NEW dwarf seahorses!!


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Originally Posted by Bronco300
you're not going to cut it while its in the tank are you?
....heavens no!!!! But I will have to take out some LR and do some rearranging. I'm mostly worried about Chloe throwing a fit again and taking out on the little guy. I was think of putting hime in the 10 gallon while I did the changes. I think it would be less stress for the little guy that way.


Active Member
Ah Duuuuuuuuh George
!!! Put the SH in small bucket....while youre cleaning tank, and while you're at it feed the feed SH. Daaaaa...Sure thing Boss ..huck huck


Active Member
ohhh tyes because the clowns are in there...haha, forgot...yea, just put em in a container and do the job quick


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Originally Posted by TeresaQ

hum, have you not given that baby a name yet.

Not sure what to name little cutesy woogums!! I usually don't name any thing until it's been around for 2 months in the salt tank..., I'll have to think about it :thinking: I got the divider in and everybody is back on their own sides. Chloe is pissed and was nipping tenaciously on my hands as I cleaned the tank. I suppose I deserve it. These 2 days have been very trying on the fish. After I clean up I'll post pics


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
haha, why 2 months, because you know you havent killed it yet?
haha get some full tank pics up there
Hmmmmm that's a sad thought. Even as a salt newbie I new better when not to push my luck....I have read a lot of sad stories from the newbie forum.
Hmmmmm......what to name him...well....he kinda reminds me of a refined british gentlemen, the way he kinda strolls about the tank. Or maybe a noble knight's name like Valiant...I like that.....


Active Member
I don't think I'll ask my daughter though. The last time Aria picked a name it was for her daddy's car....she named it "Sparkles".


Active Member
How are the grandkids? Valiant has been cruising around again today...he's been hunting pods on the LR. Man that is a hard way to fill your stomach!! Can you imagine how many pods we'd have to eat to fill up? :happyfish


Active Member
thanks for the comments!!! It's gettin a little overbearing right now...i lost a seahorse a yesterday, but things are getting better in that tank...while i'm trying to focus on my reef tank and cleaning that up some...i'm going through water like no tomorrow so i better get an RO system...what worries me is never being able to really go anywhere, my lady is definitely someone who needs to see family...and so that means weekends up north, so not sure what to do there...not many people we know around this area yet, bnut i enjoy em a ton, fun to watch swim around and eat


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
How are the grandkids? Valiant has been cruising around again today...he's been hunting pods on the LR. Man that is a hard way to fill your stomach!! Can you imagine how many pods we'd have to eat to fill up? :happyfish

if you can imagine eating pods....where is the smiley that pukes


Active Member
Sorry to hear about the little guy
I hope everyone else is for some time off, I wish I could babysit for you. I guess you could UPS them here for the week end

I'm not sure what Valiant would think, but I bet he would like the company!!!


Active Member
thanks, i think the rest are doing well as far as i can tell, i've done a water change, feedin em like i should, tank looks good i think....did you see the vids of my clowns in the other diary thread?


Active Member
I didn't watch the vids, but the pics are awesome. I go throught the thread agian and find them
That is one awesome sebea..are those false percs?