Pics of my new 533 gallon tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by fastazzr1
grumpy, no....not yet
its a reeflo pumps about 4500 gph.
rebel and cyclops....thanx and i will.

I trust you are planning to? If I had to pick one thing I like the most, auto top off has to be it!


im for sure going to do that....i use to add water to my 135 manually every going to love the auto feature.


Originally Posted by larryndana
amazing start, can't wait to see it with fish.
thanx larry....i cant wait either..


Active Member
Just a thought : 533 gallon tank with water = over 500,000 lbs in water weight ! More if adding LR ... That is sooo sick !! Looks like it's gonna be an awesome tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Ice4Ice
Just a thought : 533 gallon tank with water = over 500,000 lbs in water weight ! More if adding LR ... That is sooo sick !! Looks like it's gonna be an awesome tank.

Redo your math.


Active Member
i believe i read a book that stated a rough estimate of 10 times the gallons, so this would be 5330lb....can't remember if that is everything included or not.
heck, i could just be making it up.....althought it seems like i read it.
eh, yeah just bypass this post, lol.


i was told that water weighs 7 pounds a gallon....if true then thats only 3731 lbs....thats not bad...but that stan i have will hold it with no problem....


Active Member
well what i meant was....with everything....tank, water, stand, lights, rock, and sand(i wasn't sure if it was everything, but i think it is). a rough estimate is 10 times the gallons. i'm gonna find that book and see if i'm correct....
doesn't really matter.
can't wait to see some more pics.


ok....the stand is finally the wood top on and also added some rubber footings to protect the floor(didnt want to chance it). i'll be setting the tank on top tomorrow...



Active Member
btw i just noticed a problem with this whole set up...
its not in my house

goodness this is going to look great!


Active Member
I love projects like this, congrat on the new tank!.
I kinda scanned the postings to see if this was mentioned, hope this comment is not a repeat. What type of plywood are you using, I hope that it's sealed or you could run into swelling and wood rot. Even using a good thick coat of enamel would help.


Active Member
Very nice. But as I'm looking at the beautiful skimmer, I'm having nightmares of what happens if it goes out? Man, really no room to do any PM in there if something goes wrong.. But yes, I did read that you were able to pull the sump out the one side, but all that for just replacing the pump on the ASM. But hey....VERY NICE...


Originally Posted by maxalmon
I love projects like this, congrat on the new tank!.
I kinda scanned the postings to see if this was mentioned, hope this comment is not a repeat. What type of plywood are you using, I hope that it's sealed or you could run into swelling and wood rot. Even using a good thick coat of enamel would help.
thanx for the tip....getting some sealant today before the tank goes up.
and salfin, theres enough room to do just looks tight....but thanx for the comments.


Active Member
WOW! Very nice!
Looks like you already have some fish in your refuge, is that a lion?
Goodwin should chime in here, as he has the same size tank I believe. (well, not the same dimensions, but about the same gallons)