Nike's 34g DSA Neo-Nano


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I think they still look pretty cool. Theyve morphed because he switched lighting systems. As you can see from my pics, theyre super green now. As I also experienced, his lost the green color under brighter lighting


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currently im using a cpr bak pak and the pump is 1" from the water surface so its sklimming well still. I do plan on upgrading to a swc 120, more likely the 160


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nah i dont feed them at all, the toxic lavas morphed this past week though. i will try to get a good picture, been a bit busy


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Originally Posted by Reef Champ
What are the most important things to test for when keeping these types of corals? besides nitrates being 0
Realistically, everything. Everything should be checked to make sure they're at the correct levels.


Active Member
speg is correct, i hardly check mine but im sure my phosphates are low because my sps clue me in to whats going on with my tank. the best way is to keep phosphates and nitrates low while continuing to provide fish poo. you have to find the balance and your colors will explode!
brown sps = high phosphates
fading colors but not brown = not enough nutrients
currently im experiencing fading colors after my mccoskers wrasse decided to carpet surf. with only one fish in there, the colors are starting to fade quick and this has only been 1 week. I will be adding fishes next week and i will report back on how they color back up.

reef champ

haha but what do you mean by everything? I mean i know nitrate, ph, calcium, alkalinity... does anyone have any good reading on keeping SPS ? I could ask questions all day. I've been using spring water in my tank but I'm about to purchase an RO/DI and a protein skimmer and start using salt that lowers nitrates. I'm hoping to get some SPS frags within the next month


Active Member
definately make a switch to ro/di asap then wait a couple of weeks and let your system get stable paramters. ph should be around 8.3, calcium 420-480, alk 8-9 dkh (work your way down to 7-8 over time as your nutrients lessen), keep nitrates at 0

reef champ

Yeah I didn't really understand how important RO/DI is until I started researching it. Do you feed anything else to the SPS or the zoo's that you have? Or do you just supplement calcium and alk? Also what is the importance of magnesium? Thanks alot for all the info


Active Member
magnesium is important because it helps stablize alk and calcium since they work together. i broadcast feed rod's reef food 2x per week at night


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heres the color im getting from the toxic lavas now. best color yet i've seen from them, and yes true colors


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So yeah, been feeding mysis.............
I've got one baby that just started to open and another forming.
I'll try to get a pic of the baby in a few days when it gets a bit larger.