

Active Member
I have never or ever will use drugs or anything of that sort, BUT I think it should be legalized to an extent such as you can only use it in your house, If you get caught using it on the streets, in your car ext. you get jail time. And you can only carry 1 ounce with you, also you cant leave your house or harm anyone in anyway while using it and after for however long it takes to go away. If you get into an accident,robbery,killing.. Anything like that you can never use it again and you serve kail time for the right period.


hi jenny, my parents know. in fact they smoke pot!they had a hard time when they found out and do not condone it. and they do not smoke with me. they do smoke with my 25 year old sister and 27 year old brother. im sure they wouldnt like me tellin that but... its our secret... and if their intelligence gets insulted im not gonna be a happy camper
both hold jobs, my mom at lifetime assistance. she also cleans an office a couple nights a week. my step dad worked his whole life installing carpet and now has been promoted to supervising. my house is moderatly nice. stays very clean. mom keeps up on the laundry and cooking. neither are lazy or dumb.
and i find that when i smoke pot i can concentrate harder on my art work and i can sit there longer and work it out and i usually am happier with the results.
is that a tangible positive??

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by DragonZim
Yeah. and how many of those negative side effects can be attributed to alchohol as well? I've been smoking pot regularly for about 16 years and have never, ever experienced any of those physical side effects from it. I've also never experienced any paranoia, altered time perception or anxiety from it either. Sure, its made me sleepy, but having a beer or 2 can do that as well.
This is pretty much one of those arguments like politics or religion where it seems that one side will never win over the other side. What it all really boils down to is that the governent really has no right whatsoever to tell me that I can't enjoy, in my own home, the effects of a plant that grows naturally all over the country.

Cocaine grows naturally, would you condone the legalization of cocaine?
Mushrooms, a hallucinagenic, grows naturally as well, would you condone the legalization of this?
Many things grow naturally, doesn't make them ok to partake constantly. Now I have said I have no problem with legalization even with all the side effects, people are adults and can make their own life decisions. However I would not allow it to be done publicly. It would have to be done in your own home and that is it. As your habit does affect me physically and mentally and may alter my ability to function just from "contact" high. standing in a room where you smoke will allow me to ingest enough THC to put me over limit set by the government of under the influence. If you can come up with a way for that NOT to happen then I am fine.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Krista921
hi jenny, my parents know. in fact they smoke pot!...
Have you considered what your behavior can/will have on your future?


yea i think ill be alot like my mom
which i dont mind... did you read the whole post?
where people came up with the mentality that pot is evil and will ruin your life is crazy. it reminds me of the filth they aired when they first wanted to make it illegal. that people were smoking pot and then killin people. its really not like that.....and i cant believe people still are living like parents of the 60's

salty blues

Active Member
Originally Posted by TangMan99
Wow! Looking at the results, there are a lot of pot heads on here.

Oh no! Hide your kids. Surely they will kill us all!


Originally Posted by salty blues
Oh no! Hide your kids. Surely they will kill us all!

Pot heads killed my father. Well... they hurt him real bad. Hurt his feelings. It's a long story.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DragonZim
Yeah. and how many of those negative side effects can be attributed to alchohol as well? I've been smoking pot regularly for about 16 years and have never, ever experienced any of those physical side effects from it. I've also never experienced any paranoia, altered time perception or anxiety from it either. Sure, its made me sleepy, but having a beer or 2 can do that as well.
This is pretty much one of those arguments like politics or religion where it seems that one side will never win over the other side. What it all really boils down to is that the governent really has no right whatsoever to tell me that I can't enjoy, in my own home, the effects of a plant that grows naturally all over the country.
Funny I have never had any of them either,but I do get hungry lol
common side effects are as follows
Trouble remembering things / Never had this problem.I remeber better then my girlfriend and she is a college student with a 3.8 gpa
Sleepiness /I sleep better
Anxiety /Never had this
Paranoia (feeling that people are “out to get you”)People with this issue have done some wrong to be paranoid
Altered time perception / If I have no where to go who care what time it is.
side effects to the body physically are as follows.
Tremors (shaking)never had this
Nausea / Never had this
Headache / Never had this.Must be a mexico rag weed thing.

Coordination becoming worse // Never had this.Ya Booze helps with this big time

Increased heart rate / Never had this
Breathing problems / Never had this
Increased appetite /Whats wrong with this?
Reduced blood flow to the brain /I think fine so I don't know
Changes in the reproductive organs /An what this saposed to be.
Altered pulmonary status
Altered body temperature /

Reduced muscle strength /
Maybe if you a couch potatoe
I own a buisness and have no problem with motivation to do anything .I will smoke some and go do lawn work in the yard so all the people that say pot make you hibernate in the house you all watch to many movies.


No comment that I or anyone else for that matter could change anyone's mind on the subject because if you smoke your going to continue to smoke...
However, I can only state what I observe. As an employee of a University Housing office every student I have witnessed, who has been found responsible for pot related incidents have VERY low GPA's and are either on academic probation or drop out within their first semester of school.

salty blues

Active Member
Originally Posted by reef46
No comment that I or anyone else for that matter could change anyone's mind on the subject because if you smoke your going to continue to smoke...
However, I can only state what I observe. As an employee of a University Housing office every student I have witnessed, who has been found responsible for pot related incidents have VERY low GPA's and are either on academic probation or drop out within their first semester of school.
How do the boozers fare?


Active Member
Wow, I missed a lot! Darthtang, I'm in very northern mn, right next to the Canadian border which is kinda funny considering it's still mostly the Mexican crap even way up here. It's interesting how many people are fine with alcohol buzz but getting high off weed is somehow way different. I guess I don't get it, if I drink too much I get sick and feel like crap the next day, if I drink less I just fall asleep. I prefer a buzz I can enjoy. Getting high is an escape of sorts but what isn't? The vast majority of people I know head to the bars every chance they can but that's not my thing and never has been.
As far as being addictive, I have a government job. When the application came in and I had a slight chance of getting hired I quit that day and stayed clean until I took the piss test and got hired, then started up again after a couple months. No withdrawal or shaking or freaking out needing pot. Now whenever I quit drinking five Pepsi's a day I get horrid headaches and feel like I'm dying. Wasn't it between caffeine and cocaine when they were deciding what to make illegal? Also if you go back and do some research, pot is mainly illegal due to rascism, people were afraid the Mexicans were going crazy, raping and killing while on the "devil weed". There's a lot of laws based off fear instead of facts.


Active Member
I have kind of stayed away from this thread, but I will tell a story of my recent experience with the "effects" of pot smoking.
The facility where I work recently went through a change of management companies. We had an all employee meeting in which we found out everyone would have to be essentially rehired for our positions. This included paperwork, proof of ID, and as everyone found out that day, drug testing, which is company policy for the new management company. A few days later I walked into work and our HR director asked me "name your five worst employees" I asked "why?"...She said "Just do it". Didn't take long, I thougth of whom called in sick a lot, showed up late a lot, didn't work as hard as their co-workers and gave her my 5 names....she replied "Will your life just got easier, 4 or your 5 don't work here anymore".
Sorry if this offends anyone whom uses, I just thought I would share for anyone who says there are no ill effects from it.

salty blues

Active Member
Originally Posted by kjr_trig
I have kind of stayed away from this thread, but I will tell a story of my recent experience with the "effects" of pot smoking.
The facility where I work recently went through a change of management companies. We had an all employee meeting in which we found out everyone would have to be essentially rehired for our positions. This included paperwork, proof of ID, and as everyone found out that day, drug testing, which is company policy for the new management company. A few days later I walked into work and our HR director asked me "name your five worst employees" I asked "why?"...She said "Just do it". Didn't take long, I thougth of whom called in sick a lot, showed up late a lot, didn't work as hard as their co-workers and gave her my 5 names....she replied "Will your life just got easier, 4 or your 5 don't work here anymore".
Sorry if this offends anyone whom uses, I just thought I would share for anyone who says there are no ill effects from it.
As we say around these parts, they were probably no account anyway.


A far better test of the merits of legalizing should be to observe the effects of a country that has legalized drugs. I believe the Netherlands have legalized drugs. I don't have the facts handy so will not "spout off", but it would be interesting to see what the crime trend, economy, and health indicators have to say on the subject.
Personally I have smoked. I do not now. I also am a recovering alchoholic. It was FAR easier to stop smoking pot than to stop drinking. It had nothing to do with the availability of either drug. I could, frankly, get pot easier when I was under age than I could get booze. I am 34 and have been sober for over 13 years. I am also an MBA with a "white collar" job so obviously (for me) the pot did no lasting harm.
I come down on the pro side of legalization. I believe that if regulated like alchohol it would reduce the access for younger users. The regulation of "home grown" is an issue, but people still make moonshine too. The taxation of pot could help to eleviate some of our tax burden. I can't say that I'm willing to fight for it, but if put to a vote I would probably vote to legalize.


Active Member
Originally Posted by scgator
A far better test of the merits of legalizing should be to observe the effects of a country that has legalized drugs. I believe the Netherlands have legalized drugs. I don't have the facts handy so will not "spout off", but it would be interesting to see what the crime trend, economy, and health indicators have to say on the subject.
Personally I have smoked. I do not now. I also am a recovering alchoholic. It was FAR easier to stop smoking pot than to stop drinking. It had nothing to do with the availability of either drug. I could, frankly, get pot easier when I was under age than I could get booze. I am 34 and have been sober for over 13 years. I am also an MBA with a "white collar" job so obviously (for me) the pot did no lasting harm.
I come down on the pro side of legalization. I believe that if regulated like alchohol it would reduce the access for younger users. The regulation of "home grown" is an issue, but people still make moonshine too. The taxation of pot could help to eleviate some of our tax burden. I can't say that I'm willing to fight for it, but if put to a vote I would probably vote to legalize.
Amsterdam drugs are legal and prostitution and their is no crime.I believe swisserland to.

salty blues

Active Member
Originally Posted by scgator
A far better test of the merits of legalizing should be to observe the effects of a country that has legalized drugs. I believe the Netherlands have legalized drugs. I don't have the facts handy so will not "spout off", but it would be interesting to see what the crime trend, economy, and health indicators have to say on the subject.
Personally I have smoked. I do not now. I also am a recovering alchoholic. It was FAR easier to stop smoking pot than to stop drinking. It had nothing to do with the availability of either drug. I could, frankly, get pot easier when I was under age than I could get booze. I am 34 and have been sober for over 13 years. I am also an MBA with a "white collar" job so obviously (for me) the pot did no lasting harm.
I come down on the pro side of legalization. I believe that if regulated like alchohol it would reduce the access for younger users. The regulation of "home grown" is an issue, but people still make moonshine too. The taxation of pot could help to eleviate some of our tax burden. I can't say that I'm willing to fight for it, but if put to a vote I would probably vote to legalize.
The problem is even getting it put to a vote. The "war on drugs" and DARE among other things have so demonized any and everything to do with drugs, that a lot of people have been brainwashed and conditioned to believe that all drugs, including marijauna have no place or use and anyone who uses any illegal drug is a lowlife, worthless person.
You will rarely hear any politician speaking out in favor of decriminalization, much less legalization. They are way more worried about losing votes than they are concerned about any effects of drug use. You would need major segments of the population speaking out for legalization and right now I don't see that happening. Meanwhile, our laws continue to make criminals out of otherwise law abiding, non-violent folks.