Picture Diary


Active Member
haha, i'll see what i can find...lights out for now but if nothing else i can get it tomorrow...when i fhad some in my 40 it was really awesome, had sweet metallic colors...i dont know if i have any right now but cactus algae is cool too..nice green algae, not a bad one..looks like a type of cactus...if yuou look at the last pic right below the other algae there are a few green cacti


Active Member
Wow, that stuff is too cool!! I love the cactus algae too...and what is that that looks like a frog fish? It itsn't a frog fish, is it?


Active Member
i tell ya what lisa, you pay me $1 for my time and pay for shipping i'll round up a ton of that algae and some cactus if i can get it...not sure if it dies when picked off..will have to try it out and see


Active Member
OK then, the light green thing to the right of the cool algae...excuse me, I have a very creative imagination. It looks like a light green colored frog fish. I can even seen it's eye...what is it really?


Active Member
Hmmmm...tell me the truth, does it look like a frog fish to you too, or is that just my imagination...again


Active Member
lol, hard to say otherwise, i already know what it is!!
"well take an overview"
"you want me to take an overview?"
I see a very cheap man trying to get away with something, thats my overview......hahahaha....ah seinfeld


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Cool looking tank Luke,
In the last picture, what is that at the very top of the picture? Is that a hammer coral of some kind? I like it...
That's my purple blade


Active Member
The cactus algae is cool. I haven't seen a full pic of your reef tank in a while. Can you post one?


Active Member
what are you talking about ryk, i just posted one yesterday! lol, use the scroll lady!
i cleaned up the sand bed of frags etc so it looks much better!


Active Member
my point is that you know not what you have.... How can you appreciate what you have without knowing what it is lol... by the way, that plant will consume calcium faster than most sps corals... just an fyi... also called the money plant, since it looks like coins connected together...
tank is looking great luke, been a while since I have seen it...


Active Member
oh man you are asking for it, they are also called a cactus plant thank you....i think...haha....and maybe thats why my sps has not been looking as great...bout time you helped around here!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
oh man you are asking for it, they are also called a cactus plant thank you....i think...haha....and maybe thats why my sps has not been looking as great...bout time you helped around here!!!

I love how you put I think in that post buddy...lol


New Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
these are from a while back..but thought id add them
VERY cool tank, marvelous!