hawk fish

goodwin9 can you please send me an email telling me where you orderd thoes rays from want to get some for my new 150 gallon tank thanks
*Email Removed*


Goodwin... Sorry this post is outta context.
CLYDE is awesome! What type of octo is he? What are water paramaters? How big is the tank, what do you use as a cover? etc etc etc... I'm very very interested!!!!

shark bait

Pilot fish are another cool school fish in the right tank. Her is a group of 5 on a 800g.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kevin34
What size tank are your shark and rays in?
The tank is 48L X 36W X 29H, a little over 200 gallons. There is very little rock except for a cave for the shark.


I am quite jealous,..
i skimmed the thread and couldnt find demensions,.. would you mind??
I am quite interested in starting a shark tank and want to start with some ideas

Keep it up, all your tanks are amazing!


Active Member
The tank is 48L X 36W X 29H, a little over 200 gallons. There is very little rock except for a cave for the shark.

shark bait

Yea that works, however I have found that sharks like to long swims around the tank at times and a tank that is 84x30x24 works well in the long run the foot print is what is the main object here. truth be told it is not a big deal to have a short tank and the LXW is the main factor. I have seen cat sharks do well in a 180g 72x24x24 but i would make sure you have a good foot print.
some people on the site have had smaller tanks in the first year but a cat shark is born about 6" and will hit 12-14" the first year. so room is needed for the sahark to turn and not bump things. Rounded edges are also a good idea.
Good luck with this it is a very cool to have a pup and rewarding.


Originally Posted by psusocr1
The tank is 48L X 36W X 29H, a little over 200 gallons. There is very little rock except for a cave for the shark.

shark bait

Originally Posted by psusocr1
sharkbait do you have sharks or keep any?
I do why do you ask?

shark bait

I was on E something dot com and a guy has a tank for sale and it was realy small 90g and he had a Black tim in it that he caught in the Gulf and then put it back when it was to big. Ough, that pisses me off. but cool Shark.


Active Member
shark bait I do why do you ask?
i would love to see pictures.. its laways cool to see pics of other hobbyist keeping sharks

shark bait

maybe I should invest in the internet phone bizz, I need more free time to on something that awsome. Hey, jellyfish tank soon???