NEW dwarf seahorses!!


Originally Posted by Bronco300
haha, well its a start! sounds its really not that expensive...10gallon complete setup goes for like $30 for the fw type..then just sand rock, hitches, and the seahorses---well nevermind, i'll stop listing, because it'll seem long if i tiem for bed and at work

There is FW seahorse?!


Active Member
no no, but they sell a 10 gallon setup that is FW ready and SW ready...but you dont need the SW version, more expensive too


Active Member
So now I have an empty 10 gallon..hmmmmmm.....what to do with it? :thinking: Would a Eclipse systen be to high of flow for DSH?
, and would 15 gal High be to big for DSH? Since the first plexi glass project went so well, I was considering deviding the 10 gallon up into 4 sections(with a bubbler in each for the BS breeding tank. Actually that would be a really cool idea for a beta tank too! Thank's for that great idea! I had alot of fun yesterday...I wish we had a heated garage~man I get in a lot of trouble if we did!!! I'm the "tool girl" in our house. :happyfish
Any who....The SPS bones arrived intack
I'll mail the check out today. Thanks again for sending it. If you have any more you don't know what to do with, please let me know :happyfish
How's are the new hatchlings doing? How long does it take for a DSH to reach adulthood?(I'm still not sure if I have


Active Member
hahahahaha...a BS breeding tank, you mean brine shrimp? what would you dow tih them? kind of could put a divider the 10 or 14 and put dwarf seahorses in there! you wouldnt need to divide them in half, or at all if you dont want...but the 14 i would some maybe...i made a mini spray bar from my 10gallon tank out of some tubing and my Rio pump...i'm not even sure its working, but i think so....i love doing DIY stuff, always trying to think of things to do, but half the time i dont have stuff or time to do it, or money,lol.
did the sps come ok, no breaks?
i was told today they reach adulthood at 3 months! lol


Active Member
Yep~ no breaks what so ever! Go ol' UPS.
BS breeding tank, giggle I think it was Ophiura that started the BS in a thread that she had responded to me

Wow~ 3 months.... that's neat, but sad too. Their life span must be kinda short.
I would prefer to use a 15 gal high for the DSH tank....I guess anything 10 gal and under makes me feel Closter phobic :scared:
It's hard to go back to any under 55 gallons once you experience it.


Active Member
haha, thats cool, just wasnt sure what you were going to use them for....yea, go with your bigger tank, but youll want to probably divide it part, which can be nice because you can have more flow in the back and push to the front without worrying so much about intakes,etc.
i think the lifespan is around a year or so for em


Active Member
15 gal high it is for the DSH
Now I just gotta figure out the BS breeding cycle. :thinking:
How big does the Kuda get..I read 6-8 inches, is this correct?
Sorry if I am overwhelming you with all my grandios planning~ I have never been good at being reserved/patient...when I plan ideas, sky's the limit...I usally get the hard details latter
I'm trying to work on that....really.
Man is it cold in our basment family room....maybe it would be a good idea to set up my future reef tank down here, I wouldn't need a chiller for it..especially in the winter.
Do you have any other tanks?


Active Member
haha, you're crazy Ryk(which i shall call you from now on, Ryk) i have my 10 gallon dwarf anad 75gallon reef....what are you going to do with the BS breeding cycle? not to feed the dsh
my 75reef


Active Member
Bronco300 said:
haha, you're crazy Ryk(which i shall call you from now on, Ryk) QUOTE]
well....giggle aunt Julene dubbed me Ricki whe I was 6 cause she kept messing up pronoucing my name...Rick-na, you'd think that would be pretty simple-oh well. But Ryk works just fine too



Active Member
Holy cow!!!! I love your reef tank
Man that is one happy sebae anemone!!!! Just WOW all around! How long has it been running, from the happy corals it looks like like at least 2 years


Active Member

Don't worry I had a teacher all 4 years of high school~ he never got it

So Ryk or Ricki works too!! ***)


Active Member
Okay time to finalize the devider. Chloe is going freak out again. I have to cut another inch off the top to get it to fit.....
Should I tank the SH out while I do this....I don't want to stress him will take at least 20 minutes to put it in and put back the LR. What do you think? :thinking:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
lolol, my name doesnt look anything like that though! was good for a laugh. At least people can pronouce your's!! You don't even want to get into how many ways people have tried to say Rykna
But I like Ryk! That'll be just about Lu?
jk... :happyfish


Active Member
You've certainly have had your share of good luck with you DSH's. How big are the new hatchlings now? :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
Okay time to finalize the devider. Chloe is going freak out again. I have to cut another inch off the top to get it to fit.....
Should I tank the SH out while I do this....I don't want to stress him will take at least 20 minutes to put it in and put back the LR. What do you think? :thinking: