NEW dwarf seahorses!!


Active Member
yea, whats it to ya!!! :mad: haha...i broke down and got something fake..i wanted to see how well they would change colors--so i got those two things


Active Member
lol, congrats wax on pickin em out! lol
no i didnt use live rock, everything was boiled before going into the tank to make sure it was clean and safe of hydroids.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
yea, whats it to ya!!! :mad: haha...i broke down and got something fake..i wanted to see how well they would change colors--so i got those two things


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
lol, congrats wax on pickin em out! lol
no i didnt use live rock, everything was boiled before going into the tank to make sure it was clean and safe of hydroids.
I was just wondering, thanks for the answer, when I was researching them a while ago a lot of different sources pointed out the danger in using live rock with dwarf seahorses, and I like getting as many sources for info and expiriences as possible.


Active Member
welp i finally got my dwarf("bird") feeder ready...basically a place for pods to hang out, and crawl out everywhere, so the dwarf seahorses can hover around to eat...and also i'll have just a couple pegs to put in so they can latch somewhat, what do ya think?



Active Member
there was a tube we had laying around here, and i was going to drill it, but then a friend offered to do it because he likes working with acrylic so he did the drilling for me....just need a tube and a drill


Active Member
well there is an 8oz bottle for 12.95...the bottle is good for 5 all depends on how much you have to feed...i think i went through a bottle in 2 months or so.
thanks flpriest, i love em, they are very fun to have, and as much as there is work to it, it doesnt take much after you get it down


Active Member
haha, you're welcome, theyre a blast...just make sure you research, they take a lot more special requirments than other seahorses...i can help out if ya ever need.


Active Member
Hey Bronco,
Great pics of your horses!!
I bought a really cool gorgonian coral this past weekend figuring that I would use that in my sh tank eventually...looked like a great place for horses to hitch. It's in my reef tank for now. I'll attach a pic of that. I noticed that you mentioned having a gorgo in your do you manage the flow. I've read that gorgonians prefer higher flow (horses, lower flow).
Also, any suggestions as far as managing flow in the tank is very much appreciated.
Lisa :happyfish
Here's my gorgo...


Active Member
thats a beautiful gorg lisa!!! mine was fine with my tank, but then started going downhill because my lighting wasnt enough--maybe frag it and have two?