Originally Posted by
more like 6 cubes...my guys are pigs, and there is NEVER any left over...I also feed scallops directly to the crabs and anemones
Stock..LOL...I have a sailfin, yellow and blue hippo tang, 2 ocellaris clowns, 2 pajama cardinals, blue yellow tail damsel, pseudochromis, coral beauty, flame angel, bi-color blennie, lawn mower blennie, sleep banded bulelt, mandarin, 2 green chromis,
I am sure I am forgetting someone....LOL...I have MANY snails, conch, emerald crabs, brittle stars, serpent stars, BTA anemone, pink tube anemone, purple anemone, corals....corals....more corals....sally light foot crab, peppermint shrimp....gsp, leathers
I have API basic kits, Salifert calcium, & ALK tests,,,api phosphate.....PH...etc...etc....
P.S. I have NO LFS to take my water to

WAY too much food!:
tangs: 3x3" algae sheet per tang per day. cubes shouldn't even be factored into their diet except for the amount they take from the other fish. In other words anything they get from the cubes are secondary (and unneccesarry for health)and they should only be factored in regards to the other fish who need it not getting enough of it since they will inevitably eat a bunch of it. algae sheets should be their staple.
2 ocellaris clowns, 2 pajama cardinals, blue yellow tail damsel, pseudochromis, 2 green chromis: all these fish combined could survive fine on a cube every OTHER day. you'd only have to feed more for what the tangs and other fish would get before they did.
coral beauty, flame angel: a tank that size (225g right) NOTHING! grazing and scraps that fall their way from the other fish feeding will be enough. if they are aggressive eaters they will get their share. If they arent no matter how much food you dump in wont make much difference to them.
bi-color blennie, lawn mower blennie: see tangs except 1"x2" per fish. fang and midas blennies are the only kind anything other than algae should be considered as staple/neccessary.
sleep banded bulelt, mandarin: if they are eating prepared blow a little food directly in their direction with a turkey bayster daily. if they arent eating prepared then let the tank sustain them (with 225g and all thats been fed daily so far its probably likely they both could survive easily with no direct feeding).
I am sure I am forgetting someone....LOL...I have MANY snails, conch, emerald crabs, brittle stars, serpent stars, BTA anemone, pink tube anemone, purple anemone, corals....corals....more corals....sally light foot crab, peppermint shrimp....gsp, leathers: Feed NOTHING! the clean up is there for just that. if food is required there's too much clean up. corals should be fed NOTHING in all but prestine tanks where feeding wont deteriorate water quality and then it may or may not be helpful but never neccessary if there are eating fish in the system. During phosphate issues not even anemone's should be fed and if you do target feed each one once or twice a week.
From the stock you listed I'd be feeding a cube a day with two 3x3" algae sheets clipped on each side of the tank and perhaps occasional direct feeding the BTA a single scrap of krill,silveride or something.
I missed it but what kind of skimmer are you running currently and how much space do you have? ETSS sump buddy 60 and aquaC EV series skimmers come to mind for high capacity skimmers that fit in small places (internal) but they require hefty pumps as will virtually any small skimmer thats designed for high capacity as they will inevitably end up being some sort of downdraft, beckett, spray injection or true venturi injector style skimmer. any pin/needle wheel skimmer that can do a 225g will be comparatively large though I dont know what kind of space your working with. there may be a few sump saver/pump under skimmer designs that are suitable such as octopus SRO-3000 if it will fit or you could make due with several smaller SICCE 2500 or bubble blaster 2000 powered skimmers with pump under the skimmer that may fit easier but are a little undersized but workable (ex: Octopus XP-2000SSS=super sump saver, SWC xtreme 180 cone, aquamaxx AM200S which is a warner marine designed, stolen I should say, Octopus/SWC extreme 160 ect). As far as I'm concerned these are fine for a 225g underdemanding mixed reef that isn't overly stocked even with the hardier SPS and acro's and dont have large footprints.