Originally Posted by
Y ONLY 8 HOURS ? I mean do the fish and corals only get 8 hours of SUNLIGHT ? i dont understand this logic people say oh you need to only have em on for 7-8 hours. WTF. i have always read to have lights on about 12 hours a day. I mean the sun comes out in most oceans in the morning at 6 or 7 am and then goes down at like 7 or 8. thats like 12 hours at least sunlight. I mean unless you are having an algae or temperature issues i guess. But hey ima keep mine going like it is

i try to mimic natural conditions. hehee.and OVERFEED also. I overlight i guess and OVERFEED. hehehe.sorry to talk alot on your thread. my bad bro
No prob. I guess the idea is that the "natural" sun light is not as intense as our light is , that is to say that throughout the course of a average day the sun comes and goes , clouds etc,,,, and in the AM it is not as powerful and also near sunset it is less intense. So actually the "full sun' is only actually a few hours per day. If we keep our lights on for 12hours , that is 12 hours of full sun and they don't get that in the wild.
Just a thought , diff strokes for diff. folks. Your tank looks great so I wouldn't worry too much about what others are doing ,just keep doing what works for you