Originally Posted by
Yeah. and how many of those negative side effects can be attributed to alchohol as well? I've been smoking pot regularly for about 16 years and have never, ever experienced any of those physical side effects from it. I've also never experienced any paranoia, altered time perception or anxiety from it either. Sure, its made me sleepy, but having a beer or 2 can do that as well.
This is pretty much one of those arguments like politics or religion where it seems that one side will never win over the other side. What it all really boils down to is that the governent really has no right whatsoever to tell me that I can't enjoy, in my own home, the effects of a plant that grows naturally all over the country.
Funny I have never had any of them either,but I do get hungry lol
common side effects are as follows
Trouble remembering things / Never had this problem.I remeber better then my girlfriend and she is a college student with a 3.8 gpa
Sleepiness /I sleep better
Anxiety /Never had this
Paranoia (feeling that people are “out to get you”)People with this issue have done some wrong to be paranoid
Altered time perception / If I have no where to go who care what time it is.
side effects to the body physically are as follows.
Tremors (shaking)never had this
Nausea / Never had this
Headache / Never had this.Must be a mexico rag weed thing.
Coordination becoming worse // Never had this.Ya Booze helps with this big time
Increased heart rate / Never had this
Breathing problems / Never had this
Increased appetite /Whats wrong with this?
Reduced blood flow to the brain /I think fine so I don't know
Changes in the reproductive organs /An what this saposed to be.
Altered pulmonary status
Altered body temperature /
Reduced muscle strength /
Maybe if you a couch potatoe
I own a buisness and have no problem with motivation to do anything .I will smoke some and go do lawn work in the yard so all the people that say pot make you hibernate in the house you all watch to many movies.