NEW dwarf seahorses!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
and look at these!!!! they decided to all sleep together tonight,lol

I LOVE those pictures. After I get my 37gal cleaned up, set up, and ready to go again, I'm putting seahorses in it. How cool are they?
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna got another person hooked Bronco!!!
Yeah, in a way he did. The plan for my 37 gal has been seahorses, and seeing these pictures pretty much cements that decision. Awesome!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Waiting
Been meaning to comment on this: Amazing tank! I love the picture of the yellow seahorse in post 75, staring right at the camera. I'd love to get seahorses one day, but I don't think I could ever take care of them properly. :/

thanks! It's a blast to have can do it, youjust have to have dedication to the feeding schedule....once i got started now its pretty easy going, just need that time frame and dedication, i love em!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
Probably in 2-3 weeks...Gotta becareful with my fun money...$50 bucks a month....I got plenty of store credit, and a few left over i'll have to go through my fish stuff and see what more I'll need to buy. I'm also putting money aside to buy the little guy a lady friend on my birthday in may. I'm hoping to get a sunburst mustang.
I went out to the craft store today and got the shells for the feeding station. If I can manage to get an hour to myself......which is not likely. I'll have wait until wednesday when the boss is at school

whew, 50/month is pretty good....that'll be nice to get him a little friend! It really doesnt cost that much to get a hatchery going..the two funnels i have only cost a couple dollars each, the enrichment tanks were like 5...which would could get away cheaper...decapped bbs is about 12 or so dollars for 8oz....then your enrichments whichever you decide to go with, and aiirpumps....etcetcetc


Active Member
i'm tellin ya there is nothign like having seahorses...never had bigger ones besides what we've had in the store, but these guys are SO MUCH FUN to wouldnt think so with how they usually dont do that much, but they are! No reason not to have em, then we can maybe get a seahorse forum too
oh and thanks for the comments, i love those pics too...well, i love all of them, but i'm biased,lol
anyone else have comments?


Active Member
I love 'em too. My dream as a SCUBA diver is to some day find a seahorse in the ocean while diving...hasn't happened yet. My next chance will be in March when we go to Cozumel again. I would love to have some at home to take care of.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Hey, have at it. These 2 hobbies go hand in was definitely SCUBA that got me interested in starting a SW tank...I can clearly see the dive...the tiniest boxfish and an equally tiny trigger playing over the corals. I totally fell in love.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
I wish they would start a seahorse forum. I asked several months ago, but they said no. It would be much easier to keep track of who has them and whats going on with them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
i'll trade you seahorses for certification!!!

DUDE!!!!!ME TOO!!!! Me too!!!! :joy: :happyfish I took scuba classes in college, but never got certified.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TeresaQ
I wish they would start a seahorse forum. I asked several months ago, but they said no. It would be much easier to keep track of who has them and whats going on with them.
Me TOO!!!! I asked about a week or so ago.....they said to use the fish forum

Personally I think it would be awesome, cause like you said it would be a lot easier to keep track of the threads
Who would be the best monitor to ask? Beth? :notsure:


Active Member
haha, ok, lisa and her daughter are scuba ...people,lol...who live in WI...rykna lives in MN, i live in IN...sounds pretty fair that we meet up in WI and get taught scuba lessons! i have family in WI so no probs :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
iw ish i could...i think here in indiana there isnt much to see,lol
Yeah, I know what you mean!!! Green and more green and some more geen..oh yah and panfish.
Cute little fish, especiall baby sunfish. I had a whole school of the curious youngsters nipping on my legs last summer! :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
haha, ok, lisa and her daughter are scuba ...people,lol...who live in WI...rykna lives in MN, i live in IN...sounds pretty fair that we meet up in WI and get taught scuba lessons! i have family in WI so no probs :happyfish

Yeaaaaaaaaaah!!!! WOoooooohoooooo. That would rock!! My parents live in Viroqua WI. They might be willing to host a few guests :happyfish
Man that would be awesome!!!!! I told my husband there is No way that we are going back to the Dominican Republic(gift from my parents for 10th anniversary) with out scuba certifications!!!!
I guess without getting to far ahead of myself/ and in efforts to hold back the exuberant 10 year in me....I'm trying to say that I would be very interested in following that up


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
haha, i dont even think indiana has green! lol
Uh ho..... :notsure: what does it have???
I've been swimming in Lake Superior(not much in there except stones)....for all of 10 minutes.My father in law had to help pull me out cause my legs got so cold they weren't responding. We were having a family vaction at the Olson Cabin. I dared Brian and his 3 siblengs to jump in. We got great photos of the shock...I was the only one who managed to stay in :happyfish
Sorry, I am getting off subject here


Active Member
lol...we have corn...but i tried putting that in my tank once...and it didnt work, i couldnt understand it....maybe your stones would be better,lol :notsure:
now for miss lisa to agree to teach,lol...we can pay in corals


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
lol...we have corn...but i tried putting that in my tank once...and it didnt work, i couldnt understand it....maybe your stones would be better,lol :notsure for miss lisa to agree to teach,lol...we can pay in corals!
pay in corals
I'm in!!! I got tons of striated mushrooms to frag, and my corky finger that is growing like a weed. I have a 10 gallon I need to set up for fraging. As for the corn.....I think that is best left in the field
and if you want to harvest stones from lake superior in the winter be my guest
I'll even tie a rope on you, but it will take awhile to thaw you out!