My 55 Gallon Thread


Active Member
Originally Posted by JimmyR1Rider
Nice butt! Woohoo hermit p--n!! I guess is a good thin there arent any predators besides their own kind int he tank
for real! Man, if I had a fish in there, he would be a goner. Oh well, I have put many shells in his way. He just ignores them. Oh well, his problem now. LOL


Okay, that nak-d hermit is FUNNY. I've had a ton of hermits and they have never done that. It must be something in your water!


Active Member
LOL, that hermit has gone to meet his maker. He danced around empty shells for a few days, then went on. My snails are doing amazingly. Just zooming around eating junk.
my computer has been down for a few days, I have been feening and going through withdrawls from not getting on But I'm back, aahhhhh.
Still waiting....
What you been feeding your snails to make them zoom? lol Fastest snails in the east... oh well wont be the only crab youll lose- if you would just curse Gill out I think youll lose a second LMAO!!(still love you Gill)<-- ok was rude am sorry....
So theyre doin their job...Nice and welcome back Jess <--use a mac- the only computer problems I have is I dont know how to use the darn thing!


Originally Posted by JimmyR1Rider
So theyre doin their job...Nice and welcome back Jess <--use a mac- the only computer problems I have is I dont know how to use the darn thing!
It only took you a week to figure out the picture thing too

gill again68

Active Member
Well I see with the upgrade to the forums they installed a smarta@@ mod!<---thats you Jimmy

So the

crab has gone to hermit heaven. I tell you what, I am getting impatient with this whole do the right thing" your doing. I mean you have been running your tank dang near as long as I have and you aint got a fish! GO TO THE STORE ALREADY!!! They got fish that eat brown stuff too!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Gill again68
Well I see with the upgrade to the forums they installed a smarta@@ mod!<---thats you Jimmy

So the

crab has gone to hermit heaven. I tell you what, I am getting impatient with this whole do the right thing" your doing. I mean you have been running your tank dang near as long as I have and you aint got a fish! GO TO THE STORE ALREADY!!! They got fish that eat brown stuff too!!!

LOL, I know. This shi* is about to drive me crazy. My tank is so dang brown. I have cerith snails that love the brown algae. But I think I may need to add some more. I dont's getting frustrating.

I am going to give it ONE more week, then I am buying a chromis. Just to see if it will last in my tank.


Active Member
oh yeah, it has been 50 days.
ammonia: 0
Nitrites: 0-0.25 (I can never tell, it's too blue to be 0.25, but not blue enough)
Nitrates: 10


Active Member
i really want some moonlights. But I don't know how I am going to incorporate them since I have no canopy. I was looking into the R2 Solutions, it is 2 tubes of 5 LEDs. I don't know how I would hook them up. I don't think I want to put them on my fixture since they come with double sided adhesive to adhere them. I don't know...any suggestions?


Originally Posted by JAXFishGirl
i really want some moonlights. But I don't know how I am going to incorporate them since I have no canopy. I was looking into the R2 Solutions, it is 2 tubes of 5 LEDs. I don't know how I would hook them up. I don't think I want to put them on my fixture since they come with double sided adhesive to adhere them. I don't know...any suggestions?
I have this on my 54G...I LOVE has suction cups, and is also flexible
use to be easy to not as easy LOL
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