mushroom in a blender, I'm going to prove or disprove it


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
team2 I have cut just slices of the edge for fragging leaving the original shroom intact, they dont need a piece of the mouth, they recover faster with it though. without it they rely on photosynthesis and cant injest anything so recovery time is extended untill they grow a new mouth.

How long would you say to go from an edge cut to a whole shroom.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ric maniac
could this work with xenia or taro tree? if so ill participate in the experiment with my new tank!

Could this work with a Clam?


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeltaBlack22
I bet we could get the "will it blend?" guy to try it...

Thanks for reminding me about that website...I'm off to see if he's blended anything else cool.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ninjamini
How long would you say to go from an edge cut to a whole shroom.
edge cut, maybe 4-8 weeks it will be a mini version, then its just growth time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
Any new pics? Hopefuly I'll have enough money by the end of the week for lighting and other things.
no pics untill I get my new camera, probably next week. both the 12 and the 75 have changed a lot So I cant wait to post new pics


Active Member
Originally Posted by earlybird
Thanks for reminding me about that website...I'm off to see if he's blended anything else cool.

screenshot! lol this is hysterical



Originally Posted by Shrimpi
screenshot! lol this is hysterical

I've been to that site and they do some crazy things with that blender.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Scotts
Z, This is cool. So how many live mushrooms do you think you have in that tank?
guessing I would say over 30 at least thought they are TINY most are just little green specks, a couple red specks too. time will tell the tale on this one if I end up with 50 regular size shrooms i'll call it a true success, if I end up with only a couple then its really not worth the time.


Active Member
Ahh yes, but if get 50 this time AND you could do this with ricordea mushrooms...... that would make it worth your while.

ric maniac

Active Member
i just had a thought! could you put a sponge in a blender and eventually have your tank filled with sponges. (i know it would be hard not to expose them to air but it would be worth it)

ric maniac

Active Member
oh, and i am super bored so i compiled a list of corals that could possibly be put into a blender with success:
yellow fiji leather coral, toadstool mushroom, colt coral, devil's hand leather, cabbage leather, thing finger leather, spagetti finger leather, blushing finger leather coral, all mushrooms, and maybe a carnation coral. like i said, really bored. lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeltaBlack22
I trust RZ enough to let him go at it alone...

That's comforting to know since I'm setting up a 20g for this expirement. And I'm about to spend all my cash on lights for the mushrooms.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
That's comforting to know since I'm setting up a 20g for this expirement. And I'm about to spend all my cash on lights for the mushrooms.
If I was doing it I would get Currents 96 Watt T5 lighting... It'll run you around $140 I think and you could have any softies you wanted and some LPS. I love mine.


Active Member
DeltaBlack22 have to ask where did you get that atom bomb movie clip. i will not change from my lucky clover so dont worry bout steall your shat but where did you get it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by grubsnaek
DeltaBlack22 have to ask where did you get that atom bomb movie clip. i will not change from my lucky clover so dont worry bout steall your shat but where did you get it.
I dont really remember honestly... I just googled "avatar" and started digging around and found it. There are tons of sites out there that have nothing but these things. Makes you wonder why and who spends their time making and posting them.