New 150G Tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by GNorman
.... wouldnt want to be in a QT for 1 and a half months. hehe

:scared: No, no, no,
I'll be gone for 7 days. Not sure where you got 1 and a half months. If that was the case I wouldn't have started this thing until I got back. (Edit: never mind I read it again and you were talking about the clowns being in QT for a month and a half. YES, I'm blonde! But, I'd rather have a fish in QT longer than not long enough.)
As far as Disneyland, my daughters are 8 and 4 years old, so I get to ride all the kids rides and not look silly. :hilarious It's been 13 years since I've been there, so a lot of new stuff to see.


Active Member
here are some pics of our percs. got them on monday and they have already paired off!!

the fish on the right is just the reflection...



Nice job i like it, do you plan on keeping it a community tank?


Active Member
we're going to do a semi-aggressive. a leopard wrasse that will be added before the last fish. some sort of toby puffer ie. fiji orange tail or tongan puffer, female blue throat trigger, emperor angel ( getting is as a juvi ) and a sohal tang. we might end up getting a blond naso from the red sea... im not sure if there is going to be enough space though. its going to go FOWLR so i think... we might be able to do leathers but not sure yet. if they leathers are ok, that will prob be all that we can do in the field of corals


Active Member
Are those panels on the front of your canopy doors? Also how high is your canopy and what kind of lighting do you have?


Active Member
yes the pannels are doors that swing open. they are on little connectors that u can take on and off so it makes it easier to clean. i think our canopy is 15 inches tall. we are running retrofit kits by corallife. 196 watts on each unit and were running two of them. also, we have 3 three wat LEDs for night time


Active Member
Hey, we need updated pics on this tank. ***) How are those three Chromis doing? Are they not a type of Damsel? I was considering getting a few, but then I thought I read they are Damsels and I've heard enough about Damsels to not get any.


Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
Hey, we need updated pics on this tank. ***) How are those three Chromis doing? Are they not a type of Damsel? I was considering getting a few, but then I thought I read they are Damsels and I've heard enough about Damsels to not get any.

The chromis are the friendly alternative to the damsels. We have 4 of them and they get along well with everyone. They are a schooling fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GNorman
yes the pannels are doors that swing open. they are on little connectors that u can take on and off so it makes it easier to clean. i think our canopy is 15 inches tall. we are running retrofit kits by corallife. 196 watts on each unit and were running two of them. also, we have 3 three wat LEDs for night time
I meant are you using metal halides, PCs, T5s? I was wondering because I has planning on making a canopy like yours and I will have T5 lights and was wondering how tall I can make the canopy while still getting good light penetration to the bottom of the tank.


Active Member
we are running PC lighting. the reason - we are doing a FOWLR and we dont really need anything more than PC. all we need is some light to view the tank, i think we already over did it with our light set up but oh well...
i will take some update pictures today....
thanks for the interest and replies


Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
Hey, we need updated pics on this tank. ***) How are those three Chromis doing? Are they not a type of Damsel? I was considering getting a few, but then I thought I read they are Damsels and I've heard enough about Damsels to not get any.
The chromis are the friendly alternative to the damsels. We have 4 of them and they get along well with everyone. They are a schooling fish.
as browniebuck has stated in the above statement, he is correct. the green reef chromis are a peaceful schooling fish that are an alternative to the {devil of a fish} damsels. our 3 green reef chromis are doing well and have now been active in a steady school ever since we got some of our larger show fish. very pretty/active fish that produce very little waste. if you want some definition to your tank i highly recommend these fish. just remember that if you do decide to go with these fish some will die. so, if u want a school of 5...go with 7 or so b.c some fish will die off due to being picked on by the stronger ones. good luck, love your tank, adding some chromis will really put some nice movement into your tank.


Active Member
We want pics! We want pics! We want pics! We want pics! We want pics! We want pics! We want pics! We want pics! We want pics! We want pics! We want pics! We want pics! We want pics! We want pics! We want pics! We want pics! We want pics!


Active Member
hahaha WOW!!! you guys dont know how happy all of these great comments make me feel!
pics are on there way!!!


Active Member
Very nice pics. What's the name of that one on your mag-float, with red squares? Very cool looking. And thanks for the info on the Chromis, think I'll get some when it comes time.