO I guess)


Originally Posted by masterhobbyist
I think you are all over reacting a little. If you start out with enough live rock you have the potential to cycle a tank with no ammonia spike. Every time I cycle a tank, I put the max amount of live rock and check my levels every day. I don't recommend using damsels because they are aggresive and hard to catch if you want to remove them. I have never seen an ammonia spike. Against everyones recommendations I even use purple up with much success. It does cause small amounts of nuisance algae, but you can also put cleaner inverts in your tank sooner. With the right light and filter I have had a completely stocked tank with soft corals and even some stony in less then a months time. I also have a green mandarin and a scooter blenny in 29 gallon tank after only being setup for a month. I have never seen the raw shrimp method used and it sounds rediculous, but whatever works for you. This is just my opinion.
thanks for the info


Active Member
Originally Posted by Shyshko08
when you say that I dont believe anyone about tthe cycle, implies that I think everyone is lieing. Dude dont even post here anymore, your giving me a headache
yea you dont have any thing to say. im right and you know it. im done wih you and dont post in my thread either.