Ordered new corals


Active Member
I got the 3rd on off and put it on the same plug as the other 2. We will see how things go as I used less superglue, but it got all over the place. I might have glued one of them shut.
I cannot find the still camera so I took a video of the duncans almost all open. They seem to like their new home now that they are glued down to the rock and the urchin cannot push them around anymore.


they will open much bigger than that the more comfortable they get.


Active Member
Wow, guess I never updated this. The little frag plug that had the 3 heads of the multi color zoos on it had issues a long time ago. The 2 heads that were connected together didnt stick to the frag plug. I have no idea if they are alive in the tank somewhere, but I doubt it. That left the solo zoa head on the frag plug. The wife and I were watching and watching and watching for like ever wondering when a new head will sprout. In the meantime, the blue tubbs have overgrown their frag plug and have attached themselves to the rock. Well, I have good news. The solo head has sprouted a baby. I will post a pic as soon as I get it off the camera.
