NEW dwarf seahorses!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
lol, you mean you're not done!?! at least take some pics...well maybne you have, i'll check out your thread
okay...hang on a sec :happyfish maybe if I use a scissor to seperate my fingers it will go quicker :thinking: naaaa probably not


Active Member
Okay, I think I got the worst of the super glue off. Bad news is that I am only half way done.
I hope to finish it tomorrow, untill then I have been using a smaller shell for a food dish.
ANy more pics of the little sweet peas? :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
pay in corals
I'm in!!! I got tons of striated mushrooms to frag, and my corky finger that is growing like a weed. I have a 10 gallon I need to set up for fraging. As for the corn.....I think that is best left in the field
and if you want to harvest stones from lake superior in the winter be my guest
I'll even tie a rope on you, but it will take awhile to thaw you out!

I'll take your corals!! But, I'm not instructor certified...I'm only up to rescue cert.
You'd be surprised how cool freshwater diving can be!! Yeah, it's colder and the visibility can be quite a challenge sometime, but that kinda adds to the fun.
The place where my family and I certified through offers certifications year round, winter part one and spring and summer part two...AND extremely reasonable price-wise, you'll not find a better price anywhere!! My HB actually organizes the part one for people at the school that he teaches at because they have a swimming pool.
Let me know if you're cereal about getting certified.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
your little feeding station looks great, i cant believe you got your fingers that goofed up and youre only half done! lolol


Originally Posted by TeresaQ
I wish they would start a seahorse forum. I asked several months ago, but they said no. It would be much easier to keep track of who has them and whats going on with them.
Start your own website about seahorses, I can help, I am a web designer and I have the forum programs. Let me know.
BTW Awesome PICS and seahorses, Bronco. I'm getting interested in doing a seahorse tank for my kid's room.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
your little feeding station looks great, i cant believe you got your fingers that goofed up and youre only half done! lolol
Thanks!! I think it will work great when it's finished, as for the glue...Let's just say I had a little distraction/input...she's 5, cute, and oppinionated! :happyfish


Active Member
I think I am going to use the dish I just made. It will serve 2 just fine!!
Then when the one you sent me arrives I can use that for a second feeding station


Active Member
I'm going to use both!
I might build a food dish into the one your sending, but I haven't made up my mind yet.