shark bait

good looking shark, nice size. A good photo to show people that a tank 24x24 is to small.


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltfish123
what temp. is your tank at
and how did you intice the rays to eat i thought they were reluctant to feed at first..
I keep the temperature around 72 degrees. When I fist introduced them, I fed them live feeder shrimp, but I must have gotten lucky as they ate frozen too right off the bat. I still treat them to live shrimp once a month.


Originally Posted by goodwin9
This tank currently has 2 California rays, 1 Yellow Alantic Yellow Spot Ray, 1 Blue Spot Ribbon Tail ray & a Black Marble Banded Cat shark.
Are these fish going to live in this tank their entire lives or will you move them


Active Member
Awsome tank goodwin. Arnt all of these like 20 tanks you have getting to you? Or you still find time for them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltfish123
Are these fish going to live in this tank their entire lives or will you move them
I guess it will depend up how big they get. I have a friend that will take them to the zoo in Omaha when they out grow my tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TriGa22
Awsome tank goodwin. Arnt all of these like 20 tanks you have getting to you? Or you still find time for them.
Not really if I keep to a schedule. Cleaning the tanks does get old if I skip a cleaning. I love acrylic tanks, but they are a bear to clean if you let them go. Water testing once a week can get to be a bore and takes time. Otherwise they are a lot of fun to work.


Active Member
Originally Posted by shark bait
Looks cool that ray is very active.
All of the lights came on about an hour ago, they know it is getting close to feeding time at 8PM The shark should start roaming out of his cave shortly. Can be quite a feeding frenzy when the food hits the tank.


Originally Posted by goodwin9
I have finally gotten the live web cam set up on this tank. You can view the tank by going to the following temporary link;
That is sweet thank you for sharing....i have a quick ? i just got a banded bamboo shark about three days ago,he has not came out at all he's hiding in the live rock i can see him move evey know and then but hasnt came out to swim at all and hes not coming out to eat?????/whats the best thing i can do to try and get him to come out and eat,i was able to get him to eat when he was acclimating but havent seen him eat sence,some advice would be every greatfull thank you


Active Member
Originally Posted by goingpoor
That is sweet thank you for sharing....i have a quick ? i just got a banded bamboo shark about three days ago,he has not came out at all he's hiding in the live rock i can see him move evey know and then but hasnt came out to swim at all and hes not coming out to eat?????/whats the best thing i can do to try and get him to come out and eat,i was able to get him to eat when he was acclimating but havent seen him eat sence,some advice would be every greatfull thank you
I guess my first question is what are you feeding him? What other fish are in the tank with him? Mine likes frozen krill & frozen silversides. Mine won't eat frozen clams or squid. My shark does spend most of the day in the cave, but is out as soon as the food hits the water.


Originally Posted by goodwin9
I guess my first question is what are you feeding him? What other fish are in the tank with him? Mine likes frozen krill & frozen silversides. Mine won't eat frozen clams or squid. My shark does spend most of the day in the cave, but is out as soon as the food hits the water.
I feed him silversides and squid when he was acclimating and he did eat but has not came out sence ive put him in tank i watched and waited till 1:00 in morning but no sign of him i can see him moving back in the rocks but thats all,the other fish i have are hippo tang, orange shoulder tang, niger trigger couple of clowns and some chromis and a few other little fish when feeding time comes around its like a feeding frenzy with all my other fish but no sign of him ive been shoving food down into the rocks where he is at but not sure hes getting it im just worried he might not be eating

here is a picture of him acclimating

here is a pitcure of all that ive just about got to see of him sence hes went into my tank (his tail)



Active Member
not to sound mean but the trigger has to go since he will killy our shark. This could be a reasonw hy he is hiding and not coming out because he is afraid of that particular fish. Also the bamboos do hide alot if they arent used to their environment at first. try feeding him at night since they are nocturnal hunters by nature, also if he doesnt eat for a good period of time i would consider taking him out and putting him n his ownt ank to try and feed him or you might run into some serious issues
you also want to make sure you dont have any stinging corals iny our tank tat will really hurt him like hammers and frogspawns etc. etc. one your shark dpoes get around to eat you will find that he is horrible for a reef tank since he will eventually jst knock all of your rock around and also knock all of your corals aroud wheh smimming...


i know this may be a little out of line, but i have to know how much money you have exhausted on this hobby, i agree i would do the same if i had it but you have to have 70 thousand wrapped up in all this, i guess you would pay the same for a sports car hahah