My 55 Gallon Thread


Active Member
Originally Posted by asharp13
AGREED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! preperation is absolutely everything. take your time and do it right the first yourself some hedaches down the road! cant wait to see what you do!!!
thanks! i can't wait either...i am usually not this patient lol


Active Member
So i have finally decided on using this model. this way i won't need a center brace and I can take my sump out anytime i need to.


Looks like the identical way I build mine. Have done 2 of my own and have also built one for a friend. The only difference in the framework is that I add one more upright leg right in the middle on the front side. It gives you a little more support and acts as a divider/ bump stop if you plan on adding doors.



Active Member
Originally Posted by crazydave
Looks like the identical way I build mine. Have done 2 of my own and have also built one for a friend. The only difference in the framework is that I add one more upright leg right in the middle on the front side. It gives you a little more support and acts as a divider/ bump stop if you plan on adding doors.
thats gorgeous. i love that stand. is that one of the ones you built? i don't know if i am going to add another leg in the middle front.

gill again68

Active Member
Originally Posted by JAXFishGirl
So i have finally decided on using this model. this way i won't need a center brace and I can take my sump out anytime i need to.

Yup, thats pretty much the same design in mine. I added a full sheet of plywood to the bottom of the stand to allow the weight of the stand to spread across every square inch of the bottom. You will be happy with this frame.
Good Luck.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Gill again68
Yup, thats pretty much the same design in mine. I added a full sheet of plywood to the bottom of the stand to allow the weight of the stand to spread across every square inch of the bottom. You will be happy with this frame.
Good Luck.
thanks, i am also putting some plywood on it. i am excited! we start building next weekend.


Originally Posted by JAXFishGirl
thats gorgeous. i love that stand. is that one of the ones you built? i don't know if i am going to add another leg in the middle front.

Yeah thats mine. Thought I had a beautiful tank until I started looking at other tanks on this forum. There are some awesome ones out there that put mine to shame. Money and imagination are all it takes I guess.....sounds simple but Im challenged in both departments.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crazydave
Yeah thats mine. Thought I had a beautiful tank until I started looking at other tanks on this forum. There are some awesome ones out there that put mine to shame. Money and imagination are all it takes I guess.....sounds simple but Im challenged in both departments.
lol i am severly challenged in both also!

but i do really like your stand.


Active Member
So i cancelled my order through Marco Rocks. I couldnt ever get a hold of them and see when it would be delivered. So...i am probably just going to buy all LR instead of the base rock. i wish i did more research about marcorocks. i have read a lot of bad feedback about them. oh well, lesson learned. just aggrevating!

gill again68

Active Member
I went back and forth on the base rock and live rock cost. In the end I bought all Live Rock. In the scope of things this was a medium cost. Although it is a very major part of your aquarium. I think you will be more relaxed just buying LR.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Gill again68
I went back and forth on the base rock and live rock cost. In the end I bought all Live Rock. In the scope of things this was a medium cost. Although it is a very major part of your aquarium. I think you will be more relaxed just buying LR.
yeah, i think i will go with all LR. Now, the problem is finding some online for a good price. My LFS has some for $6/lb but it's not pretty. no good coraline growth and a lot of aiptasia. If I am going to be spending a lot of $$ on LR, I want good quality.

gill again68

Active Member
I think I paid around $5.00 lb with shipping. Got 3 different kinds of premium rock. Was very happy with what I got. Nice big chunks with lots of color. I wish I could post the site. Would highly recommend.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Gill again68
I think I paid around $5.00 lb with shipping. Got 3 different kinds of premium rock. Was very happy with what I got. Nice big chunks with lots of color. I wish I could post the site. Would highly recommend.
I wish you could too, what did you pay for shipping?


Active Member
So, i just found a website that is selling their LR for $1.99/lb. I emailed the guy a few minutes ago and already got a response. He told me that I didn't have to get the priority mail, that he would ship it ground for me for like $30-40. He said it's better to get the LR quicker, but it would be ok if it took a little longer. Was he just trying to make a sale...or would the LR be ok taking longer to ship?

gill again68

Active Member
Again, I find in this hobby cheaper means buy it twice or be scared of it. As far as the shipping goes, you are starting with a bare tank right. So it doesn't really matter that much if you have a big cycle in your tank when you get started or a small cycle. The longer it takes for "live rock" to get to you the more die off you will have. The more die off the more cycle. Well anyway thats my 2 cents.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Gill again68
Again, I find in this hobby cheaper means buy it twice or be scared of it. As far as the shipping goes, you are starting with a bare tank right. So it doesn't really matter that much if you have a big cycle in your tank when you get started or a small cycle. The longer it takes for "live rock" to get to you the more die off you will have. The more die off the more cycle. Well anyway thats my 2 cents.
yeah i figured. I found a site that sells LR and I can get 100lbs of Fiji LR for $312.90 shipping included. Does that sound like a reasonable price?