OT: getting to know the people behind the posts


Hey, Hairtrigger........yes, its an olive seasnake taken on the northern great barrier reef in Australia. I took a small group of divers on a liveaboard trip and was just showing some of the divers the seasnake. Yes the're very poisonous, but not aggressive at all.
I've always advocated not touching anything underwater, but will occassionally to show newer divers some new creatures.
divedog :D


whoa, this has got to be the longest post in the history of SWF.com......lets keep it going, now where is that thread about how people thought of their name???, i must've missed that one


Active Member
divedog... I hear those live aboards are great. I have never been on one... I sometimes get seasick. Yeah yeah, I know. But, they sound like a blast. And I hear there are things I could take. Man, I just finished up my search and rescue cert. I can't wait to hit the water again. And look at all the things I can't fit in my tank. Now... if I could only fit in my tank....... :D


reeflooker, the deepest I have ever dove is 121ft on air at the Hudson Grotto which is a gigantic sink hole. At that deapth it was freezing and even with two lights I could barely read my computer. That is pretty much the deepest you can dive around here. The deepest I have been in the Gulf was 90ft and that was about 18 mi out. I have also ben to about 90ft on the east coast when I went lobstering in Jupiter this past summer(that wa with nitrox). Now that I am Nitrox certified I am going to try to find a place to go deeper.
As for this post, AWSOME!! I think the sponge post was 485 posts long, but only had like 1200 views.

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Here's my wife and I before we were married... and yes she is supportive of my addiction... I mean hobby... which of course was a prerequisite before taking the plunge...


Brooklyn Johnny, are you and your wife Greek?? Definatly look it and I do have to say that you are a lucky man, she is beautiful!

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
I am 100 % Italian. My 4 grandparents were/are Italian immigrants... actually 3 Sicilian and one from Napoli... surprise surprise an Italian from Brooklyn I know... :D I then grew up in North Jersey (Passaic County) and now we live in Northern Virginia.
My wife I met five years ago when I was an exchange student in Ecuador/Galapagos Islands... I liked my semester there so much I then graduated and put off real life and spent almost 2 years. We were married a year and a half ago and are now 25... we like walks on the beach and... :D JK... Thank you for the compliment... I know she is and I would not have gotten married so young in life if she wasn't the best looking girl I had seen despite living 3 years in a frat house :D Oh and one more important thing... she looked beautiful sober too :D


hairtrigger....... liveaboards are the only way to go if you can. All you do is dive, eat, and sleep, not necessarily in that order. You can dive as much or as little as you want. I know what you mean about being hesitant about staying on a liveaboard for a week, but I've taken a lot of people on them for the first time and they very rarily get seasick. I took some new divers on the Nekton Pilot out of Lauderdale in August. They were really worried about getting sick, but they didn't and now they want to go back next year. You ought to give it a try.
divedog :cool:
Wow! I can't believe this page is still up! Ok, here are some ebtter pics of me... I couldn't decide which one was best so you get to see them all. Be careful not to faint :D


Active Member
Brooklyn what is that? A great white? Thats easily 16 feet long....
Did you catch? and with what cannon?


Active Member
thought he was your dad- im just messin with ya:D but i wont comment on the hotness thought seing as i dont swing that way:rolleyes:


Here are a few more for your viewing pleasure.
A rose is a rose is The Rose (this one was here before, but got "jacked")

McCovey Cove, here it comes (I think it's in the cheeks)

I breaka your legs, yes?

Vinny DelPino


Dave's Not Here


Michael Rappaport

I need help with the others (especially Jillian). If you have any suggestions, please let me know.
For those of you that wonder which post has been viewed the most, do this:

for number of replies use "number of replies" instead of "number of views"
If any of you don't like what I have done with your photo, email me and I will take it down.
Brooklyn Johnny,
I too am of Italian descent. Grandparents are from Cosenza, Campana, and Scalia.
BTW, does anyone know how this post got 5 stars and none of the others have any?


Active Member
brooklyn johnny, dude i cought that same fish a while back, he was a fighter, let me tell ya!:D ;) good ole universal studios....i mean....south africa...damn, i just blew the whistle on myslef!
and yeah shes a cutie dude!
good luck
keep the pics coming!
his name is Eric and he used to work at the Whataburger next to the dog track in LaMarque. Ring any bells? He now works at one of the Whataburgers in Galveston where we live. And as for me, I have no job :( Then again, that's not THAT bad a thing...:)