My 55 Gallon Thread


Active Member
Originally Posted by Gill again68
Tebow, I like him but in the football way!

Are you still "ghost feeding" that tank?
I with Meowzer, get you some snails and a hermit if you want one and chunk em in there. Dont take any more pictures of the brown tank.

I met Tim before, he goes to my dental office. he is such a nice guy. HUGE. I am "ghost feeding" every other day. Should I be doing it every day or stop all together? I think I will be going to the store tonight and getting a few snails. Maybe a hermit. Who knew I would be excited over a snail.

gill again68

Active Member
Yes it looks like the magic day is here!!!

The ghost feeding thing, the reason I ask is your providing your tank with nutrients and may be over ghost feeding

The Tim thing, I really like the example he is setting for a lot of people in and out of sports. On top of that he is a great football player. Cool that you met him. Does he still come to your office? If so tell him Mike in Montgomery said hi. He wont know who the heck I am but he should really get to meet me, I think he would be impressed


Active Member
Originally Posted by Gill again68
Yes it looks like the magic day is here!!!

The ghost feeding thing, the reason I ask is your providing your tank with nutrients and may be over ghost feeding

The Tim thing, I really like the example he is setting for a lot of people in and out of sports. On top of that he is a great football player. Cool that you met him. Does he still come to your office? If so tell him Mike in Montgomery said hi. He wont know who the heck I am but he should really get to meet me, I think he would be impressed

LOL, I think he would be impressed. I admire him as well. He's such an amazing example like you were saying. And yes, he still comes to my office.
I got some stuff at the LFS!!!!!
2 snails
4 hermits, but somehow 5 ended up in the bag.
will post pics later


Active Member
Originally Posted by ricericebaby
Congrats!!!!!! Sooo happy for you!!
Thanks! On my receipt it says 2 mexican turbos, but when I picked them out she said one was a nass and one was a turbo. I don't care what they are either way, I am just glad there is something to look at.
Here are a few pictures of them acclimating. Now, I have read that snails should acclimate for 3 hours. Does that sound right?



Active Member
Lookd good. Did you get some extra shells?? most lfs will give you a few. That one hermit looks like a thin strip which will get rather big.


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
LOL...Now think back....Did you ever in your wildest dreams think you would get excited by a snail

or a crab for that matter%%
No, not ever. LOL
Originally Posted by TeresaQ

Lookd good. Did you get some extra shells?? most lfs will give you a few. That one hermit looks like a thin strip which will get rather big.
Ya know, I didn't even think about getting empty shells.
I was too excited. I can swing by there after work and get some. If it ends up getting too big, he will have to go back. I will keep him for a while. I told them I wanted 4 of the blue legged, and one was appearantly hanging onto another, a freebie. That is prob. the thin strip.
I blame my husband, he should have calmed me down. LOL


Active Member
Originally Posted by JimmyR1Rider
EACH OTHER!!!! LMAO tank looks AWESOME now that its nice and clear Jess(feel weird callin you Jess instead of Jax)lol
Thanks Jimmy! Dont feel weird! that's my name. LOL. I know they can hurt each other. Especially since my air-headed self forgot to get empty shells. Whoops.


Active Member
I have released the to speak
You will have to excuse my over-enthusiastic behavior. And the hideous brown shade my tank has taken on.

The other snails are digging away into the SB.


Active Member
Oh yeah, the freebie turned out to be a snail. LMAO.
So I have 3 snails, and 4 crabs. (3 are blue legged, and the other one is possibly a thin stripe.) this guy: