mushroom in a blender, I'm going to prove or disprove it


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
one of these days I am going to strap an M-80 to this camera and blow it to the moon.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
one of these days I am going to strap an M-80 to this camera and blow it to the moon.
Do this after you get the new camera. then we can see pictures.


Active Member
Originally Posted by tall_90
maxalmon, thanks for changing your avatar!
eeewww mangirl avatar is back...i busted a gut when i saw that avatar the first time


Active Member
reefkprz are there any color of your mushrooms in particular that look like they are doing better than the others yet ?


Active Member
Originally Posted by jennythebugg
reefkprz are there any color of your mushrooms in particular that look like they are doing better than the others yet ?
well jenny out of the three types I can only seem to find pieces of the red and the watermelen they both look like they are healing just as quick as the other. unfortunatly the green speckled is MIA, wich is very unfortunate as they are a very slow grower and spreader as far a shrooms go, so I was hoping this woulld be a good way to cultivate them. but they may show up later, there are several weeks left to go on this trial.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TriGa22
Do this after you get the new camera. then we can see pictures.
Crazy Eh?! I'm sooooo excited. could you imagine it? a picture of mine that you could actually make out what the image is.


I've been scouring the garage for parts to make a frag tank...I'm hoping to make a mushroom soup in the near future


okay its random but i know some one here will know about how big does a shroom need to be to frag
and i hope this experiment works so i can try it too


Active Member
reefkeeprz... if this works, i would ask you to venture another experiment. Try cutting a shroom all the way around the mouth so all you have is the rim... place only the rims of the shrooms in the blender and blend those. See if those will turn into new shrooms as well. I was under the idea that you needed atleast a part of the mouth to frag. Kind of like a starfish needs part of its core. I am wondering if only the blended parts of the mouth are creating more or whether each part survives. Just a thought... good luck with the experiment.


Active Member
team2 I have cut just slices of the edge for fragging leaving the original shroom intact, they dont need a piece of the mouth, they recover faster with it though. without it they rely on photosynthesis and cant injest anything so recovery time is extended untill they grow a new mouth.


I just finished reading this thread and that is awesome, and I want to try it. But the only tank I would do it in is my gf's 5g, and it only has florescents, would that work or do they need pcs, cause I know they like lower light.


Originally Posted by jennythebugg
sickos...they prolly got drunk together and started throwng stuff in the blender after they drank all the margaritas then came up with this hairbrained sceme as cover so wifey didnt yell when they ruined the first blender..see we're on to you now
Margaritas made with Skimate.


Active Member
Originally Posted by team2jndd
reefkeeprz... if this works, i would ask you to venture another experiment. Try cutting a shroom all the way around the mouth so all you have is the rim... place only the rims of the shrooms in the blender and blend those. See if those will turn into new shrooms as well. I was under the idea that you needed atleast a part of the mouth to frag. Kind of like a starfish needs part of its core. I am wondering if only the blended parts of the mouth are creating more or whether each part survives. Just a thought... good luck with the experiment.
Now that you mention it... What would happen if you just cut around the mouth of the shroom and had basically a doughnut and a doughnut hole... Would each grow back the other part?


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
if you made the doughnut cut and left them in place it would heal and have a scar.
I was asking if you separated the two frags - they should each regrow the other part right? The frag with the mouthparts would just heal faster wouldnt it?