
Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Hey Peef will do... I actually have my eyes on an all inclusive light kit for my 30 gal up in my living room. Nothing set up on it yet but for 380 total watts.. its 250wats of MH and 2 65 watt PC Actinics with moon glow leds, fans included too. The price is ridiculous I cant pass it up.. lets just say its under $200 and its brand new. But I dont want to put it on my cube I am going to put it on my std 30 gal and get that going as a reef tank real soon.

Thats a dang good deal. I got a similar deal for my setup...All of it for 300!!!

I was trying to decide if I want to try and put some actinics in my canopy but WHEW it would be a PITA! So I think instead of breaking it I might just let it be. Who knows though.


Active Member
Sorry to hear about your ich headache right now. I am sure it will all be fine though. Does you fire fish and gamma show signs of it? If not couldn't you just closely observe? I need to get a QT tank also, a little 10g nano would be great. But I mean I can only ever have maybe two at the most more fish in my 24g so I am at a loss of what to do.


Active Member
My gramma shows signs as of now... so i have been neglecting food for a day so far and tomorrow i am going to try to get her out. I have a 10 gal QT too but with daily water changes i have no choice but to put all 3 in there right now. So far my levels are perfect and seeing as though i used all cycled water to start it.. nothing was different than what they were used too.


Active Member
Well the gramma is still skeptical about comming out with the net in the tank. So I left the net in the tank so it gets used to seeing it. However...I captured my neon goby he swam right up to the net.... and swoop i snatched him up. He is prob the worse off of all the fish I have so I was excited to get him. Still working on the gramma though...


Active Member
wow, sorry about what happened. i woudl just break it down immediately and get it over with and start them on all on hypo as soon as possible. i also dont have a quarantine tank but most of these fish from my lfs are in their own tanks with seperate filtration.. also doesnt order fish unless someone asks, so most of the fish he does have have been there for a few weeks or months
luckily i havent had any problems
good luck


Active Member
Originally Posted by nietzsche
wow, sorry about what happened. i woudl just break it down immediately and get it over with and start them on all on hypo as soon as possible. i also dont have a quarantine tank but most of these fish from my lfs are in their own tanks with seperate filtration.. also doesnt order fish unless someone asks, so most of the fish he does have have been there for a few weeks or months
luckily i havent had any problems
good luck

Yea Im considering doing that just to get them all in QT... but 4 fish in a 10 gal tank is alot... im at such an impass.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lil' tanker
Perfect Dark I love your avatar where'd you get it?

Hmmmm I actually dont remember the exact place I got it. But I did a search for Animated Gifs and Icons and I found it through that.


Active Member
Well my in-tank fuge is done...
I will post pics of it later.. I swiped the idea from some others on this board but it works out well and now I am able to add another almost 2 gals of water to my tank.... Hey every little bit helps..


Hey there, Dark! I haven't been on here in awhile. Sorry to hear about your percs and the ich.

I haven't been able to read back, but do you still have your midas blenny?


Active Member
Hi Xok,
Good to hear from you.. no unfortunatly my Midas Blenny did a peter pan in the back of my tank and landed in the middle chamber. Even though they can live out of water for a period of time, 10 hours IMO was a tad too long. I came home to a long skinny dried yellow rasin.


Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Hi Xok,
Good to hear from you.. no unfortunatly my Midas Blenny did a peter pan in the back of my tank and landed in the middle chamber. Even though they can live out of water for a period of time, 10 hours IMO was a tad too long. I came home to a long skinny dried yellow rasin.
awww... I am so sorry to hear that!
Unfortunately, my midas died too. I don't even know what happened because he had gotten so healthy and showed absolutely NO signs of distress or illness. Came into work one day and couldn't find him. He wasn't in any of the back chambers because I was able to rig it up to prevent that from happening, but still checked anyway "just-in-case". I did my weekly water change the next day and when I put my new water in, it made some of whatever was in the very back of my tank float forward, and I saw his/her little skeleton float up.
Sooo... I don't know what
happened to the little fella, but I miss him/her and that personality!
I love the blennies, so I know that I will get another one, just not sure if it will be another midas or a bicolor.
So sorry to hear about yours. It was such a colorful addition to your tank as well!


Active Member
Well I did some re working of my tank.. sort of aquascaping but it didnt involve any LR movement. I rearranged my plumbing lines took out an unecessary power head, and moved a few corals around.
I also completed my refugeum and its been running for over a week now. Everyone appears to be happy and my corals are spreading like crazy.
New pics to come real soon.


Active Member
I also changed my bulbs out.. I had the originals in there and its getting into the 7 month. I didnt replace them with identical bulbs..I found 2 50/50 36 watt bulbs. I can no longer turn on the actinics only however the distrubution of the full spectrum of light is more even.. IMO it looks 100% better than the other way. The tank is bright from front to back.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bjoe23
nice tank! Love those clowns!

Thanks... unfortunatly one passed away on me.. I am having a battle with ICH right now and my hospital tank was set up rather quickly I had no choice as I didnt anticipate this issue. So, after dismanteling my DT to get the royal gramma and the purple fire fish out I put every one in my QT tank and one of the Perc's that seemed to be the worst of them all didnt make it through the hypo treatment. Everyone else looks good thus far but daily water changes with 4 fish in a 10 gal tank and constant maintenance is a must. Its gonna be a long road...