

Originally Posted by scgator
A far better test of the merits of legalizing should be to observe the effects of a country that has legalized drugs. I believe the Netherlands have legalized drugs. I don't have the facts handy so will not "spout off", but it would be interesting to see what the crime trend, economy, and health indicators have to say on the subject.
Personally I have smoked. I do not now. I also am a recovering alchoholic. It was FAR easier to stop smoking pot than to stop drinking. It had nothing to do with the availability of either drug. I could, frankly, get pot easier when I was under age than I could get booze. I am 34 and have been sober for over 13 years. I am also an MBA with a "white collar" job so obviously (for me) the pot did no lasting harm.
I come down on the pro side of legalization. I believe that if regulated like alchohol it would reduce the access for younger users. The regulation of "home grown" is an issue, but people still make moonshine too. The taxation of pot could help to eleviate some of our tax burden. I can't say that I'm willing to fight for it, but if put to a vote I would probably vote to legalize.

Congratulations on your sobriety. I have friends that had to kick alcohol, and I know what troubles you went through to do it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Cocaine grows naturally, would you condone the legalization of cocaine?
Mushrooms, a hallucinagenic, grows naturally as well, would you condone the legalization of this?
Many things grow naturally, doesn't make them ok to partake constantly. Now I have said I have no problem with legalization even with all the side effects, people are adults and can make their own life decisions. However I would not allow it to be done publicly. It would have to be done in your own home and that is it. As your habit does affect me physically and mentally and may alter my ability to function just from "contact" high. standing in a room where you smoke will allow me to ingest enough THC to put me over limit set by the government of under the influence. If you can come up with a way for that NOT to happen then I am fine.
Cocaine as taken as a drug is a highly processed version of the coca plant so I do not even consider that as being in the same category. Mushrooms are the only other drug that is taken in its natural form. I have done these in the past a few times and I would also categorize these as no more harmful than alcohol when taken in a proper amount, just like alcohol. Marijuana is really the only "drug" that I know of that when taken to excess or what would be considered an overdose with any other drug, including alcohol, does not cause any danger to the person other than falling asleep.
I would have no problem whatsoever for it to be done only in private. I would think though that if it were legalized that it should be treated in the same way as alcohol with regards to its use in public. There should be "bars" where one would be able to go to purchase and partake just as there are with alcohol. It would be the choice of the non smoker to not go into a place like this. This is how it is done in Amsterdam and from what I understand it works out just fine for them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by itom37
Well if you're alright with drinking, and the above is true, you're some sort of fool if you still say marijuana should be illegal and alcohol not... right? It makes people either a) accept the conclusions of their own argument or b) realize their logic is flawed.
As I've said before, I got no problem with legalizing MJ but the pro legalization crowd has got to stop with the pie in the sky pronouncements that it isn't harmful or addictive. Just like booze you can get hooked, Abuse it and it will mess you up.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
As I've said before, I got no problem with legalizing MJ but the pro legalization crowd has got to stop with the pie in the sky pronouncements that it isn't harmful or addictive. Just like booze you can get hooked, Abuse it and it will mess you up.
It has been proven that there are no physical symptoms of addiction to marijuana. There may be mental addiction, such as someone really wanting to have it, but there is no need to have like there is with drugs like alcohol or cocaine.


Active Member
i have 2 friends who smoke (i dont), but they r always telling me the reaons it should be legalized. But I also hear the other side about it not being legal. Its a tough call...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Krista921
yea i think ill be alot like my mom
which i dont mind... did you read the whole post?
where people came up with the mentality that pot is evil and will ruin your life is crazy. it reminds me of the filth they aired when they first wanted to make it illegal. that people were smoking pot and then killin people. its really not like that.....and i cant believe people still are living like parents of the 60's
Smoking a fatty once in a while isn't going to make you a "pothead" anymore than drinking a few beers or even getting plastered every Saturday night makes you a drunk. Anything you do in excess will likely ruin your life.


I agree, it can be addictive. Anything that causes any form of pleasure or relaxation can be addictive, even gambling. Just ask Pete Rose.
People say that it causes problems because people get fired, or never even hired to govt. jobs, but thats only because its illegal at the moment.
And like I said before, I think people are who they are with or without weed. Those four people you said were your worst employees and got fired for smoking weed, for all you know they naturally had poor working habits or were raised poorly and were lazy people. Its nice to be able to blame it on the drugs if your againts the legalization of pot, but I think that it just might be who those people naturally are.
Not to soud like a broken record, but they were willing to break the law, which to me suggests that they were already reckless, and maybe poor workers. I am not saying every one that smokes pot and breaks laws are bad people, but I do think that people who are reckless and poor workers are willing to break the law.
I am sure there are plenty of people that are hard workers and are like me, and dont smoke it only because its illegal.


Active Member
I don't know how everyone is so confident in saying that marijuana is not addictive. I have personally seen plenty of people heavily dependent on the drug, and have read many articles discussing the addictive qualities of the drug.
Straight from Brown University:
"No one would argue that marijuana is as addictive as alcohol or cocaine. However, it's wrong to say that it is not at all addictive. More and more studies are finding that marijuana has addictive properties. Both animal and human studies show physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms from marijuana, including irritability, restlessness, insomnia, nausea and intense dreams. Tolerance to marijuana also builds up rapidly. Heavy users need 8 times higher doses to get the same effects as infrequent users.
For a small percentage of people who use it, marijuana can be highly addictive. It is estimated that 10% to 14% of users will become heavily dependent. More than 120,000 people in the US seek treatment for marijuana addiction every year. Because the consequences of marijuana use can be subtle and insidious, it is more difficult to recognize signs of addiction. Cultural and societal beliefs that marijuana cannot be addictive make it less likely for people to seek help or to get support for quitting."

salty blues

Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
I don't know how everyone is so confident in saying that marijuana is not addictive. I have personally seen plenty of people heavily dependent on the drug, and have read many articles discussing the addictive qualities of the drug.
Straight from Brown University:
"No one would argue that marijuana is as addictive as alcohol or cocaine. However, it's wrong to say that it is not at all addictive. More and more studies are finding that marijuana has addictive properties. Both animal and human studies show physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms from marijuana, including irritability, restlessness, insomnia, nausea and intense dreams. Tolerance to marijuana also builds up rapidly. Heavy users need 8 times higher doses to get the same effects as infrequent users.
For a small percentage of people who use it, marijuana can be highly addictive. It is estimated that 10% to 14% of users will become heavily dependent. More than 120,000 people in the US seek treatment for marijuana addiction every year. Because the consequences of marijuana use can be subtle and insidious, it is more difficult to recognize signs of addiction. Cultural and societal beliefs that marijuana cannot be addictive make it less likely for people to seek help or to get support for quitting."

No quarrel with you lion but that info is pure BS.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DragonZim
It has been proven that there are no physical symptoms of addiction to marijuana. There may be mental addiction, such as someone really wanting to have it, but there is no need to have like there is with drugs like alcohol or cocaine.
And do you understand that mental addiction is harder to deal with long term than physical addiction? The people who become mentally addicted are also more likely to use other drugs that are physically addictive. I know someone really well who had to kick MJ and Coke, he was in a program with a whole bunch of other guys with the same issue. This guy has no need or desire to do coke but he does have to stay away from his friends that still toke cause he knows he can't resist it.


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
I don't know how everyone is so confident in saying that marijuana is not addictive. I have personally seen plenty of people heavily dependent on the drug, and have read many articles discussing the addictive qualities of the drug.
Straight from Brown University:
"No one would argue that marijuana is as addictive as alcohol or cocaine. However, it's wrong to say that it is not at all addictive. More and more studies are finding that marijuana has addictive properties. Both animal and human studies show physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms from marijuana, including irritability, restlessness, insomnia, nausea and intense dreams. Tolerance to marijuana also builds up rapidly. Heavy users need 8 times higher doses to get the same effects as infrequent users.
For a small percentage of people who use it, marijuana can be highly addictive. It is estimated that 10% to 14% of users will become heavily dependent. More than 120,000 people in the US seek treatment for marijuana addiction every year. Because the consequences of marijuana use can be subtle and insidious, it is more difficult to recognize signs of addiction. Cultural and societal beliefs that marijuana cannot be addictive make it less likely for people to seek help or to get support for quitting."

My respones, So what?
After I quit an online game I experienced half of those may not take this seriously, but after playing a game 9 hours a day almost every day for 2 years, even that can cause withdrawal when you go too long without it. I played to deal with social problems I had, but does that mean online games should become illegal?
maybe this isnt really a good example, but its the best I have.
There really wasnt so much physical addiction, but very intense mental...its all I thought about 24/7. If I wasnt playing I was wondering when the next time I would play hour before school maybe?


Active Member
That is faulty logic to compare video game addiction to marijuana addiction. Marijuana can have serious health effects, both short term and long term. Playing a video game for three hours a day will not hurt you, but smoking marijuana that much everyday certainly will.


try 9 hours a day, that will hurt your health big time, especially like me when you skip meals, and then try to make up for it all later.
And mine isnt even the worse case, there are ALOT of people who had the same problem and play 10+ hours a day, 20+ on weekends. I would bet theres AT LEAST half as much people with video game problems then pot problems.
Ive heard of people who spend 20,000$ on items in an online game in maybe the course of a week, sure thats the big payment, but as new items come out they will still spend hundreds a month for new things. I think the occasional pot smoker would maybe spend that much in a year.


Active Member
Too much of anything can be a problem, though. If I eat too much every day, I can really harm my health as well. The same for watching TV, surfing the net, drinking, etc. That is not quite the point. Everything in life should be done in moderation.
Marijuana, however, is harmful in small and large doses.


If marijuana isnt harmful in small amounts then Ive made my point I beleive, and if it harmful in small amounts youve made your point.
And some people post studies of it being harmful even in small amounts, but you have to exclude family issues, and legality issues, cause those wouldnt be harmful if it was legal.
But I think alot of people seem to agree that its not harmful in small amounts, and there are so many examples to prove it. And those few people that do have problems, like I said before, I think they naturally have problems. The drugs may amplify them, but I dont think its the source.
I havent really heard any examples of people who have those harmful side affects to convince me its bad. And even if there are a few here and there, it is NOTHING, compared to the people who have been harmed by cigarets and alcohol, and I'd be willing to bet there still wouldnt be as many harmful cases as cigarets/alcohol even if it was legal.


Active Member
So there are actually some people who deny that marijuana distorts one's perception, causes loss of coordination, among other things?


Alot of people seem to agree that alcohol has the same if not worse side affects and is alot more harmful, and has alot more dangereous side affects short term (hangover) and longterm (cancer), and I dont think there is any reason to beleive weed will cause cancer. Give some example of someone suffering long term side affects because of weed. There will be a few here and there, but not nearly as many as alcohol.
I just dont understand why the other half of the people think pot is worse then alcohol.

salty blues

Active Member
I just dont understand why the other half of the people think pot is worse then alcohol.
Because of "war on drugs" propaganda and misinformation.


This is also evident in social stereotypes: the abusive alcoholic father, and the stoned teenager craving shiny objects and Doritos.
I believe alcohol is one of the top five reasons for automobile accidents. I'm not sure what it is for marijuana, I'm just saying alcohol is clearly evil to say otherwise is foolish and ignorant.