My 55 Gallon Thread

gill again68

Active Member
Regarding the CUC. A couple of things I would say to consider.
1) You dont need to go nuts with buying a big package CUC. Get what you need and not just some big package deal. Consider what your tank is going to be and how your CUC will interact with that.
2) Whats in there for the CUC to eat? I waited till I got a fish to actually put any CUC in my tank. Now that is what I did and may not be the opinion of the experts. I just wonder how much in there for the CUC to eat after the cycle?
So your excited huh? Its hard to explain to those outside the hobby how watching a tank of water brew with bacteria and the anticipation of purchasing 1000,s of dollars worth of fish and coral can be so darn fun. But I am with ya!
Today is water change day at my house, no thats not bath day in the south, its for the aquarium. I actually look forward to cleaning and maintaining the aquarium. Gives me a chance to interact with it and see what improvements I can make.
So let me ask you this.
Whats you stock list for this tank? Have you considered what you want your first critter / fish / coral to be? Here is a question, have you looked down the road far enough as to what you want you last fish to be? This can be important in considering the territorial behaviors of the critters.
More to think about, lets us know.........


Active Member
Originally Posted by Gill again68
So let me ask you this.
Whats you stock list for this tank? Have you considered what you want your first critter / fish / coral to be? Here is a question, have you looked down the road far enough as to what you want you last fish to be? This can be important in considering the territorial behaviors of the critters.
More to think about, lets us know.........
I found a dealer on an auction site who is based out of florida and will ship to me free. He has listed 20 blue leg hermits for $15 and 20 turbo snails for $10. How does that sound? Or is that overkill?
I have thought of a far:
-Green Chromis first (will most likely take out)
-Clownfish (pink skunk, black & white, ocellaris, or clarkii) can't decide which i like the best
-Banggai cardinal
-Lawnmover blenny
-Goby of some sort, maybe a Firefish or a neon goby or pinkbar goby
-Leopard wrasse will be the last fish
But also considering these fish:
Chalk Basslet, Flame Angel, Purple Pseudochromis, Flame Hawkfish. So aobver list may change.
As for corals - this will also change I am sure

-Zoas (I love zoas)
-Anenome for clownfish
what else can be kept under HO T-5??

gill again68

Active Member
Most will tell you to watch the hermits. I bought a big CUC package and for the first couple of weeks I saw who was gonna eat who. The hermits will eat the snails but then again you will lose some snails now and then anyway. I like my hermits for now, I have both red leg and blue but again they will kill. Price sounds fair. The snails will be the most beneficial for you IMHO. As far as the T-5 HO depending on how many you have you can get away with just about anything. Some items will need to be placed maybe higher in the tank for light but for the most part T-5s are used by people with all kinds of SPS.
I like your fish stock list and yeah your right you will change your mind but if you know what general direction your going in you can plan better.
I think that leopard wrasse is on the side of difficult to keep?
I agree on the zoas. I have some dragon eye that are green and I really like em. Looking for whats next for them.
Cant wait, or I hope you can, to see your critters start getting in. Keep it going slow and test between adding stuff and you will do great.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Gill again68
Most will tell you to watch the hermits. I bought a big CUC package and for the first couple of weeks I saw who was gonna eat who. The hermits will eat the snails but then again you will lose some snails now and then anyway. I like my hermits for now, I have both red leg and blue but again they will kill. Price sounds fair. The snails will be the most beneficial for you IMHO. As far as the T-5 HO depending on how many you have you can get away with just about anything. Some items will need to be placed maybe higher in the tank for light but for the most part T-5s are used by people with all kinds of SPS.
I like your fish stock list and yeah your right you will change your mind but if you know what general direction your going in you can plan better.
I think that leopard wrasse is on the side of difficult to keep?
I agree on the zoas. I have some dragon eye that are green and I really like em. Looking for whats next for them.
Cant wait, or I hope you can, to see your critters start getting in. Keep it going slow and test between adding stuff and you will do great.
I dont plan on getting the leopard wrasse for a LOOOONG time. I know they are difficult to keep. I am hopeing (sp? lol) that by the time I am ready for one I will understand better how to keep it happy/alive. I may change my mind and get something else. I dont know lol.
As for my lights, I have the Wave Point which has 4 bulbs with a total of 216 watts, the bulbs have individual reflectors. And according to their website, it amplifies the light by 14x.
I can't wait, but I I think I will keep it with the snails at first then. But i love the little hermits. They are so cute


Active Member
Originally Posted by Gill again68
*Caugh* update *Caugh Caugh*
lol sorry, i have been sick with strept. anyway...did some tests today
Day 21
Ammonia: 0.25
Nitrite: 0.25
Nitrate: 5.0
pH: 8.4
just playing the waiting game.

gill again68

Active Member
Sorry to hear "read" that you have been sick. It looks like you have a few days ahead before the cycle is complete. Do you know what day your on?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Gill again68
Sorry to hear "read" that you have been sick. It looks like you have a few days ahead before the cycle is complete. Do you know what day your on?
well, today is day 22. i am going to test again once i get off work, doubt anything is different.
The only thing that I am confused about is that you are at day 22 and really have nothign in your tank and you are on page four, and 200 posts. Im happy to have 15 post three months in.. haha



Active Member
Originally Posted by FirefightrEMTP
The only thing that I am confused about is that you are at day 22 and really have nothign in your tank and you are on page four, and 200 posts. Im happy to have 15 post three months in.. haha

Yeah I know I have nothing. I am waiting for my levels to be right before I add anything. First will be snails! And i can't believe I am on page 4/200 posts. LOL.

gill again68

Active Member
Day 22 or 23 now I guess. In no time you will be at the LFS saying, I want one of those and one of these and oh yes 2 of those and can I get one of these.
At least that was me yesterday. $178.00 later but with a bunch of frags. So snails, what kind of snails have you decided on or have you?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Gill again68
Day 22 or 23 now I guess. In no time you will be at the LFS saying, I want one of those and one of these and oh yes 2 of those and can I get one of these.
At least that was me yesterday. $178.00 later but with a bunch of frags. So snails, what kind of snails have you decided on or have you?
thats so exciting for you. i will jump on your thread to check them out. for snails i will probably go with mexican turbos. and maybe add some astraea later on. how many should i start out with? i was thinking maybe 5 or so.
also i am going to a LFS that is located in a flea market... cant wait to see this place.


Well-Known Member

Originally Posted by JAXFishGirl
thats so exciting for you. i will jump on your thread to check them out. for snails i will probably go with mexican turbos. and maybe add some astraea later on. how many should i start out with? i was thinking maybe 5 or so.
also i am going to a LFS that is located in a flea market... cant wait to see this place.

I didn't read through very post. But the few I read sounds like you are doing great!
Wait for the diatom bloom before you get the snails and crabs you will need as a CUC (clean up crew) Your first purchase should be a fish, but be picky, it will determine what other tank mates can go with it. Stay away from damsels. JMO


Active Member

Originally Posted by Flower

I didn't read through very post. But the few I read sounds like you are doing great!
Wait for the diatom bloom before you get the snails and crabs you will need as a CUC (clean up crew) Your first purchase should be a fish, but be picky, it will determine what other tank mates can go with it. Stay away from damsels. JMO

thanks! I am definitely staying away from damsels. i was thinking a green chromis first. i know it will be a while before i buy any snails, 23 days and my sand is still pretty white. it will probably sneak up on me-the diatom bloom.