My 55 Gallon Thread


Active Member
Originally Posted by JimmyR1Rider
Congrats on the steal. I dont mean to rain on your parade BUT this is the first time I saw this thread. I dont know if anyone told you this but you look much better in your avatar than you did in the first pics while cleaning up this tank.
Thanks! That's too funny.


Active Member
Oh and I think I may have some diatoms on some of my rocks. It's only on a few of the rocks and not on the sandbed. It's been like that for a few days now, not spreading.



Active Member
Originally Posted by JAXFishGirl

how you been Posiden?

I have been good. I have been working really hard on the other hobby. My tank is doing great.
I like your tank. Have you found a aqua scape you like? It is tough sometimes. Trying to plan out the coral and how it will grow. How you want it to grow.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Posiden
I have been good. I have been working really hard on the other hobby. My tank is doing great.
I like your tank. Have you found a aqua scape you like? It is tough sometimes. Trying to plan out the coral and how it will grow. How you want it to grow.
thats good to hear, glad you still stop in to say hey. i am finally happy with my aquascaping. it was tough getting it "right". i have such large rocks it was difficult. but its done now. now i am still waiting for nitrites to come down.


Active Member
Originally Posted by JAXFishGirl
thats good to hear, glad you still stop in to say hey. i am finally happy with my aquascaping. it was tough getting it "right". i have such large rocks it was difficult. but its done now. now i am still waiting for nitrites to come down.

A hammer would solve the large rock issue.
Its one of those things where you'll never be happy but you really like it. At least that's how it is for me.
I really like the way you have it setup. I wouldn't change it if it were me. Keep it topped off so the salinity doesn't bounce up and down. IMO your in for a rough one now. The tank is gonna go through a lot. You'll play catch up and get real upset. IT WILL settle down and then you will be on cruise control. (If you stock it and export right) The algae blooms are a headache but they will pass. I am sure you have done a lot of reading and have heard this before but it is now time for you to see it. Lots of folks will disagree with me but, I think the less you do is better. If your in it every day trying to get ahead of it your just gonna burn yourself out. Its like a cold, you can take vitamins and cold relief at the first signs of it and kick the colds butt in just 7 days, OR, you can let it be and ride it out and it will go away in a week.
Sorry for that.^^^^^ Just getting a thought out to you. I will be watching the progress. I wish you the best.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Posiden
A hammer would solve the large rock issue.
Its one of those things where you'll never be happy but you really like it. At least that's how it is for me.
I really like the way you have it setup. I wouldn't change it if it were me. Keep it topped off so the salinity doesn't bounce up and down. IMO your in for a rough one now. The tank is gonna go through a lot. You'll play catch up and get real upset. IT WILL settle down and then you will be on cruise control. (If you stock it and export right) The algae blooms are a headache but they will pass. I am sure you have done a lot of reading and have heard this before but it is now time for you to see it. Lots of folks will disagree with me but, I think the less you do is better. If your in it every day trying to get ahead of it your just gonna burn yourself out. Its like a cold, you can take vitamins and cold relief at the first signs of it and kick the colds butt in just 7 days, OR, you can let it be and ride it out and it will go away in a week.
Sorry for that.^^^^^ Just getting a thought out to you. I will be watching the progress. I wish you the best.
oh no, i agree with you 100%. i have all the patience in the world. i definitely don't want to really do anything until everything has settled. once my levels are at 0 i am probably going to wait some more just to make sure it stays consistent. i know the water is low, i splashed a lot out today. lol, sg is normal. i just need to mix up some more sw to fill it back up. thanks for your wisom posiden :)
the hammer thing probably would not go over too well with the hubby. lol

gill again68

Active Member
Originally Posted by Posiden
You welcome, though I don't consider myself too be very wise.
I second that!

Yeah the algae is to come. Already had my bout with cyano. It now lives in my tank and peaks out from time to time to scare the crap out of me. I know why it came and I learned my lesson. Less food, less light, more water changes. The stuff on your rocks will be short work for your CUC. Glad you like your set up now. You can, like Posiden said, plan the coral placements now. As far as the splashing all the water out of the tank. You know your not suppose to swim in your tank. Suntan lotion is not good for saltwater fish!


Hey Babe It's your husband How funny is my name on here
Geez wait till you read my Information.......But I guess I will let everyone know what are tank is up to,,,,,,,,,,,,Nothing it's up to nothing at all and has been for 30 something days now...My wife likes to put here hand in the tank and get the tank all cloudy again dont ya babe lol.....Ill proably get home and the rock will be out and everything un hooked saying we need to go to home depot again...BYEEEEEEE!!!!!!luv ya....


Originally Posted by SaltyTrav27
Hey Babe It's your husband How funny is my name on here
Geez wait till you read my Information.......But I guess I will let everyone know what are tank is up to,,,,,,,,,,,,Nothing it's up to nothing at all and has been for 30 something days now...My wife likes to put here hand in the tank and get the tank all cloudy again dont ya babe lol.....Ill proably get home and the rock will be out and everything un hooked saying we need to go to home depot again...BYEEEEEEE!!!!!!luv ya....