My 55 Gallon Thread

Jess- was a smart ass remark about the snails lol was the response we have at work for when you send two probies(new guys in firehouse) to do a drill with hand tools if they were never handy. Hey you think theyll be alright? Yeah what can 2 probies hurt with a sawz-all and a circular saw? EACH OTHER- yeah maybe well do it and let them watch LMAO>> Congrats on the first life in your tank! Am pickin up the RBTA at 5 tonight. (although I think meowzers gonna kick my butt for it lol)


Active Member
Originally Posted by JimmyR1Rider
Jess- was a smart ass remark about the snails lol was the response we have at work for when you send two probies(new guys in firehouse) to do a drill with hand tools if they were never handy. Hey you think theyll be alright? Yeah what can 2 probies hurt with a sawz-all and a circular saw? EACH OTHER- yeah maybe well do it and let them watch LMAO>> Congrats on the first life in your tank! Am pickin up the RBTA at 5 tonight. (although I think meowzers gonna kick my butt for it lol)
Lol, I knew you were making a funny. I am so excited to have life in my tank. I really want an emerald crab, I have to restrain myself though. I just want to make sure the current guys do ok. I do have PLENTY of algae for it to eat.
I can't wait to see your RBTA. I hope it does well. They are my fav. anenome. How much are you getting it for? I think Meowzer will kick your butt.


LOL....You guys are so funny. It's not my tank, so I have no right to kick anyones butt
I just wanted to make sure he knew about the 6 month thing...I literally killed a few anemones thinking ahhhh my tank is ok
I use to call myself anemone killer

I wish you the best with it...OH AND WE WANT PICS
Congrats Jess you got a new follower ... ME! ... lol i have seen you around the forums but now i will have to follow your tank!


Looks great! I was going to set up a 55g, decided against it and to start a little bigger. Im excited to see how this turns out! Love the aquascape, btw.


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
LOL....You guys are so funny. It's not my tank, so I have no right to kick anyones butt
I just wanted to make sure he knew about the 6 month thing...I literally killed a few anemones thinking ahhhh my tank is ok
I use to call myself anemone killer

I wish you the best with it...OH AND WE WANT PICS

LOL, he better post pictures. Or I will kick some butt.
Originally Posted by chevyrulzs2010
Congrats Jess you got a new follower ... ME! ... lol i have seen you around the forums but now i will have to follow your tank!
Thanks!! I try to make my way around. That didn't sound right.
Glad I got a follower =D
Originally Posted by Markw

Looks great! I was going to set up a 55g, decided against it and to start a little bigger. Im excited to see how this turns out! Love the aquascape, btw.
Thanks Mark!! It's so brown and ugly right now. I left my lights on while I was at work to see how it would effect the temp.
It is SOOO hideous right now. I should have tested it before I got the diatoms. Oh well.

gill again68

Active Member
Glad to see your on your way. Its funny how you can get so excited over what seems to be nothing. The wife and I were looking at the tank the other night and saw some kind of growth and got all gitty about it. Will probably turn out to be some kind of problem
but yeah I get it its just fun!
So whats next???? Thats what this gets to be you know, the next thing!

Congrats again and yeah that brown has got to go!

BTW I need to send you an autograph to give to TIM!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Gill again68
Glad to see your on your way. Its funny how you can get so excited over what seems to be nothing. The wife and I were looking at the tank the other night and saw some kind of growth and got all gitty about it. Will probably turn out to be some kind of problem
but yeah I get it its just fun!
So whats next???? Thats what this gets to be you know, the next thing!

Congrats again and yeah that brown has got to go!

BTW I need to send you an autograph to give to TIM!
Thanks Mike. You will def. have to send that this way so I can give it to him. I am sure he would cherish it.

Me and hubby sit in front of the tank (staring at the brown shi*) looking around. It's too funny. There is barely anything in there, but it's SOO much fun. LOL. Next thing...I want to wait a few weeks and make sure my parameters stay stable. I will set up my Q tank here in the next week or so and get a clownfish a week-ish later. If I want 2 should I buy them at the same time?
oh yeah! I got an emerald crab tonight. LOL. I know I said I would wait, but, he was sooo stinking cute. And he's red, not green.

and 2 scarlet crabs

Oh! and I have snail eggs all over my glass. I woke up this morning and there were 3 areas where they laid eggs.

NOW, LOL. Nothing more.
When should I do a WC? Soon right? Like maybe 15% or so?
EWWWW! Jess got horny snails!! lol See they like your tank so much they wanted to well uhh... Theyr like the Jeffersons- MOVIN ON UP. Cool though Your tank is going to turn out awesome once you get fish and corals. To answer your question on my RBTA got him for 60 bucks. The guy I bought him from- my main fish well and everything guy sold him to me for what he bought the original for. This was the result of the original splitting then the second one splitting my guy was the other half of the 2nd one. Is the first thing out of his tank in 7 years- was glad I was able to grab him- But enough about my crap this is your thread. Cant wait to see the next update.-still no smileys lol well lets try
<- have to type them lol
ive been working like crazy so I havent been able to post. Im glad to see that you actually have some living things in your tank.
Im sure you will attest it was worth the wait. Im also glad to see your husband got on the here, I wish my wife would. keep up the good work!!

gill again68

Active Member
To answer your question on the Clowns. I bought mine as a pair because they were already mated. I think if you can do that then you will have a better start with them but I really dont know how hard they are to mate up. As I understand it one eventually submits to the other, like marriage!

Cool crab, aint seen a red one. The snail eggs look nasty but I bet you were all giggly about it. Dont worry we all get that way.
Oh yeah, not sure what others would tell you but you may want to get a coral that you want your fish to be hosted by, unless you plan on an anemone. I bought 2 corals for my fish and they took to the one I didnt plan them for. They got minds of their own. It was a toad stool and a star polyp so they are hardy and I dont think would be to early for your tank. Again I dont think any of that is "necessary" just fun.


Active Member
Originally Posted by JimmyR1Rider
EWWWW! Jess got horny snails!! lol See they like your tank so much they wanted to well uhh... Theyr like the Jeffersons- MOVIN ON UP. Cool though Your tank is going to turn out awesome once you get fish and corals. To answer your question on my RBTA got him for 60 bucks. The guy I bought him from- my main fish well and everything guy sold him to me for what he bought the original for. This was the result of the original splitting then the second one splitting my guy was the other half of the 2nd one. Is the first thing out of his tank in 7 years- was glad I was able to grab him- But enough about my crap this is your thread. Cant wait to see the next update.-still no smileys lol well lets try
<- have to type them lol
LOL, it was so gross and slimey. I would love a RBTA. $60 doesn't seem too bad, I have seen a small one for like $90+.
Originally Posted by FirefightrEMTP
ive been working like crazy so I havent been able to post. Im glad to see that you actually have some living things in your tank.
Im sure you will attest it was worth the wait. Im also glad to see your husband got on the here, I wish my wife would. keep up the good work!!
Thanks! Def. worth the wait. My hubby told me to check my thread when he signed up, totally suprised me when he posted on my thread. LOL, it was funny.
Originally Posted by Gill again68

To answer your question on the Clowns. I bought mine as a pair because they were already mated. I think if you can do that then you will have a better start with them but I really dont know how hard they are to mate up. As I understand it one eventually submits to the other, like marriage!

Cool crab, aint seen a red one. The snail eggs look nasty but I bet you were all giggly about it. Dont worry we all get that way.
Oh yeah, not sure what others would tell you but you may want to get a coral that you want your fish to be hosted by, unless you plan on an anemone. I bought 2 corals for my fish and they took to the one I didnt plan them for. They got minds of their own. It was a toad stool and a star polyp so they are hardy and I dont think would be to early for your tank. Again I dont think any of that is "necessary" just fun.
I plan on an anemone, but that wont be for a while. They should be ok until then I hope, I will let them host the anenome when I get it. I think I may have jumped the gun a little on adding stuff, my nitrite tested today between 0-0.25 and my ammonia tested between 0-0.25. I hope it's ok. My snails are super active cleaning all over the place and my hermits are hiding.
I had my first death today. My 2 new red hermit crabs killed each other. Last night I noticed they were attacking each other so I moved them to different rocks. I saw their claws all over the rocks. So sad
at least it was only two $2 hermit crabs.
I have some unidentifiable (sp??) stuff on my rocks where the snail has been. I am going to post in the ID forum.
JAXFishGirl;3226600 said:
LOL, it was so gross and slimey. I would love a RBTA. $60 doesn't seem too bad, I have seen a small one for like $90+.
Make ya a deal then Jess The guy I got mine from said not to be surprised if it all works out if this one splits a few times- his split twice so trend may carry over with mine. If it does and you dont have one yet- can always ship one to you same day. Shipping like that is pretty expensive so pay for the shipping and the anemone will be on the house. I know for them to survive shipping is a crap shoot but would give it a shot- will package him very well and hopefully would make it ok. As well as if yours splits in your tank you could hook someone else near you up.


Active Member
Originally Posted by JimmyR1Rider
Make ya a deal then Jess The guy I got mine from said not to be surprised if it all works out if this one splits a few times- his split twice so trend may carry over with mine. If it does and you dont have one yet- can always ship one to you same day. Shipping like that is pretty expensive so pay for the shipping and the anemone will be on the house. I know for them to survive shipping is a crap shoot but would give it a shot- will package him very well and hopefully would make it ok. As well as if yours splits in your tank you could hook someone else near you up.
ooooh thank you!!! That would be AMAZING!!!!!! I would definitely have no problem paying for shipping. you gotta tell your anemone that it has 6 months to make me a baby! LMAO