Nike's 34g DSA Neo-Nano


Active Member
i also got confirmation that these things multiply fast with feeding. a guy local to me has over 30 polyps in under a year


Active Member
Speg, my toxic lavas melted, i found some huge amphipods on them at night. I'll be waiting for another frag locally it seems.
As for the tank, my ballast went out on my t5's and so i'm borrowing a friends 250w mh pendant. my tank only went up from 79.5 to 80.5 so looks like i'll be making the switch to a 250w radium soon


Originally Posted by nikeSB
it was the pods, it was nuts. they seem to only affect my PE's
Remember a while back I had some green zoas disappear........And I said could it be pods and everyone said NOOOOOOOOOO... Well no other zoas ever got affected, and I saw LOTS of pods back then too


Active Member
Originally Posted by nikeSB
it was the pods, it was nuts. they seem to only affect my PE's
mike from sexycorals just posted that a bunch of pods killed his chalices...he has a link up to a site that talks about "killer pods"


Active Member
I hate being the only one on these forums with those zoas. Maybe I can give you one of mine if reefpets can't get you another :)


Active Member
Ive got a source locally, dont worry about it :p once i get a wrasse to kill these suckers ill get another frag. Also, i'm at a toss up between chris's 299$ led pendant vs a radium 250w set up. the pendant looks sweet man. someone local just ordered one, so ill be checking it out. the par numbers look good


Active Member
I want one..I wanted it more when he was offering it at 270...
It's a really good price. I looked into it and I cant even DIY one for cheaper than that.


Active Member
damn interceptor sounds good about now, but i have like 30+ inverts, one of them being my purple porcelain thats HUGE


Active Member
they are. it was too sweet of a deal to pass up. ATI's are absolutely at the top when it comes to t5. btw meowzer, when you replaced your ballast for your fixture, were they using a weird connector for the spliced wires?


LOL...The ballast they sent us was a little different too.....shape wise.....but it also worked....
what size is your light yo uare getting rid of?