New 10g Nano, ideas please!!

bang guy

If you have live rock you probably already have Bristleworms. There are a few to worry about, the other 10,000 species will not eat coral.


Active Member
yea i have seen a few i havnt really seen any in the sand bed tho, hopefully they will start to make their way to it tho. i will probably get a couple nassarius snails as well. i really like when the sand bed is nice and bright. not brown. lol

bang guy

Originally Posted by patrick8929 http:///t/389492/new-10g-nano-ideas-please/200#post_3447400
yea i have seen a few i havnt really seen any in the sand bed tho, hopefully they will start to make their way to it tho. i will probably get a couple nassarius snails as well. i really like when the sand bed is nice and bright. not brown. lol
Careful with Nassarius Snails. They only eat carrion. No algae, no detritus, only dead animal tissue. This is good in a 10 gallon because they will eat any animal based food that hits the sand bed and they will eat it quickly. The issue is that they need a lot of food so having more than a couple is overkill and they will need to be purposely fed.


Active Member
well idk what the feather duster did today but it released its crown? im not sure if thats what it is called. basically all the feathers are on the sand bed. should i take them out? and there is still something in the tube. is it beyond saving or can i still have hope for it to come back to life one day? got the new lights out in and it looks great!

bang guy

They throw their filters for a few reasons. None of the reasons are fatal. If food isn't abundant they may throw it so they can rebuild a smaller, more efficient crown. They may throw it to make it easier to move to a new location, etc. It will grow back if they were healthy to start with.


Active Member
okay well that is good news. is phytoplankton what i need to feed it? and how can i tell if it is still doing okay and going to recover?

bang guy

The diet varies by species from Phyto, zooplankton, eggs, many eat only bacteria.
Edit - keep in mind that it cannot eat with its filter to trap food so don't attempt feeding until it is regrown.


Active Member
would marine snow be a good food supplement for a duster? im thinking about ordering some next time i get paid, or whenever i do another online order


Originally Posted by patrick8929 http:///t/389492/new-10g-nano-ideas-please/200#post_3447642
would marine snow be a good food supplement for a duster? im thinking about ordering some next time i get paid, or whenever i do another online order
IMO, Marine Snow is a waste of money. You'd be better off with Reef Nutrition Tigger Pods, Reef Nutrition Oyster Feast, Frozen Rotifiers or Cyclopeez


Well-Known Member
Marine snow in my opinion adds preservatives to the tank. Not something you necessarily want to do. Even though if you think about it, most people in our society eat preservatives on a daily basis. My fish have a better diet then I do. Lol!

bang guy

Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 http:///t/389492/new-10g-nano-ideas-please/200#post_3447640
Bang- do feather dusters do ok in barebottom tanks?
That's a big general question. In general, sure most do fine. If you're talking about the big Hawaiian Featherdusters then I'm not so sure. I've seen them sticking out of rocks and they seem OK but I don't know for how long. That species typically does best stuck in the sand bed where water currents focus the food. I don't know if a bare bottom would have the same effect. I suppose if the duster glued itself to the glass it would work.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 http:///t/389492/new-10g-nano-ideas-please/200#post_3447669
Marine snow in my opinion adds preservatives to the tank. Not something you necessarily want to do. Even though if you think about it, most people in our society eat preservatives on a daily basis. My fish have a better diet then I do. Lol!
okay well im gunna order some type of phytoplankton for the duster, any suggestions as to what brand and what product i should get?


Active Member
also one more question, how does everyone feel about purple up? or any other kind of Coraline algae accelerators