New 10g Nano, ideas please!!


Active Member
mostly soft corals, brightly colored and fast growing. zoas, shrooms, maybe a hammer, or frogspawn, some xenia. things of that nature.


Active Member
the light hangs over the filter a little, and i cut a hole in the top case of the filter so im gunna put some chaeto in there. i have done this in the past and it has worked really well for algea control and just nutrient control in general. its easy and cheap as well


Well-Known Member
ok. Cool. I'm glad you already have a coral stock list. What about any fish? Have you looked into anything there again? Here's a few of my favorite nano fish:
pair of clowns
Pair of neon gobies (blue or gold stripe)
green banded gobies
yellow clown gobies
green clown gobies
black clown gobies
brown clown gobies
candy stripe cardinals
pajama cardinals
banggai cardinals
bi-color blenny (will add a lot of color and movement!)
later on once your tank becomes really well established and you consider a sump/fuge you might could get away with a red scooter
There are others, but a lot aren't suited for a 10g tank. You may consider putting some mesh screen on top of the tank to keep your fish from jumping. Avoid Catalina Gobies - they are suited best for cold water aquariums.


Active Member
how does that coral list sound? think my flow is good enough as is? im thinking a pair of clowns. they are always a fan favorite for anyone that will see the tank. my gf will be pleased as well. id really like a gobie of some sort as well idk why haha


Well-Known Member
Chaeto is ok, but it doesn't grow as well as caulerpa. Chaeto also is woven together - and really needs to be tumbled for maximum growth potential. It also has a tendency to collect detritus, and will need to be shaken regularly.
Personally, I would look into those small air powered skimmers that you could fit in the back of the filter. But, I also like macroalgaes as well - so I'm kind of split over that decision. Either way, it's your tank. lol


Well-Known Member
I think it would be pretty cool to get a neon goby. I like the blue stripe, personally. neon gobies clean your other fish. But they also readily accept frozen foods and some flake. Trick is to get one to start eating frozen foods. lol But, they make a very nice addition to a small tank.
For a beginner tank - your coral list sounds pretty good. I personally don't like a lot of soft corals. I like the challenge of growing hard stony coral with a few key pieces of soft coral. Can't really mix too many soft coral with hard coral. For some reason or another - it doesn't work well. Anyways - sounds good to me - as long as you are happy with it. :D


Active Member
ha okay cool, ill see what my lfs has to offer. id really like to get all new equipment to be honest. its all old. i know i need a new heater cuz mine wont turn off. id like a bigger filter as well. the one i have is great but you can never have to much filtration. my new idea is to get a filter with 2 sides. make one a sort of refegium, with live rock rubble and caulerpa. the other side just normal filter pad. wat do you think?


Well-Known Member
Sounds good, lol. Consider adding a polyfilter to the filter side. It will give additional filtration and help suck up toxins, heavy metals, nitrates and phosphates and cleans and polishes your water. Makes your tank cleaner overall. One pad is cuttable - and they last a good while.
With water changes with a good quality salt and the type of filtration you are thinking about getting - I have no reason to believe that you won't have a successful tank.


Have you checked,,, that list to see if someone is selling any liverock out of their tanks?? You may have to drive but out here I see people selling rock and breaking down systems all the time then you could just pick what you want at a much better price,, usually $3 a lb or so...


Active Member
is there an anemone that is small enough or will stay small enough for a long enough time to put in my 10 gallon? id really like to have a pair of false percs and have them host an anemoni. b ut i would also like to have other corals, so a big anemone is probably dangerous with other corals around around for the potential to get stung.


Well-Known Member
lets just see how you do with soft corals first. Then in a year, consider a small pink tip Haitian anemone. The anemone hosts the clowns, not the other way around.
I highly do not recommend anemones for tanks less than 55g.


Active Member
i can handle soft corals just fine, i have many corals in the past and even a couple anemones, im not worried about being able to take care of it. I just dont know if the tank is big enough for both corals and an anemone (one that the clowns will host) and i dont plan on introducing much of anything but live rock for quite a while


Active Member
Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 http:///t/389492/new-10g-nano-ideas-please/40#post_3443331
I highly do not recommend anemones for tanks less than 55g.
well i kind of figured 10 gallons is to small i know they can get big, and move around some so any kind of filtration or powerhead with suction can suck them up and kill them. so i think i just answered my own question and ill probably just stay away from an anemone


Active Member
been looking at my stocking list, would i be able to have 2 false percs and a green clown gobie? thats all i would want. some snails and a cleaner shrimp. ans then pack it with coral and live rock. would that be to much or is that okay?