mushroom in a blender, I'm going to prove or disprove it


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeltaBlack22
If I was doing it I would get Currents 96 Watt T5 lighting... It'll run you around $140 I think and you could have any softies you wanted and some LPS. I love mine.
Well I don't plan on having any LPS or SPS so I think I'll stick with 70$ lights, which means I can get them probably wensday online, because and the lfs don't have any t-5.


Active Member
PC's will be perfect for ya then... I know guys that have LPS under em as well. I like soft corals more than the others anyway, the only reason I got T5's was long term cost (bulb life). You cant beat $70 though...


Active Member
Ya I looked at PC's but they are about 100-125$. I still need to get some other things with the lights, and extra money wouldn't hurt so I'm going the cheap way.


Active Member
Ok I bought two ph, ammonia, and temp alert badges for my 125g and 20g(they may only work for freshwater though)20$, Nova Extreame T-5 lighting70$, and some filter stuff for my hob penguin biowheels11$. Total,
114$. I was going to mow two yards today but it rained so I owe my dad
50$, plus I need to get turbo snails and a light timer. The order should arive a week from today.


Active Member
Why be patient? It spoils all the fun. Plus I need motivation to work my behind off this week to break even with my dad plus get the light timer and snails.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
Why be patient? It spoils all the fun. Plus I need motivation to work my behind off this week to break even with my dad plus get the light timer and snails.
Well I'm pulling for ya Mike... I'm ready for some more pics like yesterday...


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeltaBlack22
Well I'm pulling for ya Mike... I'm ready for some more pics like yesterday...
Well thanks. All the pics I got is of an empty 20g. How is that exciting? Maybe when the lights come I'll get one.


Originally Posted by DeltaBlack22
After all the hype about the IPhone I thought I would share this link for those of you who didnt venture into the "Will it blend" page... This has gotta be the best one - especially with the mobs of people who waited in long lines for this overpriced paperweight and still didnt get one...

Wow that was brilliant! Hahaha that was great


Active Member
I wouldnt try it with a yuma. I'm not brave enough. I know rics arent quite as durable as shrooms. If I had 10 yuma then I might try it with one. but not if I only had one.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
Why be patient? It spoils all the fun. Plus I need motivation to work my behind off this week to break even with my dad plus get the light timer and snails.
Well thank your dad, then get your butt to work *S*
I cant wait to have a second person doing this too. Once I get my camera the thread may liven up a little more I hate not being able to post new pictures.
PLus this afternoon after I weedwacked my shrubs (didn't have hedge trimmers) I completly ripped apart my 75 and did a full re-aquascape. I'm am soo much happier with the way it looks now. And I want to show it off. the 12 G is looking pretty sharp now too as it has all of my cool sponges except my black one, plus a new shaving brush plant, and some funky macro.


Active Member
yeah pics would be nice, but the wait is worth it, so dont worry about losing people on this thread. they might not comment but will def keep lookin.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
Well thank your dad, then get your butt to work *S*
I cant wait to have a second person doing this too. Once I get my camera the thread may liven up a little more I hate not being able to post new pictures.
PLus this afternoon after I weedwacked my shrubs (didn't have hedge trimmers) I completly ripped apart my 75 and did a full re-aquascape. I'm am soo much happier with the way it looks now. And I want to show it off. the 12 G is looking pretty sharp now too as it has all of my cool sponges except my black one, plus a new shaving brush plant, and some funky macro.
Today working on 2 lawns=40$! Only 10$ then light timer.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
Well thank your dad, then get your butt to work *S*
I cant wait to have a second person doing this too. Once I get my camera the thread may liven up a little more I hate not being able to post new pictures.
PLus this afternoon after I weedwacked my shrubs (didn't have hedge trimmers) I completly ripped apart my 75 and did a full re-aquascape. I'm am soo much happier with the way it looks now. And I want to show it off. the 12 G is looking pretty sharp now too as it has all of my cool sponges except my black one, plus a new shaving brush plant, and some funky macro.

Im thinking about doing it....

Kinda freeked out about it though..