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I have a 40LB Chihuahua named Fat Eddy.
Just curious what attracted you to the "Pit Bull" breed in the first place. I can understand your loyalty to your pet since you already have the dog, but curious what drew you to that particular breed in the first place?
Most people dont choose that breed for companion dogs, most hunters dont use them, most law enforcement and rescue agencies dont choose Pit Bulls, most ranches dont use them, what useful purpose do they serve? I mean if its a family dog someone is looking for isnt there a better choice? At least a Pomeranian can be used as a pillow. I dont understand why someone would pick a Pit Bull as a friendly family dog over a Beagal.
Do you fight Bulls in Pits?
What drew me to them is their personality. I was a kennel tech for a vet when I was 15 or 16, and a lot of the dogs were pit bulls. I've never been afraid of dogs, I grew up with them, so I knew how to act around them, so I never knew to be afraid of them. Every pit bull we had in there was just the absolute sweetest dog. One in particular was named Bristol, she was amazing. So obedient, walked beautifully on the leash, just a great girl. Whereas just about every golden ret or lab we had was NUTS! I also think they are beautiful dogs. I had researched the breed a lot when I was younger, all my school reports were based on pit bulls. I once had to write a final research paper on a controversial topic, I chose Breed Specific Legislation, I got an A+. The more I researched and learned about these dogs, the more I found out that so many people hated them. Soon after I started working for the vet, I started volunteering at the local Animal Control, but not with the dogs/cats, it was with the wild animal hospital that was on same property, and we shared the same facilities. I would walk in the dog section every day, and everytime more than half the dogs in the cages were pit bulls. I guess I have just always had a soft spot for the underdog. So many people judge these dogs before they have ever known one, how is that fair? How can someone base their "knowledge" on something they know nothing about, it just doesn't make any sense. At 18 I got a job working for another vet office, and a girl there had an american bulldog, he was the coolest dog!! Growing up, I always wanted a white dog, and thought Leroy was just perfect. Had the same temperament as a pit bull...loyal, intelligent, loving. I mistakenly picked up a newspaper one day and saw that someone was selling AB pups for $200. I had to have one (I would never buy a puppy again, this was before I knew about rescues.) And she started my all out love for bully breeds. Maui is my absolute best friend, I would do anything for that dog. She's so amazing, so loving, does not have a mean bone in her body. All it takes is one to change your mind. Since starting this rescue, I have met so many people who were scared to death of pit bulls until one showed up on their doorstep, showing them the true breed. They are not monsters, they are living, breathing, loving creatures, who at times are victims of ignorance and abuse. It is not the dogs fault they had crappy owners, and its not fair to take it out on the people (and dogs!) who are responsible and do whats right. Both of my dogs have their CGC (Canine Good Citizen) my shiba inu almost got hers, but she failed the part where she had to be left alone with a stranger, she cried. I have spent (and still do) a lot of time training, socializing and making sure my dogs grew up the right way. Magnum was a rescue, he was an adult when I got him, but shortly after he came to live with me, we started his training & resocialization. I'm a responsible owner. My dogs are never off leash. Most people in my neighborhood cannot say that about themselves or their dogs. I have a neighbor about 10 houses down who refuses to leash her old lab mix. Before I knew that, I was walking Magnum, working on heel, sit, down and such when we walked by their house. First, I got the nasty look for walking my "pit bull" around them because they had kids playing basketball, then the lab mix came running out, OFF LEASH and ATTACKED Magnum!! Luckily Magnum is a great boy, he just sat there and looked at me, probably wondering what he did wrong. It only went on for a second or two (felt like an eternity) until the dog stopped, and the owner called it over, like nothing had happened. Magnum had a single puncture on his cheek. If it had been the other way around, same exact scenario, same outcome, Magnum would have been confiscated and euthanized, because he's a "pit bull." Thats BS. Nothing happened to that dog, I called Animal Control, they didnt even investigate!! Sorry, I've gone off on a tangent, but its not fair. I have nothing against any other breeds of dogs, I love them all, but I just know they are not for me. And also, both my american bulldog & pit bull make wonderful pillows!!