mushroom in a blender, I'm going to prove or disprove it


Active Member
definatly the part with the mouth would heal 2x as fast if not faster as All it would have to do is seal its outer edges, the outer disc would have to close up/reattach its center, then develop a new mouith.


Active Member
I have a single red mushroom that I want to frag, but havent touched it yet since it is the only one I have and was waiting on it to divide. What would you say would be the best way to go about fragging it in order to provide the best chance for the original shroom? I was going to just cut a chunk off of it, but do you think I should just quarter it and call it a day?


Active Member
best chance of survival. I would cut the head off then let the head attach to sand the base will turn into another shroom. then you will have two that has the Highest survival ratio but the lowest prodution rate.


Active Member
Thanks, I'll go suit up and grab a razor blade... You are talking about cutting just above the stem and letting the stump grow into a new shroom right?


HOW have I missed this post? I'm sorry but it has me laughing so hard. LOVE the idea of testing out an urban legend... should let know what you find out.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeltaBlack22
Thanks, I'll go suit up and grab a razor blade... You are talking about cutting just above the stem and letting the stump grow into a new shroom right?
I cut them off as clost to the rock as possible. once they both recover the head will be almost exactly the same size and you will have a smaller base mushroom. keep in mind its going to take the base tissue loger to grow into another shroom than it is for the head to heal and attach to sand.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeltaBlack22
Roger... I appreciate the tips, you got any updates on your mythbuster venture?
no signifigant changes as of yet some of the particles of shrooms have been moved, but the two reds up front look just like they did the other day, all the pieces I can find still have good color. I'm waiting to get the new camera before I post any more pictures.


Active Member
Ahh, I heard about the new camera. Congrats, you do some good fragging threads but have some crappy pics...

I'm not trying to clog this thread and veer it off topic but one last ?... If I cut it off at the stem like you said can I then quarter the cap or would that be too much for it?


Active Member
thats usually how I frag shrooms, cut the head off quarter and end up with five total from one shroom. four quarters and one from the base. works good because the original shroom keeps coming back in the same spot. dont worry about veering the thread there is at least a week before anyhting noticable happens, if the thread gets too long I'll just do a recap thread once this is complete. so people dont have to read through all of the mindless interm drivel that I spout while I wait for these buggers to blossom.
patience was never my strong point but after many years in the hobby I'm getting the hang of hurry up and wait.


Active Member
Well that settles it: Decapataion and quartering it is... I know what you mean about hurry up and wait, its the Marine Corps way. Thanks again RZ.


Active Member
so far there are still a bunch of spec of shrooms laying around with good color they are not decomposing. the pieces are showing the normal signs of recovery such as curling to recconect tissue, no signs of mouths forming yet. Kind of pre-emptive but I think it is going to work. draw back being, you dont get to pick where they land, so out of like 400 pieces I can only see 5-7 and they are still tumbling around when fish or snails move them.


Active Member
I'm willing to bet far more than 5-7 survived, its just that I can only find 5-7 pieces right now. we'll know in a couple more weeks to a month or two if I start having hundreds of mushrooms pop up everywhere, thats when the results will be known for sure, Right now this is still in the early recovery stage of the trial. I'm willing to bet if I had a 3'x2' rubbermaid tote with just live sand, light, and circulation it would be far easier to find all of the pieces and know how many were dying and surviving, it would be a purer form of the expiriment but all I had was my 12g tank so thats what I am doing it in.


Active Member
I just did a close up examination of the 12g Nand found 10 total pieces one behind the rocks and a couple on the rocks that I missed, there are probablky more still that I cant see yet. 3 red 6 green striped (watermelon) 0 green speckled. 1 I cant tell what type it is is just a dark lump of base flesh with a green tint could be either.